Symptoms of lip cancer - how to recognize them?

Symptoms of lip cancer - how to recognize them?
Symptoms of lip cancer - how to recognize them?

Cancer of the lip is a malignant neoplasm. This disease is common, but more often observed in people after forty. Formations can appear both on the upper lip and on the lower one (on the latter it is much more common, but the treatment of the lower lip is also easier).

Causes of occurrence

There are many causes of lip cancer, the most common of which is smoking. There are other factors that provoke this disease - burns, piercings, alcoholism, bacterial diseases of the oral cavity, viral infections, and mucosal injuries. This type of cancer is more common in older men. In young people, a malignant tumor is rarely diagnosed.

The first symptoms of lip cancer are quite difficult to determine, because at the beginning of the disease, the neoplasm can be confused with herpes or just a long-term non-healing lesion. The tumor usually grows slowly. In advanced cases, metastases are formed not only on the mucous membrane, but also spread into the oral cavity, germinate in the jaw bones, and then the cancer cells spread through the blood throughout the body.

lip cancer symptoms
lip cancer symptoms

Symptoms of lip cancer

- profuse salivation;

- itching, especially during meals;

- dry red border withpeeling;- seal covered with grayish or yellowish scales.

The initial symptoms of lip cancer do not cause much discomfort, this stage is painless. Women usually see a doctor promptly, as the sores noticeably spoil the appearance. Men are more likely to visit a specialist in the second and subsequent stages. With early diagnosis of this disease, treatment gives positive results in 70-80% of cases.

How to recognize cancer

If a long non-healing wound appears on the lip, this is already a reason to see a doctor. Most often, the first sign is a small seal, which gradually begins to peel off. When small crusts are detached, new, coarse and large ones appear in their place, usually gray or yellow.

Sometimes the very first symptoms of lip cancer are burning and itching in the mouth, especially when eating.

lip cancer symptoms photo
lip cancer symptoms photo

Gradually, new dense formations appear around the nodule. With the development of the disease, swelling, ulcers, scabs are observed.

The nodules themselves are painless on palpation, discomfort occurs when the crusts are separated. During exfoliation, blood comes out, you can see small fused nodules of a light gray color.

Women are more likely to get upper lip cancer. The symptoms are no different from the signs of cancer of the lower lip, the difference is only in the place of formation. A tumor on the upper lip is less common, but more difficult to treat.

upper lip cancer symptoms
upper lip cancer symptoms

At the first suspicion of lip cancer,contact an oncologist immediately. If the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, then the chance of a complete recovery is very high - about 70%. Unlike most other cancers, lip cancer can be cured without surgery. Today, short-focus radiation and interstitial therapy is used for the first two stages.

In order to timely make such a diagnosis as lip cancer, symptoms, photos and other information on this disease should be viewed by everyone who cares about their he alth.
