Because of its special structure, the hemorrhoid gel belongs to the soft medicines that deal with a delicate problem. Such drugs are no less effective than suppositories, suppositories or ointments. All this together makes the gel the most popular not only among patients, but also among practitioners. It is known that hemorrhoids are insidious and sometimes require surgical intervention, but if the pathology is not started, then conservative treatment with soft drugs is quite effective.

Advantages of gels over other forms of medicines
Ointments and gels for hemorrhoids are sometimes considered almost identical. However, this is not quite true. Water is used as the basis for the manufacture of a gel-like preparation, while oil or fat is taken for a cream or ointment. As a result, the gel is softer. All active components are evenly distributed inside the hydrophilic base, and this is not observed in ointments. In addition, the acid composition of the gels stronglyclose to the natural level of the skin, so their use causes a minimum of side effects. The water-based structure contributes to the absence of clogging of pores and does not cause disturbances in oxygen exchange. In addition, after applying the drug to the problem area, a protective film is formed, which not only moisturizes the skin, but also protects against pathogenic microorganisms. For many, it is important that the presence of fat in the ointment makes it vulnerable to long-term storage, which cannot be said about the gel.
Hemorrhoid Gel also has the following benefits:
- absorbs immediately after application;
- has a strong decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect;
- promotes rapid regeneration of damaged cells;
- eliminates congestion in the blood vessels of the anus and rectum;
- strengthens the walls of the veins and helps restore tone;
- has an immunomodulatory effect;
- has antimicrobial activity;
- allows you to quickly relieve discomfort, pain and itching in the rectum;
- acts only at the place of application, so it is not forbidden to use for a long time;
- does not leave greasy stains on underwear.

Main cast
Any hemorrhoid gel basically has specially prepared water and medicinal components dissolved in it. As in any drug, it has the main substances and auxiliary substances that are necessaryfor the formation of the structure of the agent and the activation of medicinal properties. The most common active ingredients are:
- shark liver oil;
- medicinal plant extracts;
- glucocorticosteroids;
- painkillers;
- flavonoids;
- vitamins;
- anticoagulants;
- minerals.
Gel may consist of one or several active ingredients.
To give the preparation a soft structure, transport the main substances to the area of inflammation and better absorption, auxiliary ingredients are added to the gel. Among them it is worth highlighting:
- purified and specially prepared water;
- sodium dioxide;
- propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
- carbomer;
- methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Presence of contraindications
Gel from hemorrhoids, despite a lot of advantages, has a number of contraindications that you should definitely take into account. The disease must be treated under the supervision of a specialist who will take into account the general condition of the patient, his age and the presence of concomitant diseases. A number of general prohibitions on the use of the gel include:
- childhood;
- a drug containing anticoagulants is contraindicated in bleeding from hemorrhoidal cones;
- if there are malfunctions in the liver or kidneys, then a long course of use becomes impossible;
- an allergic reaction to any component of the drug.
Doctors emphasize that the gelis a lightweight form of the drug, but even this fact does not guarantee the absence of side effects. Therefore, the appointment of funds should only occur by the attending physician. The overall he alth of the patient should always be considered.
Terms of Use
The effectiveness of the drug will largely depend on the correctness of its application. The drug is effective in the chronic course of the disease and acute manifestations of pathology. Gel for hemorrhoids, reviews - confirmation of this, has a noticeable analgesic effect and a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, regardless of the location of the bumps. They can be external, internal, or a combination. In either case, a soft gel medication can help. To achieve a pronounced result, the drug must be applied twice a day to problem areas. However, if the pathology is neglected or severe pain bothers you, then three or four applications are allowed.
Steps before the procedure should be as follows:
- Before using the medicine, it is important to take an enema if it was not possible to empty the bowels on your own.
- Followed by hygiene procedures, but the use of soap is not recommended. It is necessary to wash the anus and genitals with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel.
- Hands should also be thoroughly washed.
- If time permits, to enhance the activity of the gel, you can first conduct a sitz bath based on medicinal herbs.
- Whenin the presence of external cones, the drug is applied in a thin layer or an application is made using it using a cotton pad. The holding time will be 20 minutes.
- If you are concerned about internal bumps, then it is more advisable to use the applicator (comes with the product) and inject the gel into the anus. The applicator must be lubricated with vaseline oil so that it does not injure the inflamed mucosa.
- After the procedure, you need to lie down quietly for about 30 minutes so that the gel does not flow back and has the maximum effect.
- For the introduction of the gel into the rectum, you can use a gauze and cotton swab, which is impregnated with the gel. The method is less convenient, but in no way inferior in efficiency. The tampon must be left to act for 2-3 hours.
Rating of the best gels against hemorrhoids
After talking with a doctor about getting rid of hemorrhoids, consulting pharmacists in pharmacies and studying all kinds of Internet resources, you can understand that there are many remedies in the form of a gel to solve the problem. But not all of them are more safe and effective. Next, consider the drugs that have the best effect and are the most commonly prescribed and popular with doctors and patients. The gel rating looks like this:
- Gel "Relief".
- Gel "Troxevasin".
- Gel "Lyoton".
- Gel "Troxerutin".
- Gel "Hepatrombin".
- Gel "Chemostop".
"Relief" with liver oilsharks
The drug is recognized as effective and quickly copes with any form of hemorrhoids and localization of nodes. According to experts, the tool helps the patient feel more comfortable and guarantees the following:
- prolonged and pronounced pain relief;
- eliminate itching;
- removal of inflammation and swelling;
- normalization of vein tone;
- fast healing of rectal tears and fissures.
Judging by the feedback from patients, the gel quickly copes with the task, has a minimum of side effects. Doctors often prescribe the drug not only to eliminate hemorrhoids, but also for faster recovery after surgery on the rectum. The remedy has proven itself well during such medical procedures as:
- anoscopy;
- colonoscopy;
- rectomanoscopy.
Diagnosis is painless, more comfortable, no side effects are observed after it.
Among the contraindications for use is only the age of up to twelve years and intolerance to any component from the composition.
Venoprotective agent "Troxevasin"
Gel "Troxevasin" is a widely used remedy not only for the elimination of hemorrhoidal cones, but also for the treatment of veins of the lower extremities. The active ingredient is troxerutin, which has a pronounced venoprotective and venotonic effect, which explains its rapid action and popularity among patients. Among the indications forthe following pathologies appear in the application of the gel:
- hemorrhoids, in which the nodes are outside;
- venous insufficiency;
- thrombophlebitis;
- varicose veins.
Improves blood circulation, relieves pain and prevents the formation of blood clots "Troxevasin" (gel) for hemorrhoids. How to use the tool is described in detail in the instructions. The basic steps are as follows:
- It is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. You can take a sitz bath.
- Dry the anus area with a soft towel.
- A small amount of gel is gently rubbed into problem areas.
- Apply in the morning and evening.
The remedy has its own contraindications. The gel can not be used for extensive cracks and severe damage to the rectum and anus. It is also worth considering the individual intolerance of the components of the drug. Reviews about the drug are quite positive, the gel performs the stated functions and rarely causes side effects.

"Lyoton" - a gel recognized by experts
Gel "Lyoton" for hemorrhoids is widely prescribed by proctologists and has aroused the confidence of patients. The composition is as follows:
- specially prepared water;
- ethyl alcohol;
- neroli oil;
- lavender oil;
- carbomer;
- trolamine;
- methyl parahydroxybenzoa;
- propyl parahydroxybenzoa.
Amongthe main indications for use are all kinds of pathologies of blood vessels, among which hemorrhoids are not in last place.
Gel "Lioton" with hemorrhoids helps:
- recovery of vascular walls;
- increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
Reviews of experts show that the drug is equally effective both with the external arrangement of cones and with the internal one. If the nodes are in the access zone, then they are simply lubricated with medication. Otherwise, it is necessary to use tampons impregnated with gel. Patients evaluated the efficacy and safety of the drug. The medicine deserves even more trust because of only one contraindication - individual intolerance.

Gel "Troxerutin"
Troxerutin gel is often prescribed for hemorrhoids. Its use is justified in the presence of cones and cracks in the rectum. The composition is almost identical to the gel "Troxevasin", therefore, these medicines are often called analogues. However, despite the same components, their ratio varies. In addition, an increased amount of vitamin P contains "Troxerutin" gel. The instructions for use for hemorrhoids contain information that if the anus and rectum are damaged, it is not prohibited to use it. Moreover, as the reviews show, the use of the gel leads to rapid tissue regeneration and healing. The drug is in good standing with proctologists, but oftenused in tandem with tablets of the same name.
"Troxerutin" - gel for hemorrhoids - reviews are very positive. It helps to quickly get rid of discomfort, restore blood vessels and cause a minimum of side effects.

"Hepatrombin" - gel for hemorrhoids
The basis of the drug "Hepatrombin" are the following components;
- allantoin;
- dexpanthenol;
- heparin sodium.
The drug has a combined effect, which is due to its constituent components. Judging by the reviews of doctors, the gel:
- prevents blood clots;
- promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues;
- thintens the blood;
- eliminates inflammation.
The remedy has its own contraindications. It cannot be used when:
- hemophilia;
- thrombocytopenia;
- intolerance to any component from the composition.
Despite the claimed effect and the quick elimination of the problem, the drug causes side effects. Most often patients complain:
- for the manifestation of urticaria;
- on the appearance of a rash.
Also, among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the inability of the gel to eliminate severe pain.
Antimicrobial agent "Chemostop"
For the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoidal bumps, as well as deep cracks in the anus, Chemostop is recommended - a gel fromhemorrhoids. Reviews of doctors confirm its antimicrobial, healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicinal composition is based on extracts of medicinal plants:
- aloe;
- oak bark;
- St. John's wort.
Alantoin also added.
Patients note in their reviews that the gel quickly relieves pain, soothes itching and normalizes the condition of the mucous membranes. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to apply the product to problem areas twice a day. If the lesions are extensive, then compresses are indicated.
"Heparin" to eliminate hemorrhoids
"Heparin" (gel) for hemorrhoids should be prescribed only by the attending physician. If the patient is concerned about the chronic course of the disease, then with the help of the gel, complications can be prevented and natural blood circulation in the rectum can be established.
With an exacerbation of the disease, "Heparin", judging by the reviews, helps to solve the following problems:
- repair damaged integuments;
- relieve the condition and remove the pain syndrome;
- significantly reduce hemorrhoids;
- eliminate pathogenic microflora.
The gel is applied to the affected area up to three times a day.

Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy
During the bearing of a child, various problems may appear. Knots in the anus are a fairly common problem. Gels for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are the preferred treatment because they have a local effect. However, notall medications will work. It is important to consult with your doctor before prescribing. The list of approved medicines is as follows:
- "Relief";
- "Troxevasin";
- "Troxerutin";
- "Hepatrombin".
To choose the right drug, the doctor examines the woman and, based on her condition and gestational age, will advise the appropriate gel.