Sunny dermatitis (photodermatosis)

Sunny dermatitis (photodermatosis)
Sunny dermatitis (photodermatosis)

Most of us love the sun. However, some people's skin can be very sensitive to the sun's rays, especially in spring and summer. Most often, solar dermatitis occurs in people with fair skin.

Symptoms of solar dermatitis

Solar dermatitis
Solar dermatitis

Photodermatosis appears as small reddish blisters or large spots where the skin has been exposed to radiation. Typically, these skin lesions occur seconds to minutes after exposure to the sun.

Mostly the disease manifests itself in children and women, but men are also susceptible to it. Solar dermatitis usually occurs in the spring and persists into late summer. In most cases, the disease stops bothering people when they reach 40 or 50 years old, but this is not necessary.

What can be done to prevent solar dermatitis?

The surest way to prevent photodermatosis is to avoid sunlight at the time of its greatest activity (from 10-11 to 16-17 hours). It is important to stay in the shade and wear hats or baseball caps, sunglasses and outerwear that blocks out the sun.

It's a shame to come back from the beach not with a beautifulsunburn, but with a rash on the skin. Unfortunately, medicine is not able to accurately answer why some of us have such sensitive skin. Therefore, the right ways to treat solar dermatitis thoroughly have not yet been found. However, there are various creams that can protect the skin from the sun's rays.

solar dermatitis photo
solar dermatitis photo

It is necessary to choose products that have a high sun protection factor (SPF). The SPF value indicates how effectively the cream is able to resist the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. For example, a product with an SPF of 10 theoretically means that a person using it can stay in the sun 10 times longer than usual without the risk of developing solar dermatitis (photo on the left).

Thus, people who develop the disease after 10 minutes can be in direct sunlight for 100 minutes. Some experts recommend that people suffering from photodermatosis start with sunscreens with an SPF of 15 to 25.

Before taking any action at all aimed at combating photodermatosis, you need to consult a doctor. The frequent manifestation of this disease can contribute to the development of skin cancer, which is very serious. In addition, photodermatosis leads to premature aging.

Sunny dermatitis-like ailments

Some people experience symptoms similar to photodermatosis. Solar dermatitis somethingreminiscent of photosensitivity.

How to treat solar dermatitis
How to treat solar dermatitis

Photosensitization manifests itself at the moment when the sun's rays falling on the skin begin to react with certain chemical elements. For example, for many, this ailment manifests itself after using cosmetics or perfume.

Sunny dermatitis is also confused with photoallergy. It also manifests itself a few minutes after hitting the skin with ultraviolet rays and spreads even to those areas where sunlight did not fall.
