Peony root: instructions for use and contraindications

Peony root: instructions for use and contraindications
Peony root: instructions for use and contraindications

Peony root is used in both traditional and folk medicine. Due to its sedative properties, it is able to calm, relieve nervous tension in a person. Of course, like any drug, it has contraindications. In the article, we will find out the properties of the plant and well-known recipes of traditional medicine with its use.

peony root treatment
peony root treatment

Plant information

Surely many have seen flowers such as peonies. They bloom from May to June. They amaze with their beauty and tenderness. Listed in the Red Book in some countries.

Peony root is used as a medicine in medicine. It's all about its unique composition:

  • Glycosides. Able to cope with heart problems, have calming properties.
  • Essential oil. Used to make sedatives.
  • Organic acids. Restore the microflora of the stomach.
  • Tannins. Excellent help with intestinal disorders.

Peony root, reviews ofwhich is positive, is used by pharmacists for the manufacture of alcohol and water tinctures. The only difference is the ethanol content. Alcohol is able to "open" the plant, extract all the useful substances from it.

peony roots contraindications
peony roots contraindications

Harvesting leaves and roots

In folk medicine, peony root is used quite often. Therefore, many are interested in how to properly prepare and dry the plant. Experts assure that this can be done at any time of the year. In addition to the roots, the thick part of the stems and fleshy leaves are used.

The roots are carefully removed from the soil, washed with cool water, cut into small pieces and dried in a ventilated area. It is important that direct sunlight does not fall, otherwise the beneficial substances will simply go away. After these procedures, it is advisable to send the plant to a special dry dryer.

The resulting dry roots should be hidden in a glass container, tightly closed and put away in a cool dark place. Their shelf life is 3 years.

peony root reviews
peony root reviews

What properties does

Many people ask: if there is a tincture or dried peony root, what diseases can be treated? The plant helps:

  • from neuroses;
  • insomnia;
  • epilepsy;
  • tachycardia;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • cholecystitis;
  • alcohol addiction.

Oddly enough, peony tincture is widely used in gynecology. Helps to cope with painful menstruation, treats erosion, resolvessmall cysts. In addition, it restores the hormonal balance of women. Increases blood estrogen levels.

Helps deal with alcoholism and other addictions. Substances contained in peony roots soothe, relieve arousal, and have a hypnotic effect.

Folk recipes

Peony roots are good for many diseases, so they are widely used in folk medicine. The most popular recipes are listed below.

  • To get rid of fatigue, stress, improve sleep, you can use the following tips. 1 teaspoon of dry roots pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After that, insist (about an hour), strain, let cool. Take 3 times a day before meals. Improvements were noted in the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • You can use the petals and roots of the flower for inflammation of the joints. Fill glassware with a volume of 0.5 liters with a dry plant, pour vodka. Leave in a dark place for 1-2 weeks, then strain and rub into the affected areas.
  • Peony roots are widely used to treat stomach cancer. To do this, pour the plant with boiling water at the rate of 1:10, let it brew. Take 300 ml daily.
  • In the cosmetic industry, peony roots are also often used. Lotions from this plant are suitable for those women who have problematic, oily skin and acne. To prepare a decoction, you need 2 tablespoons of dried petals and roots, pour water, put on fire, boil. Lotions can be used daily, morning and evening.

Folk recipes widelyare used, but you need to remember that everything is good in moderation.

peony root
peony root

Pion tincture: how to take it correctly

Before you start taking the tincture, you need to be examined and consult a doctor. Only a mild degree of neurosis can be treated independently. In this case, you should take 40 drops of tincture, after mixing it with a glass of water at room temperature. You need to do this at night. In this case, the effect will be better, and sleep will be stronger.

Many women are prescribed the drug for menopause. It is able to strengthen and calm the nervous system. Since this is homeopathy, the tincture should be taken for at least 2-3 weeks, only in this case the necessary substances will accumulate in the body.

Many pediatricians recommend taking the tincture to children who have reached the age of 12. The substances contained in it can reduce the child's hyperactivity. But this should be done quite carefully, after consulting with several experts.

Do not forget that the effect of the drug comes in an hour. Lasts throughout the day. A homeopathic remedy should be taken in a course (2-3 weeks). After that, a break is required. Only in this case will the effect be noticeable.


Are peony roots so good? However, there are contraindications. Among them are:

  • Pregnancy (especially 1st and 3rd trimesters). During this period, a woman should abandon the use of herbs and tinctures. There is a high chance of allergic reactions.
  • Children under 12 years old. There are many proven drugs. As for the peony root, no clinical trials have been conducted on the effects of the substances contained in the plant on children.
  • Lactation period.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (acidity).
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  • Allergy.

It is not recommended to use peony root tincture for people driving.

peony root medicinal properties and contraindications
peony root medicinal properties and contraindications

So, we found out what the peony root is famous for. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant are discussed above. It can be concluded that the benefits from it are much greater than the harm. It should be taken carefully, after consulting a doctor. The dosage should also be prescribed by a specialist.
