Cancer of the tongue: stages, photos, signs and symptoms

Cancer of the tongue: stages, photos, signs and symptoms
Cancer of the tongue: stages, photos, signs and symptoms

Cancer of the tongue is a fairly rare disease. They affect no more than 2% of all cancer patients. Statistics say that men aged 50 to 55 are most susceptible to this rare disease. Cancer of the tongue develops at an accelerated pace, which causes serious types of complications in the human body. The scary thing is that pronounced symptoms appear only at a late stage, when it is extremely dangerous for a person. However, today in the world practice there are a number of effective methods for the treatment of this rare disease.

Cancer of the tongue: classification

This disease has its own classification series. So, tongue cancer can develop in such localized areas:

  • on the tip of the tongue;
  • on the root;
  • side;
  • in the sublingual part;
  • at the bottom of the mouth.

The most dangerous is the development of cancer in the root of the tongue, since this area is difficult to operate.

Cancer of the body of the tongue is usually observed in 70% of patients. This type of disease affects the lateral and middle parts.

The development of cancer of the tongue at the root affects approximately 20% of all patients with thisoncology. The appearance of a malignant tumor in the region of the posterior half of the oral cavity is always accompanied by aggressive development.

Malignant formations in the sublingual part of the tongue are found in 10% of cases.

By histological composition, two types of cancer are distinguished: squamous cell (95% suffer) and adenocarcinoma.

There are three types of tongue cancer tumors (photo below):

  • The ulcerative appearance begins its development as a manifestation of a seal on the tongue, which gradually turns into an ulcer. Bleeding and severe pain are very common.
  • Infiltrative appearance - the tumor is dense to the touch, and white spots appear on its surface, the accompanying symptom is severe pain.
  • Papillary appearance - the neoplasm on the tongue is quite hard with dense plaques to the touch, the progression is slow.
stages of tongue cancer photo tongue cancer initial stage
stages of tongue cancer photo tongue cancer initial stage

Malignant tumors of the tongue usually metastasize rapidly via lymphogenous and hematogenous routes.

Cancer of the tongue: stages

This disease has three stages: initial, more developed and neglected. Cancer of the tongue (a photo of the initial stage is presented) is quite difficult to diagnose, especially in the early stages of the development of the disease.

tongue cancer stages tongue cancer photo initial stage
tongue cancer stages tongue cancer photo initial stage

The reason is that many patients simply do not feel severe pain in the oral cavity, and therefore do not sound the alarm.

The symptomatic signs of each stage of cancer need to be considered in more detaillanguage:

  1. The initial stage is painless and almost imperceptible with a slight seal on the tongue. The results of the diagnosis of the first stage are similar to the disease of purulent tonsillitis, stomatitis and other infectious diseases.
  2. Patients with the second stage of tongue cancer notice such signs: burning of the side of the tongue and palatine tonsils, severe itching, ulcers on the tongue that are open and bleeding. The second stage of the disease (developed) is accompanied by an increase in neoplasm up to 1 centimeter, which grows into the muscles and bones of the face.
  3. The advanced stage of tongue cancer is accompanied by a significant increase in the size of the tumor - up to 2 centimeters, which is visible to the naked eye. In patients with the last stage of the disease, the following symptoms are observed: severe pain that radiates to the temple and frontal sinus; disruption of the digestive system; the sensitivity of the tongue is lost and immobility appears; the neoplasm disintegrates, resulting in a process of increased saliva production and bad breath.
  4. Cancer of the fourth degree is expressed by an enlarged tumor - about 4 centimeters. The neoplasm affects the entire surface of the tongue, including its sides. After that, metastases appear that affect the lymph nodes, brain and bone tissue.
tongue cancer signs
tongue cancer signs

Among the pronounced symptoms of the last stage of the disease, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • numerous bleeding ulcers all over the tongue;
  • an increase in the size of neoplasms;
  • severe pain that doesn't go away;
  • loss of appetite and general condition reminiscent of chronic fatigue;
  • malaise;
  • an inflammatory process occurs in all internal organs.

At the fourth stage of tongue cancer (the photo shocks almost everyone), most often a person does not survive. However, the forecast is purely individual.

It all depends on how well and timely treatment is provided.

Causes of disease development

Among the many causes that can cause cancer of the tongue, oncologists identify external adverse factors, namely:

  • Smoking for many years and drinking alcohol. If a person abuses these bad habits, then the likelihood of a malignant tumor increases significantly. It should be noted that alcohol largely negatively enhances the effect of the tobacco mixture on the human body.
  • Chronic tongue injury. This phenomenon occurs due to the installed low-quality prostheses, as well as if the mucous layer of the tongue is constantly injured by a broken tooth or during regular biting of the tongue.
  • Working with s alts of heavy metals and products of the oil industry.
  • Eating too hot foods that burn the mucous membrane of the tongue, and the abuse of hot spices.
  • Chronic inflammation of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis).
tongue cancer
tongue cancer

When exposed to several factors at the same time on the human body, the likelihood of developingtongue cancer.

You should also indicate a list of precancerous diseases that also increase the risk of a malignant neoplasm in the oral cavity:

  • Bowen's disease is the appearance of a small spot on the tongue. The surface of the spot is quite smooth, erosion gradually appears in this place.
  • Leukoplakia is an area of persistent inflammation that looks like a whitish wart.

The likelihood of developing this disease with a different location of the lesion increases with age. This type of cancer usually affects men aged 40 to 60.

Cancer of the tongue: symptoms

With careful attention to one's own he alth, it is necessary to examine the oral cavity. Cancer of the tongue has the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort at the site of the neoplasm is expressed by burning, numbness, tingling. If the tumor increases, then the patient feels a sharp cutting pain that radiates to the ear, lower jaw and temple.
  • Bad breath appears, especially at the moment when the neoplasm has taken the form of an ulcer.
  • Violation of swallowing, it is inconvenient for the patient to swallow food and saliva.
  • Spoken language is changing.
  • The lymph nodes that are under the jaw, behind the ears are enlarged.
  • Bleeding tongue and disturbed its mobility.

Often the initial stage of tongue cancer occurs with mild pain that does not have a clear local location. Therefore, the patient may take these symptoms for the appearance of ordinary stomatitis, cariesor sore throat.


The specific method of treatment is chosen by the doctor, guided by the location and type of tumor, as well as the stage of the disease.

tongue cancer symptoms
tongue cancer symptoms

Timely medical attention is very important, which will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Surgical method

Thanks to surgery, you can completely remove the tumor, until metastases spread throughout the body. The operation in this way is that part of the language is removed. After a successful operation, the patient returns to the ability to speak. The stage of the disease directly affects the percentage of tongue removal. If the disease develops under the tongue, then the floor of the mouth is removed.

Radiation therapy

This method of therapy is recognized worldwide as the most effective. The neoplasm undergoes an irradiation process in several sessions, after which the result is evaluated. If the tumor has only decreased in size, then repeat radiation therapy is usually performed. In early-stage tongue cancer, only part of the tongue (affected) is irradiated.


This method is used everywhere, regardless of the form of manifestation of cancer. Substances are introduced into the patient's body that reduce the growth of the tumor and destroy its tissues. Usually this method of treatment is used if it is necessary to destroy metastases and tumor remnants.


The process of treating tongue cancer is quite complicated. In order to avoid the development of such a terrible disease as cancer, it is necessarytake absolutely simple preventive measures:

  • Keep your mouth clean by brushing your teeth regularly.
  • It is worth giving up smoking tobacco products forever.
tongue cancer prevention
tongue cancer prevention

Stop drinking alcohol. People who are addicted to smoking and alcoholic beverages are most susceptible to tongue cancer

tongue cancer prevention
tongue cancer prevention
  • Reduce time spent in the sun.
  • According to research data from the American Institute for Cancer Research, garlic, grapes, tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce are good for the body. But all fried foods should be excluded from the diet, giving preference to steamed food.
  • Visit the dentist regularly. The dentist is not only in charge of dental treatment, but he can also recognize the first symptomatic signs of the development of tongue cancer.
  • Keep a he althy lifestyle.

Do not ignore the first signs of the disease, if they are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Remember that oncologists guarantee a favorable outcome only with the timely start of treatment for tongue cancer. Take care of yourself and remember that your he alth is in your hands!
