"Vitrum Baby" is one of the most famous vitamin complexes, which is prescribed by pediatricians to increase the child's immunity, especially in the autumn-winter period. But not all parents, unfortunately, know about them, and choose other, more expensive vitamins with less effect.

Issue form
One of the main advantages of "Vitrum Baby" is that they are produced not in the usual round tablets for all, but in the form of chewing bears. It is this form that attracts the attention of children. In addition, the sweet and pleasant taste makes them even more tempting for children, and often they ask their parents for more vitamins. Vitamins "Vitrum Baby" are available in two types of packages - 30 and 60 pieces.

"Vitrum Baby" contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also other excipients that make them so delicious. The composition includes calcium, iron, ascorbic acid, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, copper and many other substances that are necessary for the normal growth and development of the child.
Not all children eat properly, and not because their parents do not follow this well, but simply because they are capricious during meals. In addition, it is very difficult for some children to give any fruit or vegetable. Usually up to 5 years they may not eat them at all. That is why the need for additional vitamins and minerals is increasing. Otherwise, it will lead to a deficiency, and as a result, weakening of the immune system.
Pharmacological action
Due to the fact that the constituent components of the vitamin complex are selected in such a way that almost the daily need for them is replenished, they have a positive effect on the development of the baby, on his growth. In addition, everyone knows that if the child's body is not deficient in certain components, it is better able to resist bacteria and microbes that enter it.

"Vitrum Baby": instructions
Many pediatricians recommend giving their children this particular drug, because you need to drink only one tablet a day, unlike other vitamin complexes, where you need to do this three times a day at regular intervals.
"Vitrum Baby" from 2 to 5 years should be given one tablet once a day. In no case should you give two or three, even if the child asks very much, because an excess of minerals and vitamins leads to disruption of vital organs.
Indications for use
Basically, pediatricians prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex in the following cases:
- to prevent deficiency of important vitamins and minerals;
- in the autumn-winter period;
- to increase the body's defenses in those children who are often sick;
- after an illness, especially if you had to be treated with antibiotics;
- with malnutrition;
- with poor appetite;
- with strong physical activity;
- in a period of rapid growth.

Despite the fact that "Vitrum Baby" is a very good drug that helps to replenish the missing vitamins and minerals in the body, there are a number of contraindications when it should not be given. These include:
- Hypervitaminosis of vitamins like A and D.
- Hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid gland produces too many hormones.
- Wilson-Konovalov's disease, when the exchange of copper in the body is disturbed, because of which it is deposited in the internal organs. This is a hereditary disease.
- Children under 2 years old. It is up to this age that it is believed that the child may not respond well to additional vitamins entering his body.
- Sensitivity to one or more components that make up the drug.

Side effect
Many parents note that after a few days of taking the child, a rash appears, which gradually spreads throughout the body. First of all, parents suggest some kind of disease such as chickenpox. But pediatricians say that one ofThe main side effects while taking Vitrum Baby will be just the rash described above, which first appears on the chest and abdomen, and then gradually spreads throughout the body. In this case, you must stop taking the vitamin complex, as it will not bring the expected benefits.
As a rule, an overdose happens when a child finds a place where vitamins are, and independently took out and ate everything from there. In this case, it is urgent to give activated charcoal, which will help to remove everything from the body, rinse the stomach. And, of course, treat symptoms that manifest themselves in the form of rashes and nausea.

Interaction with other drugs
It is strictly forbidden to take "Vitrum Baby" if at the same time another specialist prescribed vitamins such as A, E, D or iron, because if they are excessively taken into the body, an overdose can occur, which also negatively affects on the functioning of organs, as well as deficiency.
Many patients are prescribed Vitrum Baby. The price depends on the region in which the person lives. In addition, it is also affected by the pharmacy in which a person makes a purchase. Usually, in municipal pharmacy kiosks, the cost is about 50-80 rubles lower than in private ones. If we talk about price ranges, then this is approximately from 360 to 500 rubles.
"Vitrum Baby": reviews
Separately, it must be said about what parents think about the drug. Typically, reviews areboth positive and negative. Positive Feedback:
- good taste, the child is happy to take a vitamin and does not say that he does not like it;
- minimum dyes - usually vitamins have a slightly pinkish or yellowish color;
- can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city and does not need to be ordered;
- you can buy either 30 or 60 tablets, since the course of treatment for each small patient is different;
- contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that help to fill the lack of those in the body;
- a handy lid that a child can't open on their own;
- no need to buy additional packages, as the amount is calculated just for the full course of treatment.

Undoubtedly, you need to pay attention to negative reviews, because, despite the good reviews about the drug from doctors, not all parents and children like it. So, negative reviews include:
- Allergic reaction to the components of the drug. Many parents note that after several days of taking the child, a rash appeared on the body, which can only be removed by stopping the use of the vitamin complex.
- Strong smell from vitamins, which children sometimes don't like.
- High price. Some people note that there are cheaper vitamins, the composition of which is similar to Vitrum Baby, but the price is much lower.
In addition, some parents say that there is no positive effect aftervitamins were not taken. And promising calls that after one course the child's immunity rises did not justify themselves.
Special Instructions
Some parents discover that the color of the urine has changed in the child after the start of taking Vitrum Baby, and it has become darker. Not all pediatricians warn about this feature. Due to the content of riboflavin in vitamins, the baby's stool and urine may change color. Don't panic as this is a natural process.
Opinion of pediatricians
Separately, it must be said about what the pediatricians themselves think about the drug "Vitrum Baby". Their reviews are also different, as is the case with the patients themselves. Some believe that this is the best vitamin complex, after which the baby's immunity will increase, and he will become less susceptible to colds.
Others are strongly against such supplements, because they believe that vitamins need to be replenished in a natural way. Or identify the vitamin that is lacking and focus on it so that there is no excess of others.
"Vitrum Baby" is a very well-known drug that is prescribed for children to compensate for the deficiencies of certain vitamins. But before you start drinking it, you need to consult a pediatrician, as there are a number of contraindications and possible side effects.