The importance of sleep in a person's life is undeniably huge, so talking about such a fact is simply pointless. Many are interested in other parameters - the quality of sleep, its duration and productivity, as well as dreams. Few people, when morning comes, generally remember what they dreamed about, but there is such a category of people who believe in the prophetic information content of such visions and try to get as much information out of such “films” as possible.

How to induce a lucid dream? Let's try to figure out the answers together. It is believed that those people who have a productive and sufficient rest are quite able to realize something important in their sleeping state that interests a person at this particular moment in time. For example, to get a hint from the subconscious - what to do in a given situation. Quite a lot of scientific publications have already been written about how to learn lucid dreams, sinceThe world of science has been interested in studying such phenomena for a long time. We will highlight only the main points that will help in achieving what you want.

So, how to induce a lucid dream. Psychologists advise writing down everything that you dreamed of, that is, keeping a diary. What does it give? Firstly, it perfectly trains the memory, which will allow you not to forget about the dream in the morning. And secondly, you will be able to analyze incidents, that is, determine the number of repetitions and the frequency of occurrence of identical situations in the dream world.
Now to the most basic - how to induce a lucid dream. Before leaving for the kingdom of Morpheus, you need to think over a plan of action. For example, you want to meet a friend who lives very far away, take a walk around the city with her, sit in a cafe, talk …. Write a detailed description of this situation and try to replay it in your mind about ten times a day. It is better to carry a sheet of notes with you. When scrolling through the same thing, the brain will remember this moment at the right time and reproduce it in a dream in bright colors.
How to induce a lucid dream on a certain day? It is better not to break the algorithm and get ready for some waiting.

But on the day of the vision, it is necessary to add the repetition of the mantra - "today I will see a lucid dream, it will come." Well, or your own version with a similar meaning. On this day, you do not need to be tired, otherwise the consciousness will simply refuse to work for you. Set an alarm for five o'clock in the morning and go to bed. When callingyou should definitely get up, go to the kitchen and drink a cup of coffee in order to cheer yourself up and wake up your consciousness. It is important that the drink causes a little insomnia, during which you can think about what is important. Try to fall asleep again after about half an hour. The activity of brain activity brings the body into a state of vivacity not so much that it can carry out full-fledged activity, but this is enough to see that very lucid dream. For some, everything works out the first time, but if this did not happen to you, do not despair, try again, and everything will definitely work out!
Don't forget to keep a diary! Even lucid dreams can be forgotten as unnecessary information. Compliance with this technique makes it possible to induce up to twenty controlled dreams per month.
We hope that we have fully answered the question - how to have a lucid dream and you succeeded! Sweet dreams!