Everyone has heard about prostatitis. This disease is often found in men. This disease affects the reproductive system. It is known that men at a young age can get sick with prostatitis. Adults of the stronger sex are also affected by this disease. Chronic prostatitis is present in 80% of males who are approaching the age of 80.
What is the essence of the disease? Causes
The essence of prostatitis is that an organ such as the prostate gland becomes inflamed. One of the most common causes of the disease is neglected infectious diseases of the reproductive system. In addition, there are a number of factors that can trigger the onset of the disease.

Now we will consider them. This is:
- Hypothermia of the organs of the male reproductive system. Some guys don't pay enough attention to warm clothes. They do this in vain, since hypothermia of the body can lead to serious he alth problems.
- Sedentary lifestyle. Passive lying on the couch can also cause he alth problems. Men should keep themselvesfit.
- Weak immune function. This may be due to the fact that a person suffers from any other ailments and his body is weakened. At this point, the male reproductive system may be subject to such a disease as prostatitis.
- VDs.
- Abuse of alcohol or other substances that have a bad effect on the body.
- Overwork at work. A person needs to remember that the body should be given time to rest. You should not work without a break, you should develop the habit of switching and relaxing. Otherwise, you can bring yourself to a painful state.
- Worrying about something can also cause prostatitis. Many women think that men are incapable of experiencing or emotional distress. Actually it is not. They just don't show their weaknesses. In fact, men are very worried about relationships with the opposite sex. They can also be upset because of failures at work, etc. It should be remembered that some problems will be constantly present in life, it does not happen that everything goes smoothly and well. Therefore, you need to find strength in yourself and move on with a good mood, and not lose heart for any reason. You can also share your experiences with another person, then it will become easier.

There are statistics: most often prostatitis occurs in men from 20 to 40 years old. This age is the most active in life. Effectschronic prostatitis can affect the subsequent sexual activity of a man. There are certain difficulties in diagnosing this disease. They are due to the fact that its symptoms are similar to other ailments. The opposite option is also possible, namely, a man may think that he has prostatitis, but in fact a completely different ailment develops in his body.
There are two main forms of the disease:
- Acute form of prostatitis, or bacterial disease. Acute prostatitis is much less common than chronic. Namely, in 5 cases out of 100.
- Chronic form of prostatitis is present most often in the male body. It does not develop as a consequence of acute prostatitis. An ailment appears on its own, that is, chronic prostatitis occurs immediately.
The prostate gland has a specific function in the work of the male body. Namely, it provides a normal ph level of the ureters. In addition, this organ maintains spermatozoa in a state of activity. Also, this gland performs a protective function, that is, the male genitourinary system is under its control.
What signs indicate that the human body has been exposed to such a disease?
There are certain signs of chronic prostatitis in men. We will consider them further.
If a man has discomfort in his stomach, this can be a signal that chronic prostatitis is starting to develop in the body. Pain can be both sharp and aching. Unpleasant sensations can be given inhip. Also, the lower back area can hurt. Some men report that the discomfort becomes more intense after ejaculation.
In the representatives of the stronger sex, sexual function begins to decline. Loss of sex drive. The intercourse itself becomes short. Erection also suffers. The consequences of chronic prostatitis can ruin a man's personal life.
The process of urination becomes unpleasant and painful. This is due to the presence of pain.

Men should be advised to seek immediate medical attention if these sensations are present in their bodies. First, the sooner professional medical care is provided, the better. Secondly, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after examining the patient. Thirdly, you do not need to self-medicate, as it can lead to a deterioration in the condition. As mentioned above, such symptoms may be associated with completely different malfunctions in the body.
Consequences of chronic prostatitis
What are the consequences of this disease? With the spread of the disease, a man may develop cystitis. Pyelonephritis may also occur. What other consequences of chronic prostatitis are there? The most common is vesiculitis. With this disease, the inflammatory process affects the seminal vesicles, appendages and testicles. Another unpleasant consequence of this disease is infertility.
How is a diagnosis made?
First of all, the doctor interviews the patient. Furtherhe is assigned laboratory tests. The patient is given a referral for a urine test.

Also examined in the laboratory ejaculate and prostate secretions.
If a man in the body has such an ailment as chronic bacterial prostatitis, then laboratory methods of research will reveal the presence of red blood cells in the secretion of the prostate gland. In addition, elements such as enterobacteria, E. coli and Klebsiella are found in the ejaculate.
When non-bacterial chronic prostatitis develops in the body, laboratory tests reveal the presence of leukocytes both in the urine and in the secretion of the prostate gland.
How to treat?
Do not think that this disease is not treatable. Chronic prostatitis can be cured through conservative methods. It should be borne in mind that the treatment regimen consists not only of taking certain medications. The patient will be assigned a comprehensive approach to improving the body.

How to treat chronic prostatitis? The patient should be aware that in addition to medical remedies that will provide pain relief and improve the functioning of the urinary system, he will need to change his lifestyle. It is necessary for a person to understand that his current way of life has led him to the occurrence of such a disease. The consequences of chronic prostatitis can be very sad. Therefore, it is not worth starting the disease. The appearance of this disease is influenced by suchfactors such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, and promiscuity.
You can treat chronic prostatitis in men through medications. The action of drugs is aimed at reducing or eliminating the pain of the patient. Next, you need to ensure that the inflammatory process goes away.

In addition, the patient is prescribed drugs that activate the regenerative properties of the body. Depending on the condition of the patient and the neglect of the disease, antibiotics may be prescribed to him. Most of the time they are prescribed. If one course of antibiotics does not lead to the desired result, then the patient is prescribed a second and even a third. Taking these drugs has a bad effect on the patient's stomach, its microflora deteriorates, so the patient is prescribed probiotics.
Chronic prostatitis in men can be treated with prostate massage.
It should be said that this procedure is not very pleasant. Therefore, not all men are ready for it. Prostate massage is done through the anus. But such treatment has a positive effect. Massage also speeds up the recovery process.
You can treat chronic prostatitis through physiotherapy. Such methods also have a beneficial effect on the human body. Due to the fact that microcirculation and heating occur, the tissues absorb drugs better. It uses such methods of treatment as warming upultrasound and irrigation with enemas, which are filled with a special solution with antibacterial properties.
What methods are used for chronic prostatitis in men? For example, balneotherapy. This is a special complex for the treatment of prostatitis with the help of mineral waters. In this way, patients are treated in special sanatoriums that deal with this area of medicine. Water is used, which is slightly mineralized. It is administered to the patient for oral administration. It is also used externally. There are several well-known sanatoriums that specialize in this area. They are located in the south of our country.
If a man begins to show certain symptoms that indicate that there is prostatitis in the body, then it is worth starting to follow the diet. The nutritional guidelines are pretty simple but should be followed.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages. Then you need to give up foods high in fat. The fact is that fat provokes the appearance of cholesterol, which is deposited on the vessels. Also, avoid s alty foods. And remove coffee, tea, drinks with gas from the diet.
Now you know how chronic prostatitis manifests itself. Symptoms and treatment are two important topics that we have covered in detail in the article. We hope that this information will be useful to you.