Microstroke: symptoms and causes of development

Microstroke: symptoms and causes of development
Microstroke: symptoms and causes of development

Every second person in the world knows very well that a stroke is a dangerous disease. But often among patients and doctors you can find another term - a microstroke, but few people know what it means. How to recognize the symptoms of a microstroke, what causes it to develop, what treatment and prevention is required?

What is a microstroke?

Microstroke is a necrosis of brain tissue, provoked by the presence of a blood clot or a sharp narrowing of a small vessel. It is often confused with a transient ischemic attack, when the nutrition of the brain cells deteriorates, which leads to the temporary appearance of symptoms of neurological brain disorders. But the attack is a reversible process, and it never leads to necrosis. Its duration can be several minutes or a whole day. With a microstroke, necrotic changes are minimal, but they exist, and there is no reverse process, although after therapy the patient can easily compensate and recover.

To a greater extent, an ischemic attack occurs due to the presence of a blood clot, which provokes a temporary restriction in blood circulation in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, but, as a rule, onlysmall vessels. After the blood flow returns to normal, the signs and symptoms of a microstroke, namely the patient's condition, disappear. A true stroke affects a vessel or several of them, and they remain blocked.

Thrombus in the vessels of the brain
Thrombus in the vessels of the brain

In fact, a stroke and a microstroke are the same thing, but only in the latter case, the damage to the small vessels of the brain is less noticeable, so recovery is faster.

A microstroke is insidious in that a person may not even notice what has happened in his body, and this is the first signal warning that a stroke may happen very soon.

You can detect the first symptoms of a microstroke during a post-mortem examination.

Types of pathology

Depending on the pathogenetic mechanism, doctors divide a microstroke into two main types:

  • Ischemic, it is based on vasospasm or thrombosis, which ultimately leads to malnutrition of brain tissues and provokes cell death.
  • Hemorrhagic. It occurs at the moment when the vessels of the brain rupture, which leads to hemorrhage in the intercellular space and compression of nearby tissues.

Who is more at risk?

Before dealing with the treatment, signs and symptoms of a microstroke, it is necessary to know which people are more at risk. Recognizing the symptoms and distinguishing the disease from any other ailment is quite simple, if only you know that the patient belongs to the high-risk category. More oftenmicrostrokes occur in the beautiful half of humanity, on average 8% more than in men. Vessels are affected more often in these groups:

  • people with a history of hypertension, angina and abnormal blood pressure;
  • Hypertension as a cause of microstroke
    Hypertension as a cause of microstroke
  • patients who had relatives who had a microstroke or stroke;
  • patients with thrombotic abnormalities;
  • diabetic patients prone to frequent fluctuations in blood sugar levels;
  • overweight patients who do not control their diet;
  • people with impaired blood flow in the brain, including those with congenital abnormalities, who have had a hypertensive crisis, ischemic stroke;
  • drug abusers.

In some cases, frequent fluctuations in blood pressure can cause symptoms of a microstroke.

Causes and predisposing factors of pathology

Causes and risk factors are no different from a real stroke. Illness can be caused by:

  • Atherosclerotic vascular lesions. Atherosclerosis is a systemic ailment, if a patient suffers from coronary heart disease, then he will definitely have cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the brain.
  • Hypertension and frequent hypertensive crises.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (congenital heart defects, atrial fibrillation, myocarditis, arrhythmia, blockade and others).
  • Squeezing the arteries from the outside:tumor, hernia of the cervical spine, dissection of the arteries, aneurysms, vasospasm.
  • Inflammation of the arteries of the brain, infectious or autoimmune nature.
  • Congenital pathologies of the brain channel.

Increased risk: contraceptives, frequent migraine attacks, smoking, blood-related diseases, varicose veins, being overweight.

A common cause of symptoms of stroke and microstroke is hypertension. Every person who wants to prevent the development of the disease should know the causes of the development of the disease.

The first symptoms of a microstroke

The first signs vary over a wide range, it all depends on how extensive the site of the lesion of the arterial vessel, as well as on the mechanism of development of disorders: thrombus, spasm, squeezing, circulatory failure. In some cases, a person may not even suspect that he had a microstroke. Symptoms can be confused with other illnesses, such as dizziness and pain, numbness and tingling of the arm, blurred vision, muscle weakness.

But more often than not, violations develop so quickly that it is impossible not to notice them. They are pronounced and similar to the symptoms of a real stroke:

  • a sharp numbness of any part of the body, most often it is the limbs, a feeling of crawling;
  • sharp weakness in the muscles of the legs or arms;
  • loss of sensation in a certain part of the body;
  • severe headache, high blood pressure, dizziness;
  • A microstroke accompanies a headache
    A microstroke accompanies a headache
  • sudden visual impairment;
  • paralysis of a limb;
  • drooping corners of the mouth, unable to smile;
  • speech disorder;
  • vomiting, nausea, convulsions, confusion.

If at least one of the symptoms of a microstroke described above is found in women (as in men), then it is urgent to seek qualified help. After all, all these signs can be evidence of both a stroke and a microstroke.

Main symptoms of the disease

The first symptoms of a microstroke and stroke in women and men are similar, therefore, if the ailments described below appear, you should immediately call an ambulance and, if possible, take a lying position, slightly raising your head, put a cold towel on your forehead and let more fresh air into the room. The main features include:

  • numbness of the face, legs and arms;
  • sharp intense pain in the head and dizziness;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • discoordination;
  • special sensitivity to loud sounds and bright lights.

Additionally, there may be other symptoms of a microstroke in men and women:

  • general weakness, drowsiness, stupor;
  • momentary loss of consciousness, but not necessarily;
  • Loss of consciousness with a microstroke
    Loss of consciousness with a microstroke
  • temporary visual impairment;
  • problems with speech and understanding what is happening around.

If only some of the described signs appear, then you need to call the doctor.

Microstrokes do not go unnoticed: a few even the slightest disturbances in the blood flow of the brain can provoke depression of intellectual functions up to dementia.

How to spot signs of a stroke at home?

It is very important when a person can independently determine at home that a loved one has the first signs and first symptoms of a microstroke. For men and women, diagnostic measures should be carried out at home, for this it is necessary to carry out the following tests:

  1. Smile. If you ask the patient to smile, then the asymmetry of the mouth is noticeable - one of the corners of the lips will be lower.
  2. Speech. The patient should be asked to say a few phrases, for example, to tell a proverb or saying, he will speak slowly and indistinctly.
  3. Movement. The patient should be asked to raise their arms or legs. If there are circulatory disorders in the brain, one of the limbs will lag behind the other or will not obey the owner at all.

These simple tests can save a person's life, because it is the first minutes after a microstroke that are important.

Diagnostic methods

Transient disorders of blood flow in the brain occur so quickly that sometimes the doctor simply does not have time to examine the patient, for this reason the diagnosis is made retrospectively, based only on the patient's questioning. But some examinations are still recommended to be done even after the attack has passed. Much depends on which area of the vessels and arteries was affected. So, for example, if most of the lesion is localized in the basin of the vertebralarteries, it is recommended to undergo such studies:

  • MRI;
  • brain MRI
    brain MRI
  • CT of blood vessels with contrast agent;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine;
  • CT of the brain as a whole.

All these techniques allow us to detect a microstroke. Regardless of whether the attack has passed or not, it is necessary to undergo an examination without fail. This is important in order to make an accurate diagnosis, find out the cause of such a condition, prescribe the correct treatment and protect the patient from negative consequences.

Therapeutic methods: basic rules

When the first symptoms of a microstroke in men have passed, it is important to do everything possible to restore blood circulation in the focus of hemorrhage and normalize all brain functions. To help solve such a problem, the following medications will help:

  • "Instenon" or "Pentoxifylline", which help to expand the lumen of blood vessels.
  • Also, you can't do without antiplatelet agents: "Aspirin Cardio", "Ticlopidine", "Dipyridamole".
  • "Piracetam" or "Cinnarizine" will be required in order to improve concentration and memory.
  • You can't do without angioprotectors, such as Nimodipine or Bilobil.
  • The patient will still need metabolic drugs: Actovegin and Mexidol.

Subsequently, the doctor recommends breathing exercises, massage, therapeuticphysical education and physiotherapy. It is also important to constantly be observed by a specialist, combine rest and work, moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, stop taking alcoholic beverages and smoking. Other methods of treatment will not bring harm, such as traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of microstroke

When the attack has passed, and the first symptoms of a microstroke in women (or men) have become less pronounced, you can begin to strengthen the body, restoring strength and resistance to risk factors with folk remedies. Bay leaf, marin root and mummy help a lot.

For the treatment of Mary root, prepare a tincture, for this you need to take a pinch of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Take it three times a day, 1/4 cup before each meal.

Dilute a small piece of mummy in a spoonful of water and drink. This small dose is able to restore the body after a microstroke.

A special oil copes very well with the symptoms of a microstroke in women. And they prepare it like this: carefully crush the bay leaf, pour it with unrefined vegetable oil and insist for 7 days in a dark place. After that, it is necessary to lubricate the places affected by a microstroke.

Sage, white mistletoe and Japanese Sophora are used for quick and effective recovery. It is these plants that help a person return to their previous course and live a full life. Traditional medicine will give a good effect only if two courses are carried out, and there is a break between them. You can prepare healing decoctions like this:

  • Sophora and mistletoe mixed in equal amounts and pour two glasses of vodka. The resulting mixture is left in a dark place for 30 days, shaking occasionally. After a month of infusion, the remedy is taken 1 dessert spoon twice a day for 24 days. You need to take a break for half a month, and then repeat the course.
  • It is necessary to treat the first symptoms and signs of a microstroke at home with the restoration of speech, for this they take sage tincture. To prepare it, take the leaves of the drug and pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil. Drink the decoction for a month in small sips in the morning.
  • Folk recipes for recovery
    Folk recipes for recovery

During the treatment of a patient with a micro stroke, it is necessary to protect him in every possible way from stressful situations, mood swings and nervous shocks.

What are the consequences for the patient after a microstroke?

Very often after a violation of blood circulation in the brain, the consequences are noticeable:

  • memory deteriorates;
  • significantly reduced concentration;
  • patient becomes distracted;
  • irritability increases;
  • often depressed;
  • Consequences of a microstroke
    Consequences of a microstroke
  • tearfulness or, conversely, aggression.

Severe ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke is often observed in patients within three days after a pinpoint effusion.

How to prevent a microstroke?

If youare at risk, then you need to think about how to protect yourself from a microstroke. To do this, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Measure blood pressure regularly.
  2. It is advisable to have a special diary in which to record morning and evening measurements.
  3. Completely change the diet, try to exclude from it all fatty, smoked and s alty. It is a s alt-free diet that helps reduce blood pressure. Add more fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and beans to your diet.
  4. No alcohol or smoking.
  5. It is necessary to learn how to properly organize work and rest.
  6. Follow your he alth closely, see your doctor regularly.

Microstroke is a serious and dangerous disease that disrupts the brain, and it is responsible for the functions of the whole organism. It is necessary to treat the disease immediately and be sure to follow all the doctor's recommendations, only in this case complications can be avoided.
