Why do we need an analysis from the priests?

Why do we need an analysis from the priests?
Why do we need an analysis from the priests?

"Why do you need to take an analysis from the priests of adults?" - many are surprised. It's uncomfortable, unaesthetic. Can't you think of something else?

"Inconvenient" analysis

ass analysis
ass analysis

You can't. Analysis from the priests is a smear. It is taken in order to examine the state of the cells that are scraped off the walls of the organ under examination.

Take swabs from the pharynx, from the nasal passages, from the genitourinary organs and from the anus. Based on their results, the most accurate diagnosis of diseases is carried out. Cells taken from a patient are called biological material. They are placed in environments that have the most beneficial effect on those pathogenic organisms, microbes or bacteria, for the detection of which the smear is taken.

Analysis from the priests is extremely important for everyone who works with children and products. It shows if the body has E. coli, Salmonella or Shigella, the bacterium that causes dysentery.

Viruses and bacteria can live in the intestines without causing unpleasant manifestations in their hosts. But if, in case of non-compliance with hygiene rules, they get into the body, they are unusual, then an infection may flare up. In children, the symptoms of diseases are very severe.

An analysis from the same place is taken if a helminthic invasion is suspected. Its name is analysis for enterobiasis. It is impossible to arrange a child in a kindergarten if they did not take an analysis from the priests.

A scraping is also taken from the anus if there is a suspicion of an oncological process in the rectum.

how to take an analysis from the priests
how to take an analysis from the priests

Procedure for taking biological material

How do they take the analysis from the priests? The process of taking biological material depends on what kind of research is being performed.

In order to detect pinworm eggs, a sterile cotton swab is carried out near the anus. Sometimes parents of toddlers are asked to do this procedure at home on their own.

In laboratory conditions in adults, the anus is circled with a cotton swab or a special spatula dipped in glycerin.

Currently, the procedure has been simplified. In order not to make adults embarrassed, they are given a glass slide with adhesive tape pasted on it. It is enough to remove the adhesive tape, attach a glass plate to the anus, and then close it again with adhesive tape and hand it over to the laboratory.

Bakposev tests are taken while standing, bending over and spreading the buttocks with your hands. A cotton stick is inserted 5-8 cm into the anus. This analysis from the buttocks is quite unpleasant, but painless.

analyzes from the priests photo
analyzes from the priests photo

Analysis for oncological disease is taken most often when the patient lies on the couch on the right side. The fence is made with a stick with a special loop, which is sometimes inserted quite deeply.

It is impossible to show how tests are taken from the priests (for example, a photo) - this is not aesthetically pleasing.

When else you may need to pass a swab from the anus

Referral is not a swab from the anus is given when patients complain of painful manifestations in the intergluteal region. Diseases of the anus are not only hemorrhoids or anal fissure. Can cause itching and pain:

  • various types of allergies;
  • fungal diseases;
  • pubic lice;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • endocrine disorders such as diabetes;
  • skin diseases, which include lichen of various types, eczema and others.
