"Tachycardia" is not called a separate disease, but a symptom caused by malfunctions in the cardiovascular system. Sometimes an increase in heart rate can be absolutely physiological and does not indicate a pathology. But most often it is

disease causes an attack of tachycardia. Symptoms in this case should not be ignored in order to prevent serious consequences.
What are the types of tachycardia?
So, it can be both an independent and normal phenomenon, and a sign of pathologies. Based on this, two main types of tachycardia can be distinguished. Physiologically familiar to almost everyone. This is the state when it seems that the heart is about to jump out of the chest. Such a feeling can be caused by joy, some unexpected impression, panic, fear, anxiety, in a word, any strong emotion. This is an absolutely safe tachycardia. Causes, symptoms, treatment or preventive measures need not be thought through. As soon as the stressful or exciting moment passes, the level of hormones that caused the increased heart rate will decrease, and the condition will return to normal. The same situation with tachycardia during sports. The change in heart rate at such moments is completelyfine. A completely different matter is pathological tachycardia. It can occur in the sinus node, in the atria, in the ventricles, it can be chronic or paroxysmal. Its presence is an alarming symptom. This type of tachycardia may also be

Tachycardia symptoms
The manifestation of the disease can be different. It depends on the age, the general physical condition of the person, the specific type of cardiac disorders. In the sinus form, the symptoms are a rapid heartbeat with a regular rhythm and a general loss of strength. In cardiac diagnostics, an unstable pulse and a typical ECG appear, which allow the doctor to understand that this is a sinus symptom. Tachycardia that occurs in the atria is characterized by sudden palpitations with a frequency of up to 250 beats per minute and unreasonable panic. In this condition, the patient needs immediate medical attention. With paroxysm, the heartbeat rises to 140 beats, the patient's pulse is extremely difficult to calculate, the general condition is characterized by weakness. Discomfort in the heart and sternum is another characteristic symptom. Tachycardia of this type is also diagnosed using an ECG. The danger of this condition is that in the absence of a timely examination, he alth can deteriorate greatly. In pregnant women, tachycardia can lead to loss of consciousness; in children, it is often associated with congenital heart disease. So trying to calm your heart rate on your own shouldn't be the only help your body gets. If you notice anxietysymptom, tachycardia should be monitored by your doctor as soon as possible.

What causes this condition?
With the causes of physiological tachycardia, everything is clear. And what can cause pathological? What are the concomitant factors to judge the likelihood of its occurrence? As a rule, this condition is associated with fever, ischemia, hormonal disorders, arrhythmia, heart attack, congenital heart defects, hypertension, heart failure, anemia, neurosis, or infectious diseases.