The most effective laxatives: a list of drugs

The most effective laxatives: a list of drugs
The most effective laxatives: a list of drugs

Those people who know the problem of constipation are constantly in need of the selection of effective laxatives. Fortunately, modern medicine offers a huge selection of them, moreover, in different price categories. What are the features of their application? What drugs are considered the best and what should those people who want to use drugs that have a laxative effect pay attention to? More on all this later.


The principle of operation of funds

How do laxatives work? After taking them orally, the components that make up the drug droop through the esophagus into the stomach, and from it into the intestines. If the agent is injected through the anus, then it starts to work much faster, penetrating immediately into the intestine. It is here that the main action of the drug unfolds. Their main functions are aimed at making the feces contained in the intestinethe masses became more liquid and easily passed out of the body.

This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that inside the intestine the so-called osmotic pressure rises and peristalsis is activated. Doctors emphasize that it is imperative to make the right choice of a laxative, since the most suitable drug will help not only eliminate excess deposits, but also restore the intestinal microflora after this procedure.

Prevention of constipation

How to make the problem of constipation worry less and less? First of all, you must clearly adhere to proper nutrition. Moreover, this concept includes not only the use of the proper amount of easily digestible food, but also the daily drinking of large amounts of water. In order to eliminate most of the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, it is enough just to drink a couple of glasses of purified water every morning and only after 40 minutes start the first meal. As for the evening, at this time of the day you can drink a glass of kefir - the beneficial bacteria contained in it will bring order to the intestinal microflora.

Also, in order to avoid problems with the intestines, it is recommended to constantly massage the abdomen - this helps very well.

What to do if the problem of constipation periodically manifests itself? First of all, you need to introduce foods that have a laxative effect into your daily diet. These include prunes, apricots, cabbage, beets and honey. In addition, it should be remembered that ordinary castorthe oil has a fast-acting effect - in case of a sharp onset of a problem, just a few drops should be consumed.

Types of drugs

All laxatives come in several forms: suppositories, tablets, potions, or powders. However, they are divided into different categories not only in the form of release, but also depending on the method of their action. According to this principle, those that have an irritating or osmotic effect, as well as prebiotics, are distinguished. Which one to choose? To answer this question, you should clearly understand what is the peculiarity of the drugs included in these groups.

Drugs that have an irritant effect

Laxatives, which are irritating, can provide the desired effect very quickly. On the constipation drug market, this category is the most numerous. As a rule, drugs of this category are offered to customers by pharmacists in pharmacies of any city. This is due to the fact that they have a common effect and are easy to use. In addition, buyers are usually pleased with their value.

In the category of drugs with an irritant effect, there is a considerable amount of laxatives for constipation for the elderly - this is due to the fact that the active ingredients that make up the drugs tend to act even in sluggish peristalsis, which is observed in people who have crossed the fifty-year age barrier.

How do these drugs work? First of all, you should pay attention to the softness of their functioning. Getting into a humanorganism, they irritate the colon, as a result of which peristalsis is stimulated. All this is done through the implementation of mild chemical reactions in the body. As practice shows, after taking the drug of this group, after 6-8 hours, normal emptying occurs, and the problem is no longer observed until the next relapse.

However, despite this ease of use, doctors of various specializations warn against the frequent use of this type of drug. According to them, a laxative for the intestines can develop atony of this organ or significantly disrupt the balance of electrolytes that is observed in human blood. In addition, if the remedy is used for 10 days in a row, degeneration of nerve endings can be noticed, which will undoubtedly have a deplorable effect on the whole organism. Often, pain in the intestines is observed from the constant use of the drug - this is also one of the side effects that you should pay attention to and immediately consult a doctor.

Which drugs in this category are the most effective? These include:

  • "Bisacodyl";
  • "Senade";
  • "Tirasen";
  • "Ex-Lax".

Their cost is relatively low - it is about 40-100 rubles per pack. If we talk about products presented in the form of candles, then among them in the pharmacy you need to pay attention to Glycelax, the price of which is about 80 rubles.

Rapid laxativemeans
Rapid laxativemeans


Laxatives for cleansing the intestines, classified in this category, are recognized as the most gentle and safe not only for the intestinal microflora, but for the whole organism as a whole. Unlike all other drugs with a laxative effect, after the patient has passed a certain number of tests, they are allowed to be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers. This feature of the drug group is due to the fact that all the drugs included in it contain carbohydrates in their composition, which are not digested in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. They are able to penetrate the intestines in an unsplit form and provide the process of liquefaction of feces.

Manufacturers of prebiotic preparations do not promise a quick effect - the relaxation process is rather slow (within 2-3 days), however, as practice shows, their action is more persistent than that which can be demonstrated by drugs with an irritating effect. In the course of their action, prebiotics have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, growing beneficial microorganisms in it.

Doctors note that the use of this group of laxatives at home is completely safe, they are not addictive and are almost incapable of side effects. However, despite this, it is recommended to use the tool in strict accordance with the instructions that come with it.

Some people who suffer from severe illnesses are allowed to drink only such drugs, as they do not cause side effects.effects. In particular, people suffering from liver diseases (encephalopathy), intestinal dysbacteriosis, as well as acute constipation can use such laxatives.

Which drugs of this group are the most effective? All of them are also divided into several categories, depending on which component the tool is based on. Thus, the modern pharmaceutical industry is ready to offer liquid medicines based on lactulose (Normaze, Goodluck, Livoluk-PB, Lactulose Poly, Dufalac), as well as lactitols (Exportal, Importal N).

Osmotic products

What is the peculiarity of the action of laxatives in this category? First of all, it should be noted that they are prescribed only in the case when there is a sharp delay in stool or food poisoning. For the elderly, laxatives of this group are especially suitable, since they do not call for the so-called "lazy gut" effect. Due to this property, drugs of this type can be taken for a moderately long period. Highly qualified employees in the field of medicine note that it is possible to take a remedy classified in this category for no more than three months. However, their minus lies in the fact that they do not treat the cause of constipation, but only eliminate the temporarily occurring symptoms of the disease. That is why, when observing such, it is imperative to contact a specialist in the field of gastroenterology.

HowDo fast osmotic laxatives work? Once in the body, they begin to accumulate and retain water in the intestines, the action of which is aimed at liquefying the feces located in the intestine. After it forms a lot of pressure, they are removed from the body.

As practice shows, if you take even the best laxative of this category for a long period, then the water-s alt balance in the body may be disturbed, which will negatively affect the work of other organs.

Which drugs of this group are the brightest in the field of pharmacology? Often, a lot of positive feedback is received by those made on the basis of macrogol (Forteza Rompharm, Tranzipeg, Lavacol, Osmogol). In addition, cheap Karlovy Vary s alt of artificial origin is widely used in medicine in its pure form, as well as magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, which is found to a large extent in magnesia, as well as in Epsom s alt.

The action of laxatives
The action of laxatives

Intestinal fillers

A separate group of fast-acting laxatives for cleansing the intestines are intestinal fillers. These include agents of synthetic origin, which are not absorbed by the body, due to which their mass significantly increases the existing fecal masses, as a result of which the emptying process occurs quite quickly.

Experts in the field of medicine note that one should refrain from taking such fundspeople who suffer from chronic constipation - as a rule, after using the substance, unpleasant phenomena begin to occur in their stomach in the form of bloating, rumbling and even pain, however, fecal masses are still not removed. Such elements also do not work if the human intestine is in a sluggish state. That is why such a laxative for cleansing the colon of an elderly person is not suitable at all.

In the process of using such a medicine, you should monitor the amount of water you drink. It must be a lot, at least 2 liters per day. This rule for patients is established because medicinal synthetic substances must swell and push out the feces contained in the intestines with them.

What components belong to this group of laxatives? First of all, it is worth highlighting agar-agar and wheat bran. In addition, flax and fleaworth seeds, as well as methylcellulose, which, like all of the above, are sold in pharmacies in any city, have a positive effect in solving the problem.

It is strictly forbidden to eat such substances during pregnancy. Their exposure may cause miscarriage of the fetus.

During pregnancy

Often, women who are in a state of expectation of a baby also face the problem of constipation. As practice shows, it is not recommended to use fast-acting laxatives for such a group of patients, since they irritate the intestinal microflora, which is not a positive thing duringprogression of the pregnancy state.

With all of the above, when observing the problem of constipation in a woman, you should not pay attention to your diet. It should definitely include products that differ in laxative properties. These include raw vegetables, fruits, buckwheat, prunes, and bran bread. In addition to this, it is imperative to increase the amount of fluid consumed.

However, if the problem cannot be eliminated by adjusting the diet, you should consult a doctor to select the most appropriate medication. As a rule, specialists in the field of gastroenterology prescribe probiotics to such a group of patients, which are harmless both for the mother herself and for the baby. It is also allowed to use glycerin suppositories in this position.

Fast acting laxatives
Fast acting laxatives


The use of laxatives is strictly prohibited for certain categories of persons. In particular, they include pregnant women (at any time), as well as infants. Women who are breastfeeding (except for probiotics) should completely avoid the use of this type of product.

As for the child's body, according to the individual situation, the pediatrician can prescribe a special safe probiotic, however, this is done only according to the results of a complex of tests.

It is strictly forbidden to use laxatives for people who have a disease such as pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, any kind of bleeding,peritonitis or cystitis, as well as intestinal obstruction established by the doctor. In all these cases, constipation may require a different type of treatment, at the discretion of the doctor.

Folk remedies

If you want to improve the work of the intestines, you can also use fast-acting folk laxatives. With constipation, as practice shows, they are the safest and, if used correctly, have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, which cannot be said about many drugs that are in modern pharmacies.

First of all, you need to know the main remedy that helps to cope with constipation - this is water. It must be drunk in large quantities - this helps to make the feces liquid and remove them from the body. For an adult and normally developed person, 1.5-2 liters will be enough to eliminate or at least alleviate the problem.

Laxative at home
Laxative at home

Also, vegetable oil drunk in the morning helps a lot. This should be done on an empty stomach and always in a small amount, a tablespoon will be enough. It is its properties that can perfectly promote the movement of feces through the intestines.

As for nutrition, this point should also be given great attention, since in many cases the cause of constipation is improper and untimely food intake. How should you eat? For starters, you can start eating crispbread, which is currently very easy to find in stores. You also need to enterin your diet, porridge cooked from cereals, to which you can add bran. The menu must include vegetables and fruits, as well as kefir.

What are the recipes for folk laxatives? One of them is very effective, but it should not be used during pregnancy. It should be prepared from a tablespoon of dry senna (sold in pharmacies), filled with a glass of hot water. In this composition, the ingredients should be heated in a water bath for 20 minutes, then let the mass brew. After that, a fresh decoction should be taken at night. As practice shows, the next morning the decoction will give its result - the chair will be restored.

Good laxative
Good laxative

To treat problems with constipation, you can use similar decoctions of licorice root, fennel fruit, and marshmallow - all these ingredients can be found in pharmacies in any city, they are relatively inexpensive, and the effect is excellent.

For another quick laxative, you can use cumin, anise and fennel in equal proportions. These ingredients must be mixed and poured with boiling water. After a short infusion, the decoction should be drunk.

Beets are among the fast-acting home laxatives. That is why nutritionists recommend using at least once a week, and in any form. In order to get rid of the problem of constipation, you can prepare a remedy according to this recipe: take one boiled beet root, grate it, add to it a few pieces of prunes, cut into strips. In the specifiedthe list of ingredients should also include a spoonful of vegetable oil and a pinch of sesame seeds. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, a delicious and very he althy salad is obtained, which is not only rich in rare vitamins, but also perfectly helps to eliminate the problem of constipation.

To eliminate the problem associated with the proper and timely removal of feces from the intestines, in folk medicine, carrot juice is often used, which must be consumed on an empty stomach, in the morning. The drink should be made by hand, from fresh and peeled root crops. Also, a couple of morning glasses of kefir or a cup of nettle tea improve the work of the intestines in an amazing way - the dried leaves of this plant can be purchased at any pharmacy at a cheap price. As a morning drink, you can use flax seeds brewed in a thermos. They must be filled with hot water. In the morning, the decoction should be drunk on an empty stomach.

At home, a mixture of freshly squeezed juices helps to fight constipation. To prepare it, you need to take a pomace from carrots, beets and cucumbers in a ratio of 10:3:3, respectively. After thorough shaking, the resulting drink should be consumed in the morning and drunk several times throughout the day.

Great help to eliminate the problem of spice seeds, which can always be found in any kitchen. To prepare a miraculous tincture, you need to take one tablespoon of dill, fennel, and cumin seeds, pour them with a glass of boiling water, insist for at least half an hour and take it orally. Also, these components can always be used byseparately. In the absence of allergies to the components, such a mixture can be given even to small children who are breastfed.

Folk laxatives
Folk laxatives

In folk medicine, homemade candles are also used. You can create them from a bar of soap, from which a bar should be cut off, formed from it into a product that is more reminiscent of a candle, and then placed in the anus. In order for it to enter better and more painlessly, it can be smeared with cream or petroleum jelly on the outside.
