Human papillomavirus: treatment is a must

Human papillomavirus: treatment is a must
Human papillomavirus: treatment is a must

Is it possible to get rid of papillomas? Are the diseases caused by the human papillomavirus so dangerous? Treatment, of course, exists, but, as with other diseases, the disease is better to prevent. To do this, you need to have an idea about the pathogen, ways of transmission of infection, ways to prevent the disease.

What is human papillomavirus?

Treatment begins only when the doctor has established with the help of tests, to

human papillomavirus treatment
human papillomavirus treatment

what type is this virus. Indeed, under one name, as many as 70 varieties of pathogens are “hidden”, each of which has a different DNA from the others. Naturally, the symptoms and course of the disease depend on the type of virus that caused them. So type 1-4 leads to the appearance of warts: painless round formations on the body, palms or feet. The harm from this disease is reduced only to aesthetic damage. But 6-11 types cause the formation of genital warts. These pointed or cauliflower-like formations “settle” on the external mucous membranes, the head of the penis in men, and in the vagina of women. They may appear around or insideanus, vagina, cervix, urethra. Wherever such formations appear, they are caused by the human papillomavirus. Treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist, andrologist or venereologist. This virus is transmitted (most often) through unprotected intimate contact or (very rarely) through close household contact. However, most often those people whose immunity is greatly reduced get sick. Therefore, if you have been attacked by any human papillomavirus, it is advisable to start treatment comprehensively. And be sure to go for a consultation with an immunologist.

The most dangerous human papillomavirus

16 is the most dangerous type, and here's why. Its symptoms echo those of types 18, 31 and 33: thick growths grow around the genitals - in both men and women

human papillomavirus type 16,
human papillomavirus type 16,

yellow or pink (rarely white) plaques. This means that the virus caused a disease called bowenoid papulosis. Very often it is with the appearance of such plaques that skin cancer begins. The human papillomavirus, the treatment of which can take a long time, can cause other diseases. So in men infected with the 16th type of the mentioned virus, Bowen's disease can develop. A seal first appears on the head, which later develops into a wet, large red plaque with clearly defined edges. It can occupy an increasing surface of the head, delivering a lot of annoying sensations. If treatment is not started on time, the plaque can develop into a malignant tumor (cancer). Similar symptoms can cause viruses 18, 31, 33and 45 types.

Virus type 16 and women's he alth

Oncologists, dermatologists and gynecologists have concluded that type 16 virus often causes a precancerous condition, especially in women. First, infected patients develop cervical or epithelial neoplasia (changes in the structural features of cells). Quite often, during an external examination, the changes are not visible: they can only be determined with a special series of analyzes. In most cases, neoplasia develops into cervical cancer - a dangerous, hard to treat disease. Vaccination against the human papillomavirus will help prevent infection with a severe viral infection. Vaccines designed for specific strains of the virus help prevent the development of cancer. In some countries, the law requires all women of childbearing age to receive such vaccinations.


One of the most effective methods of treatment today is laser therapy. You can remove warts and papillomas using propolis tincture, electrocoagulation.

human papillomavirus vaccine
human papillomavirus vaccine

Some experts recommend freezing them with liquid nitrogen or burning papillomas with current. However, you should know: getting rid of cosmetic defects does not mean the disappearance of the virus. Therefore, immunologists prescribe immunoprotectors. Places of removal of papillomas are treated with special antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents. Sometimes prescribe cytotoxic agents that destroy warts. It could be Podophyllin, triacetic acid, similar drugs.
