The enzyme lactase is a vital element for growth and development

The enzyme lactase is a vital element for growth and development
The enzyme lactase is a vital element for growth and development

Increasingly, at the next examination at the pediatrician, the diagnosis of "lactase deficiency" is heard. Deficiency of the lactase enzyme is common among children of the first years of life and is becoming enormous. Among the adult population, this disease is extremely rare - only isolated cases have been recorded.

lactase enzyme
lactase enzyme

The importance of lactase for a child's body

For children in their first year of life, the main food is breast milk or an adapted milk formula. They definitely contain milk sugar - lactose. It is necessary for the full development of the brain and satisfies almost half the daily energy requirement of an infant.

Entering the intestines of the child, lactose undergoes splitting. It is possible only in the presence of a special enzyme - lactase. The enzyme lactase breaks down lactose into two components - glucose and galactose. Glucose is responsible for the energy supply, and galactose is important for the full development of the baby's nervous system.

Lactase deficiency

If lactose is not modified in the intestine due to the absence or lack of the lactase enzyme, its accumulation occurs with each feeding. Large volumeslactose creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. Their vital activity contributes to the appearance of frequent diarrhea, severe gas formation and pain in the intestines. The acidic environment of liquid stools negatively affects the intestinal walls, causing damage.

The lactase enzyme breaks down lactose into
The lactase enzyme breaks down lactose into

In this case, it is most often recommended to take a stool test for Benedict's test. It gives information about the percentage of carbohydrates, if it is increased, a diagnosis of "lactase deficiency" is made.

Causes of lactase deficiency

Factors affecting the limitation or absence of lactase enzyme activity are grouped into 2 groups: primary and secondary.

Primary lactase deficiency is extremely rare, it happens:

  • congenital, caused by genetic failure;
  • in premature babies due to insufficient intestinal maturity at the time of birth.

Secondary lactase deficiency is a common diagnosis, it develops against the background of an already existing disease of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the infection. As a rule, during recovery, the production of the lactase enzyme returns to normal.

lactase enzyme preparations
lactase enzyme preparations

Symptoms of lactase deficiency in newborns

The reason for seeking medical attention and testing immediately is the appearance of symptoms:

  • frequent diarrhea in a child or, conversely, constipation;
  • during feeding or immediately after it, the child becomes capricious;
  • increasedflatulence, bloating (infant colic);
  • regurgitation in large quantities;
  • insufficient weight gain;
  • undigested lumps of food and mucus with greens are present in the feces.

Treatment methods

When a deficiency is established, lactase enzyme preparations are prescribed. They must be consumed at every meal so that lactose is broken down in a timely manner.

Lactase enzyme for newborns and older children is sold under the following names:

  1. "Lactase".
  2. "Lactase Baby".
  3. "Lactazar".

The instructions for using these dietary supplements are similar: for babies, 1 capsule per 100 ml of formula or 25 ml of breast milk. The contents of the capsule are dissolved in a bottle with a mixture and immediately offered to the baby. When breastfeeding, milk with an enzyme is given first, after a few minutes - the breast.

lactase enzyme for newborns
lactase enzyme for newborns

These recommendations are of a general nature, the pediatrician observing the child is engaged in the selection of an individual dosage. The exact amount of lactase is prescribed depending on the results of the analysis, which provides information on the degree of lack of the enzyme.

Adults and the elderly are also shown drugs containing the enzyme lactase. As a rule, dairy products are absorbed worse at this age - medicines have a positive effect on this process. In addition, the enzyme is recommended after intestinal infections to normalize its microflora and restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.intestinal tract.

The enzyme lactase is vital for the full development of the child's body, when the milk carbohydrate is broken down, the necessary amount of energy is supplied, the central nervous system develops normally. Lactase also provides powerful support for the digestion of dairy products in the elderly.
