Lumbago, and in the people "lumbago" - pain that occurs in the lower back. Lumbago provocateurs are considered to be overexertion when lifting weights or a sharp bend, after which a person is not able to straighten up for some time.
Lumbago - symptoms, treatment

Most often, lumbago occurs due to overexertion of the lower back, but the cause can be lumbar hernia, displacement of the vertebrae, congenital anomalies of the spine. Acute and sharp lumbago pain can occur when an intervertebral disc prolapses or when there is a strong tension in the muscles and ligaments of the back.
As a rule, the pain is localized in the lumbosacral region - this is lumbodynia. If the pain stretches to the legs, the disease is called lumboischialgia. Acute lower back pain, as mentioned above, is lumbago. Symptoms, treatment will be discussed below.
Lumbodynia usually manifests itself in osteochondrosis of the spine. Over time, the fluid in the intervertebral disc is lost and it shrinks. Without fluid, the shock-absorbing function disappears, and under mechanical stress, a person feels pain. Gradually, a disc herniation develops. Pain that manifestsonly in the back, can be associated both with problems of the spine itself, and with problems of soft tissues, for example, sprains of muscles or ligaments, spasms.
If you clarify what lumbago is, symptoms, treatment of the disease, it should be noted that the pain is especially evident when straightening, but in the supine position it can subside. But if you move a little, it comes back. The pain also goes away spontaneously, in a few days, sometimes weeks.

If we talk about the causes of lumbago, the symptoms, the treatment of which can only be determined by a specialist, it should be noted that it often happens in people with diseases of the kidneys and perirenal tissue. These can be diseases such as colic, kidney infarction, pyelitis, paranephritis. If such a lumbago is described in detail, then this pain is sudden and sharp, it occurs in the lumbar region and radiates to the genitals, thigh and groin, indicating colic.
Acute pyelitis is also marked by pain in the lumbar region, but the pain is dull and not so intense.

In middle age, lumbago is most often provoked by a disc herniation, but in older patients, osteophytes, ligament hypertrophy, etc. can become the culprits for pain. heave. Pain fixes a person in a half-tilt and does not allow straightening, passes in a supine position.
Lumbago - how to treat?
For treatment, specialists usually usetherapy that matches pain algorithms. It is important not only to cure pain at the site of localization, but to identify its cause. Further treatment is prescribed in accordance with the identified causes of lumbago.
In severe lumbago pain syndrome, drug treatment is used to relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms. But the chronic course of the disease in the spinal region is effectively treated with spinal traction techniques, special therapeutic exercises, massage, acupuncture and other methods.