Necrophile is one of the most popular horror movie characters. In films and books, necrophiles are portrayed as freaks with bloody mouths, snarling voices, and strange behavior. In fact, in real life, a necrophile is an ordinary-looking person. You can live for years next to such patients, and not know about their deviations. In order to understand who they are, you need to become more familiar with the mental disorder called "necrophilia".
In "non-medical" language, necrophilia can be called the desire for constant contact with death. There are different "degrees" of this deviant behavior, but they have a common feature. Some psychiatrists believe that the necrophile gets sexual pleasure because the dead body maximally combines human outlines and a complete lack of will, it is completely subordinate to the rapist. All specialists treat the disease differently. Some tend to consider it as an extreme manifestation of fetishism (sexual craving forinanimate objects). Others consider the disease to be an independent disorder. In any case, the features of this deviant behavior are often inherent in especially dangerous criminals (rapists, terrorists, etc., except for pedophiles and serial rapists).

Classification of necrophiles
So, a necrophile is a person seeking sex with the dead.
- Some people don't make physical contact with corpses, but only fantasize about it. Such a person may be addicted to funeral paraphernalia, want to strive to see and smell the flesh that is decomposing. If no action is taken, and everything is limited to staring and fantasies, then such a person is most likely a passive necrophile.
- The history of psychiatry knows cases when men, ordering prostitutes, forced them to become like corpses, and the room in which the sexual act took place was furnished as a mortuary. There are moments when people dug up corpses and entered into intimate relationships with them. In addition, there are people (both women and men) seeking to re-perform sexual acts with the dead. Such a necrophilic maniac (officially the stage is called "necro-sadism" or "Bertranism") can quickly go through the stage of "passive" violence and move into a more terrible category.
- Necrophilic killers don't enjoy simply "communing" with corpses. To get complete pleasure, the maniac must first kill the victim, then rape her. This form of necrophilia is often combined with the dismemberment of corpses andeven by eating their parts. In both cases, the maniac most often prefers the genitals, mammary glands, sometimes the heart or tongue. Eating organs has a name too: necrophagy.

A necrophile is a person with a profound mental disorder. Some psychiatrists try to treat the disease, but success (infrequent) is possible only in the mildest cases. Very often, necrophiliacs end up in jail after committing several crimes.