"A spider boy was born in India!" - it was with such headlines that a few years ago all printed publications in South Asia came out. And this is not a yellow press, because such an event actually took place.
Is it true that a spider boy was born in India?

At first no one believed that such an event could actually happen. But after the first photograph of the baby appeared in the newspapers, all doubts disappeared. Quite a few years have passed since then, but everyone is still writing and talking about this boy.
Cause of pathology
The reason for this deviation became known to doctors immediately after an Indian boy named Diipak Paswaan was born. Indeed, from the very first moments it was clear that the child had a rare anomaly (even rarer than Siamese twins). The little boy's body contained an undeveloped parasitic twin brother.
Child appearance
As you know, Diipak Paswaan had as many as eight limbs: two pairs of arms and legs. Some Hindus believed that this was the reborn god Vishnu. However, doctors said it was justan anomaly that arose as a result of improper development of twins in the womb, with one fetus literally growing into the other.

Unfortunately, immediately after birth, the baby could not have a rather serious operation to remove the parasitic twin. In this regard, the spider-boy, up to the age of seven, did not even undergo a simple x-ray. However, his parents did not lose hope that in the end their baby would still be returned to a normal human appearance. After all, there is every reason for this, since back in 2005 in the same state a girl named Lakshmi Tatma was born, who had rather similar congenital anomalies. When she was 2 years old, she had a successful operation.
Hearing the news, Diipak Paswaan's parents immediately started looking for a surgeon to take on this difficult task. And I didn't have to wait too long, because very soon such a doctor showed up.
Favorable outcome
"A spider boy was born in India!" - This headline will no longer appear in printed publications. And this is due to the fact that Deepak Paswaan was operated on, and quite successfully.
According to the stories of the surgeons, it was difficult for them to decide on the procedure to separate the twins, because the child had never been examined properly, and it was completely unclear how exactly the circulatory systems of the parasitic twin and the boy himself were combined, and also whether they had common organs or not.

After a long medical examination, a group of doctors alldecided to operate on the baby. As you know, the most experienced staff of the clinic, which is located in the large Indian city of Bangalore, took up this difficult task.
It took doctors more than four hours to remove the extra legs and arms. And, it should be noted, doctors not in vain took up this matter. The operation to remove the parasitic twin was more than successful. And now the staggering headlines "Spider Boy Born In India!" remained only on the old pages of newspapers and magazines.
After surgery, the boy underwent a full rehabilitation. He became a full member of society. Now the baby can safely go to school and lead a normal life.
It should be especially noted that such an operation would have cost the family of Diipak Paswaan about 80 thousand dollars. But the doctors decided to carry out this unique procedure completely free of charge. “This is a fairly rare congenital pathology. Not all children with such deviations survive. We took a chance and the operation was successful. As a result, the boy was able to walk freely. Now he does not lag behind his peers in physical development,” said surgeon Ramcharan Tiagarayan.