Teething syndrome in children

Teething syndrome in children
Teething syndrome in children

Teething syndrome in children under one year old is a complex of manifestations that occurs when a child begins to develop milk teeth. For any family, this stage is quite difficult, because the child must be responsibly cared for. The child needs special attention, even if the manifestations of the condition are weak. In some, however, the symptoms are very pronounced. The syndrome can significantly interfere with the child. The task of parents is to take all possible measures to alleviate this period, to exclude complications.

Official name

Coded in the ICD-10, teething syndrome is a natural condition that every he althy person must experience sooner or later. In modern medicine, this period is known under the code K00.7. It is he who is entered in the child's card when parents first bring the child to the doctor, in need of help against the background of teething syndrome. The ICD code K00.7 hides a condition that cannot be considered a pathology. It is natural, although the manifestations vary greatly from case to case. Specific medical attention is required only in case of severe symptoms or an atypical process.

The code K00.7 adopted in the ICD for teething syndrome is included in the general subgroup of disorders associated with teething and atypical development of this part of the human body. The category is encrypted as K00. The very first item in it is known under the code K00.0 - it hides adentia. The state of teething syndrome considered in the material in the ICD is fixed by the code K00.7.

teething syndrome icb code 10
teething syndrome icb code 10

Timing and readiness

For the first time, teething syndrome in children appears sometimes as early as four months of age. The period associated with the formation of primary teeth is characteristic of any person, and every parent is sure to meet with the need to help their child. These are the natural growth mechanisms of the human body. At the same time, you need to understand: both the timing and the specifics of the process are strictly individual and vary greatly from case to case. For many, this stage of growing up is accompanied by extremely unpleasant sensations, leading to anxiety and the expression of discomfort. The child may be naughty and cry, other manifestations are possible. The task of parents is to provide the child with maximum care and attention, and if necessary, seek help from a professional.

To find out how to alleviate the condition of teething syndrome (the code of which, according to the generally accepted encryption system for diagnoses, is K00.7), it is reasonable to contact a pediatrician who will redirect you to a pediatric dentist or other specialist. It is possible to complicate the formation of the primary dentition by inflammatory foci or processes of a different kind. There is a risk of combined symptoms: if teeth are cut against the background of a disease, then, without special experience, parents will not be able to understand all the causes of the manifestations. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Features of growing up

For the first time, symptoms of teething syndrome can bother a baby as early as four months of age. Without medical control of the condition, a child in need of specialized care may not receive it, therefore it is reasonable to show the child to the doctor at enviable intervals, even if everything seems to be normal. The duration of the formation of the primary dentition varies from case to case, in some it reaches three years. Development in each case proceeds individually, therefore there is no standard schedule that all children, without exception, must fit into.

Usually the bottom incisors appear first. If you suspect a teething syndrome in children in the clinic, it is the lower jaw that is examined first. In the main percentage of children, these teeth are shown by the age of nine months. Upper incisors rarely appear before seven months of age. After the incisors from below, the teeth on the side begin to form. Both above and below these incisors grow at approximately the same time. Normally, the incisors should form by the year. Then the development of the front teeth begins. Premolars, molars first appear by the age of two. For some, this process takes longer. Fangs mustappear simultaneously with molars, premolars. First, such teeth are formed on the upper jaw, then below.

teething syndrome in children clinic
teething syndrome in children clinic

Step by step

The conditions described above fit into the teething syndrome, in the ICD-10 recorded under the code K00.7. Doctors take into account that the described standards are obtained by averaging statistical information collected when observing children of different ages from different regions. The structure, the order of formation, the nuances of growth in each case are determined by a complex of factors, the specifics of the organism, the immunological status, genetic prerequisites, the nuances of the diet and other features.

The standards are quite broad, and this is taken into account in the description of teething syndrome coded as K00.7 in ICD-10. If a child has deviations from the process described above, you should show it to the doctor, but you should not panic before the doctor makes a serious diagnosis. Even the difference in the order of formation of the dentition does not always indicate pathological processes. It is quite possible that this is just such a peculiar norm in a particular case.

Teething: what is it and how to notice?

Teething Syndrome is a term applied to a condition where the integrity of the soft tissues that form the gum is disrupted. During this period, the child is especially tender and sensitive to external aggressive factors, pathological microflora. Immunity weakens, the child is prone to disease, weakly. The process is accompanied by discomfort, many children suffer from severe pain, which leads toirritability. During the period of the appearance of the dentition, they are capricious, cannot sleep normally. Some lose their appetite due to discomfort and anxiety.

The intensity of teething syndrome varies greatly from case to case. For some, this period goes almost unnoticed, while other children need specialized help. Do not forget about the risk of complications. The likelihood of such a course is higher if the child has difficulty tolerating the symptomatic complex.

teething syndrome in children under one year old
teething syndrome in children under one year old

Panic or not?

The very fact of teething syndrome is the norm. The task of parents is to control the condition of the child, to monitor how pronounced the malaise is. If the child is very sick, you need to show him to the doctor. It is not worth delaying seeking help if there are prerequisites for this: there is a risk of improper formation of the dentition.

Teething syndrome is a complex of manifestations inherent in this process occurring in the body. For some, the body temperature rises. Symptoms may include the formation of foci of inflammation in the oral cavity. In children, the glands responsible for the production of saliva may become activated, and stool may be disturbed. The syndrome may include nasal discharge, loss of appetite, irritability. Against the background of teething, some kids get tired quickly and very much. The heat sometimes appears some time before the formation of the tooth. Such a symptom is not among the mandatory, but in an impressivepercentage of cases, it becomes the first signal indicating the imminent appearance of a new element of the dentition.

Features of symptoms

As a rule, the temperature rises within 37-38 degrees. It can be easily knocked down. Treatment for teething syndrome is required if the readings are even higher, persist for a long time, and are difficult to break down.

Often, against the background of the heat, the child is naughty, often wakes up, eats bad things. Possibly increased stool. The discharge is softer than usual.

The period when fangs, incisors of the upper jaw are cut, is usually accompanied by copious nasal discharge. A clear substance separates.

In many, the syndrome is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the gums. This is due to physiological nuances, since the organ is injured when a new tooth passes through it. During a visual examination, you can see the hyperemia of the area, in some the gums swell. The area itches, so the child is drawn to chewing on objects to relieve the sensations. Simultaneously with increased activity, saliva, a natural substance with antiseptic qualities, is generated. This process is natural, it is a defense mechanism.

teething syndrome
teething syndrome

Is everything going right?

In most children, the most active process of tooth formation begins by the age of six months. Approximately at the same stage, own immunity is formed, replacing the one received earlier from the mother during breastfeeding. The protection functions are rather weak, which means that thechild's vulnerability. This is especially noticeable if the teeth are cut with difficulty, a strong fever worries. With a high degree of probability, the process is complicated by intestinal infection. There may be other diseases. Among the vulnerable areas is the oral cavity, where local immunity is significantly reduced. This provokes stomatitis or may become the foundation for the development of other diseases.

The task of parents is to monitor the child's condition, regularly show him to the doctor to determine how normal the process is. It is especially important to get an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible if the fever persists for a long time. Probably, the symptom indicates the presence of an internal focus of inflammation, infectious invasion. If the fever is disturbing at the same time as vomiting, a violation of the stool, infection with rotavirus may be the cause. It often manifests itself as a symptom of a respiratory disease. In a normal child who does not tolerate complications, vomiting, if any, is extremely rare during the formation of the dentition. Occasionally, a fever causes such a reaction, but in the majority of cases, vomiting indicates malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

teething syndrome mcb 10
teething syndrome mcb 10

Attention to nuances

Diarrhea can indicate serious complications. This condition with a high degree provokes dehydration of the body, especially rapidly developing in childhood. The norm is a chair up to three times a day. Its increase, excess liquid secretions indicate pathology and are a reason to show the child to a specialist. Usually,prescribe tests to check the balance of fluid and s alts, develop a safe course of maintenance of the condition.

Nasal discharge that accompanies teething can vary greatly in its characteristics. A fluid substance that does not have a color, transparent in texture is the norm. With thick mucous secretions, which are characterized by increased viscosity and unhe althy color, the child should be shown to the doctor. There is a possibility of rotavirus, diseases of the ENT organs.

Genetics and he alth

The hereditary factor is one of the important nuances that determine the features of the formation of the dentition. It is safe to say that the teeth will begin to form especially early if the parents also faced this at one time. If the older generation cut their teeth late, it is likely that the child will experience a similar situation. This is determined by genetic information. If the heredity is such, it will not be possible to change the timing of the formation of the dentition by artificial external methods.

In many ways, the features of teething are determined by the nuances of maternal he alth and pathologies suffered by a woman during the period of gestation. Toxoplasmosis, colds and infections can have a particularly strong effect. Late formation of the child's dentition is possible due to maternal heart disease or early transfer of the baby to artificial nutrition.

teething syndrome symptoms
teething syndrome symptoms

Kids: what and how much?

Child's he alth determines how teeth will be cut. The process may slow down or start withlate against the background of beriberi, developmental disorders of the body, immunity failures. In addition to the speed of eruption and the number of teeth, the state of he alth determines how good the teeth will be. Rickets, hypothyroidism and the absence of tooth germs can slow down the process. A situation of the formation of several (up to a dozen) teeth is possible, after which a long pause occurs. In such a condition, you need to show the child to the doctor to identify the causes.

As statistics show, if a child has older brothers and sisters, and the pause between births was relatively small, the teeth of children born later are cut more slowly, and the process itself begins later than usual. The first ten teeth usually appear fairly quickly, after which the process slows down.

teething syndrome
teething syndrome

What to do?

Because the described process is completely natural, specialized treatment is not required. In the event of complications, the therapeutic course is selected by the doctor, focusing on the nuances of the condition. The symptoms of teething, numerous and complex, are overcome with the help of parents who control the state of the child's oral cavity and teach him hygiene. To minimize the risk of complications, it is important to take care of the oral cavity. Some mistakenly believe that it is not necessary to clean the mouth until the teeth have grown. This is nothing more than a baseless misconception. The main task of the cleaning procedure is to exclude pathological microflora and bacterial infection.

It is necessary to clean not only the gums, the inner surface of the cheeks, but alsotongue, on which numerous bacteria accumulate. It is because of their reproduction that a pronounced unpleasant odor is possible. When the oral cavity is infected, the risk of stomatitis, inflammation of the tongue, and lymphadenitis increases.

Doctors recommend using toothpaste enriched with fluoride. For feeding children, you can use special mixtures with the inclusion of safe amounts of fluorine. True, you need to be careful: an excess of this component can cause fluorosis.
