Shift to the left of the leukocyte formula. Blood test

Shift to the left of the leukocyte formula. Blood test
Shift to the left of the leukocyte formula. Blood test

Leukocyte formula (leukogram) reveals the percentage ratio of various proteins in the blood. Get it when conducting a general analysis. The level of one or another type of leukocytes is due to a decrease or increase in other types. When deciphering the leukocyte formula, the absolute number of white blood cells is taken into account.

In addition to the general leukogram, there are so-called leukocyte indices, that is, the study of the ratios of different types of white cells in the blood. One of the most common is the intoxication index, which serves to determine the severity of inflammation. There are also indices such as immunoreactivity, allergization and others. To determine the proportion of white blood cells, a special analysis is needed, the logical result of which will be the leukoformula. What can cause a shift to the left of the leukocyte formula? Let's figure it out in this article.

shift to the left of the leukocyte formula
shift to the left of the leukocyte formula

Types of white blood cells

The leukogram shows the ratio of the following main varieties: monocytes, lymphocytes,basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils. Different types of white blood cells have different structure and uses. Depending on the presence of granules in them that can perceive color, two types of leukocytes are distinguished: granulocytes and agranulocytes.

The composition of granulocytes includes basophils (perceive alkaline color), eosinophils (acid), neutrophils (both dyes). Agranulocytes include T- and B-lymphocytes, as well as monocytes.

Functions of white blood cells

White blood cells perform the following functions:

  • T-lymphocytes eliminate cancer cells and foreign microorganisms. B-lymphocytes produce antibodies.
  • Monocytes take part in phagocytosis, neutralize microorganisms, and also form an immune response and regenerate tissues.
  • Basophils promote the migration of other species into tissues to the center of inflammation, participate in allergic reactions.
  • Eosinophils actively move and are capable of phagocytosis. They form allergic and inflammatory reactions, while releasing histamine.
  • Neutrophils perform phagocytic defense - they absorb foreign organisms. They also secrete bactericidal substances.
blood test
blood test

Shift of the leukocyte formula to the left

During various diseases, an analysis is prescribed to determine the number of leukocytes in the blood to determine the nature of inflammation in the body. Blood can be taken both venous and capillary (from a finger).

The composition of leukocytes, their norms and deviations are calculated according to the leukocyte formula, whichrepresents the proportion in percent of leukocytes of different types. It should be borne in mind that such a formula may differ in all patients with the same diagnosis. Age also has an impact.


Preparing for a blood test is not difficult: the patient should simply refuse to eat four hours before the procedure, and emotional and physical stress should be avoided the day before.

The material for determining the formula is venous blood. Before this, the laboratory assistant must squeeze the patient's forearm with a special belt, and then insert a thin needle into the vein located in the bend of the elbow, through which the blood will enter the test tube. Such a process cannot be called painless, but most often the pain is not too strong. As a result, a drop of blood is obtained and placed on a glass plate in order to determine the proportion of leukocytes and their number using a microscope. If the clinic has modern equipment, then the analyzer counts the particles - a special apparatus, and human intervention is needed only in case of serious deviations from the norm or the presence of particles of an anomalous nature.

what does the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left mean
what does the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left mean

The time to get the result mainly depends on the institution where the study is being conducted. Usually you have to wait no more than a few days. The attending physician should evaluate the obtained indicators. When deciphering, you can detect a shift to the left of the leukocyte formula.

What could the shift mean?

Leukogram shift to the left, that is, an increased amountstab neutrophils, indicates the course of various infectious diseases and inflammatory processes. In general, neutrophils occupy more than 50% of the total number of leukocytes. Their main purpose is to fight infections that enter the blood, to absorb foreign microorganisms.

Shift to the left can also manifest itself from excessive physical exertion, and in this case it is called reactive and does not require medical intervention, since after rest the formula will recover and return to normal. In addition, a leukocyte formula with such a shift can indicate acidosis, that is, an imbalance of acid and alkali in the body, its increase, and a pre-coma. This is what the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left means.


Let's list the reasons for the increase in neutrophils:

shift of the leukogram to the left
shift of the leukogram to the left
  • inflammatory processes of joints and internal organs;
  • infections of various kinds;
  • postoperative condition;
  • tissue ischemia;
  • presence of diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • poisoning with any toxic substances: both those that got inside the body, and acting through vapors (for example, lead or mercury vapors);
  • effects of various drugs.

To detect a shift in the formula of leukocytes, a special blood test is required. The type of analysis and its method will be determined by the specialist himself. It must be remembered that in the presence of a shift of any type, the inflammatory process itself or a disease of some kind should be identified.or organs that influence the deviations of the level of leukocytes in the blood from normal values. Establishing the correct cause of the shift of the leukogram to the left becomes the key to the correct diagnosis and guarantees successful treatment, which will bring the body back to normal much faster.

blood leukogram
blood leukogram

Associated symptoms

The following symptoms may indicate that the body has an excess of white blood cell count:

  • general weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • lower pressure;
  • dizziness.

The patient is able to independently determine the signs of a shift in the formula of leukocytes. Having noticed them, you need to contact a specialist who will send the patient for the necessary tests and prescribe individual treatment for him.

Determination of the shift in the formula is done in the morning, when there is a minimum sugar content in the blood, and the body has rested from various kinds of loads.

leukocyte indices
leukocyte indices

Changes in absolute and relative nature in the blood leukogram

Change in the composition of leukocytes in the formula inclines specialists to believe that relative monocytopenia, neutropenia or eosinopenia occurs. This list may also include other diseases: lymphocytosis, neutrophilia, relative monocytosis.

If the change in the number of leukocytes is absolute, we can conclude that there is absolute lymphopenia, monocytopenia and neutropenia, When the content of leukocytes changes, both absolute and relative composition should be taken into account. Absolute numbers show the true content of leukocytes of all types. Relative characteristics only help to determine the proportion of different cells in one unit of blood. Most often, the direction of change is identical.

It should be noted that sometimes neutrophilia and neutropenia are combined with each other. To determine the absolute number of various types of leukocytes, you must first calculate this value, taking into account the total number of leukocytes and the percentage of cellular composition.

We looked at what a shift to the left of the leukocyte formula means.
