For whatever drug you open the instructions, it says: "Side effects: nausea, weakness, dizziness …". If there is nausea from pills, then it turns out that it is harmful to drink medicines? What do you do if you get sick?
What happens in the body when you take medication?
In the instructions, it is customary to always warn about possible side effects of the medicinal substance on the body, but this does not mean that this remedy will certainly make you sick and diarrhea will occur.

The effect of drugs on each individual, as well as the impact of the environment and food. One gets sick from the smell of acetone, the other reacts to the sun.
Folk wisdom says: "A pill heals one thing, another cripples." And this, unfortunately, is true. Why is this happening?
All drugs must be excreted naturally from the body. If the kidney function is impaired, then nausea from the tablets will occur. The accumulation of the drug will cause intoxication. Each organism has an individual ability to metabolize. If splitting is not done, then the medicine willdigest poorly.
If nausea persists after pills, inform your doctor.
Trying to get rid of the problem
To reduce nausea caused by medication, you can use the following methods:
1. Even if the instructions say to take the medicine before a meal, you can transfer it to a reception after a meal (after 45 minutes).

2. Take the tablets only with water, but between medications drink berry fruit drinks from cranberries or currants. They help the body cleanse faster.
3. To reduce nausea from pills, food should be combined with the intake of probiotics, which improve bowel function.
4. You need to drink antihistamines, which will reduce the side effects of drugs.
5. If you calculate the medication by weight, then the nausea from the pills may stop. The average dose of the substance is calculated for a weight of 60 to 120 kg. Therefore, in therapeutic practice, side effects are often encountered due to overdose.
If none of the proposed methods helps, the doctor will always advise a similar, less toxic drug. Sometimes it is enough to purchase a next-generation product with a higher degree of cleaning.
The most dangerous pills
The pills that cause nausea consistently and for everyone are the ones used to get rid of cancer or tuberculosis.

Unpleasantthe effect has to be endured: without these medicines it is impossible to cure diseases. Even the hepaprotective agents that are prescribed along with them do not help to avoid such problems.
Nausea occurs from medicines containing ergot derivatives. One of them is Levodopa. Often patients complain of nausea from metronidazole derivatives. Cause nausea drugs that affect the secretion of the stomach, as well as cardiac glycosides.
Side effects include more than just nausea from pills. The consequences could be much more serious. The warnings in the instructions are very diverse: drugs can have a pathological effect on the auditory and optic nerve, disrupt the excretory and nervous systems, liver and kidneys.
When prescribing a drug, the doctor measures the benefits of it and the harm that it can cause to the body. Therefore, in no case should you take medicines on your own. Self-medication is like a slow suicide, it is life-threatening.