Lichen - what is it and how to deal with it?

Lichen - what is it and how to deal with it?
Lichen - what is it and how to deal with it?

Lichen is a skin disease that occurs quite often. The reasons for the development of such an ailment are completely different. However, its nature remains unchanged and is infectious. Lichen is transmitted not only from person to person, but also from animal. It is our smaller brothers who are the main carriers of the disease. So what is ringworm and how to deal with it?

rob it
rob it

What is the disease

Lichen is not one, but a whole group of skin diseases that do not depend on etiology. Such ailments are characterized by scaly rashes, papules or spots.

At the moment there are several varieties of this disease. Lichen can be pink, colored, pityriasis, asbestos, and so on. All of these varieties are usually accompanied by severe itching. In this case, signs of lichen can appear throughout the body. There is no specific location for spots.

Asbestos lichen

Asbestos lichen is a disease that primarily affects the hair and scalp. For such an ailment, a peculiar peeling with limited contours of spots is characteristic. The reasons for the development of such a disease have not yet been established.

Suchlichen got its name precisely because of the spots, or rather, because of their appearance. They resemble fibers of stone flax, asbestos. Peeling affects not only the skin, but also the hair. At the same time, most of the strong scales, which have a whitish-gray tint and are tightly seated to each other, cover the parietal part of the head and the forehead area. It is extremely rare that such a lichen is able to affect the skin in the back of the head. It is almost impossible to separate such scales from hair.

Asbestos lichen makes hair too brittle. They lose their luster, but do not break off. Each hair is individually covered with its own white sheath. As a rule, such a disease is accompanied by severe itching. But in some cases, such a symptom may not appear. Most often, adolescents and children suffer from the disease.

signs of lichen
signs of lichen

How to treat such lichen

Signs of lichen, the photo of which is presented above, allows you to determine the variety and prescribe adequate therapy. To combat such an ailment, the doctor may prescribe a salicylic-sulfur-tar ointment 3 or 5% or a sulfur-salicylic composition of 2%. In some cases, Skin-cap ointment is prescribed.

In the process of treating asbestos lichen, a course of multivitamins, aevit, vitamins B12 and B6 is mandatory. In addition to traditional medicine, you can use folk remedies. They are no less effective. However, if you experience signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Folk remedies against asbestos lichen

How to overcomeasbestos lichen? What is the disease described above? To combat the disease, you can use not only medicines, but also folk remedies.

For cooking, you need 100 grams of lard, 50 grams of bone marrow, 2 grams of benzoic and salicylic acid. The components should be melted in a water bath, stirring regularly. The mass should become homogeneous. After that, the composition should be removed from the water bath and cool.

Apply the product to the affected areas of the hair and scalp. Finally, put on a rubber cap or wrap everything with plastic wrap. After two hours, the mass should be washed off with ordinary soap. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 7 days.

Also, for the treatment of asbestos lichen, you can use herbal remedies. To do this, mix castor oil and calendula tincture in a one-to-one ratio. The components should form an emulsion. Rub the finished product into the affected areas up to three times a week. Two hours after application, the product should be washed off using regular soap.

lichen signs treatment
lichen signs treatment

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is a disease that is also called colored or multi-colored. This variety is able to spread to all areas of the body where hair follicles are present. Signs of lichen are brown or yellow-pink spots. Initially, they are very small. However, after some time, the spots begin to increase in size, merging with each other. As a result, a damaged area is formed withscalloped edge.

It is worth noting that the flaky surface of the infected skin is almost invisible. Scales appear only when scraping. Pityriasis versicolor is a mildly contagious fungal skin disease.

Spots most often occur in the abdomen, back, shoulders and chest. It is extremely rare to see them in the neck and head area. Such lichen does not affect the skin of the feet and palms. With such an ailment, the patient practically does not experience discomfort. In some cases, mild itching occurs.

signs of lichen photo
signs of lichen photo

Traditional medicine against pityriasis versicolor

How to cure such lichen? It is possible to use external agents for the treatment of such a disease. As a rule, the doctor, before applying a special ointment, recommends treating the areas of the skin affected by lichen with a 3 or 5% solution of salicylic alcohol. This will not only clean the surface, but also dry it slightly.

After that, the areas are treated with Wilkinson's ointment or sulfuric ointment with a concentration of the main component of 10%. Oral medications may also be prescribed. Usually, with such lichen, Neotigason or Undecin is prescribed.

Will folk remedies help

What kind of lichen can be cured with folk remedies? As practice shows, anyone, since the nature of their origin is the same. To overcome pityriasis versicolor, you should use the following drugs:

  1. To prepare the product, you need to clean, chop and mash fresh onions. Fromthe resulting mass is worth squeezing the juice. It is worth using the drug only fresh. Onion juice should be treated with affected areas once a day.
  2. For the treatment of such lichen, many use "paper fat". This is the resin that is released when the material burns. To obtain this component, you need to roll a sheet of white paper with a funnel. With the open end, such a design is placed up on a plate, and then set on fire. As a result, a yellow liquid should form. It is carefully removed, and then applied to the affected areas once a day. The course lasts until the complete disappearance of lichen.
what kind of lichen
what kind of lichen

Pityriasis rosea: signs

Treatment of such an ailment takes a lot of time. Pink lichen is a fairly common variety. This disease is considered by many to be viral. At risk are people whose age ranges from 20 to 40 years. The development and spread of pink lichen is characterized by high speed and severity.

Pink-yellow or light red spots usually appear on the skin of the patient, having a round or oval shape. The diameter of the affected areas may initially be from 1 to 2 centimeters. Spots may slightly rise above the skin. In this case, in the center of such a site may have a small fold. Peeling is pityriasis and differs in subtlety. Along the edges of the spots have a pink-red corolla, which is free from scales.

Features of pink lichen

Most often this kind of lichen affects the skin in the limbs and torso, withthis without affecting the face, feet and hands. Before the appearance of rashes, in about 7 days, a "maternal plaque" is formed. This is a pink spot of a rounded shape, the diameter of which is 3-4 centimeters. After some time, the center of the plaque becomes yellowish. In this case, peeling appears.

When profuse rashes occur, other signs of the disease may appear, including fever, malaise, general weakness, and so on. In this case, the patient feels severe itching.

lichen can
lichen can

What is prescribed for pink lichen

Signs of pink lichen do not allow to confuse it with other varieties. This greatly speeds up the diagnostic process. With the development of such an ailment, the patient may be prescribed corticosteroid creams, including Flucinar, Lorinden, Sinalar, and so on.

With such an ailment, antibiotics are mandatory. Most often prescribed "Oletetrin", "Amoxicillin". In addition, the doctor can prescribe drugs that have a desensitizing effect: Suprastin, Dimedrol. Calcium is also often prescribed: either gluconate or chloride.

How to overcome pink lichen folk remedies

This kind of lichen in animals is extremely rare. Most often, it is transmitted from person to person. You can also cure a similar ailment with folk remedies:

  1. Fresh cabbage leaves should be smeared with sour cream, and then applied to the affected skin. When the compress dries, it should be replaced with a fresh one.
  2. From the plant spurge standssqueeze the juice, and then lubricate the affected area with it.
  3. Calendula ointment copes well with pink lichen. It can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy or prepared independently. To do this, the dried flowers of the plant are ground into powder. 10 grams of this mass should be mixed with 50 grams of petroleum jelly. The components must be mixed until smooth. Apply the finished composition twice a day: in the evening and in the morning.

Other recipes for lichen

Means of alternative medicine are recommended to be used in combination with medicines. This will allow you to achieve faster results. Some recipes have a deep history. The following remedies are considered the most effective:

  1. Buckwheat. To combat lichen, it is recommended to wipe all the affected areas of the skin with a decoction of this cereal. To prepare the remedy, buckwheat must be boiled in water without s alt. 1 part cereal requires 2 parts liquid.
  2. Grape tear. This is the juice that, when broken, flows from the vine of this plant. It is this liquid that needs to be lubricated with lichen. This method of therapy has been known since the time of Avicenna: approximately the first century BC.
  3. Yeast cakes. The course of therapy is 5 days. For treatment, ordinary yeast dough is required. Small cakes are rolled from it, and then applied to the affected areas for about two hours.
  4. Creamy tar. To begin with, it is worth preparing a kind of ointment. To do this, in equal parts you need to mix butter and pure tar. The finished composition should be applied to the fabric, and then applied to the lichen. Do suchcompress is recommended for the whole night.
  5. Treatment with burdock. From the felt variety of burdock, it is necessary to prepare a decoction or infusion. In the finished product, a piece of cloth or gauze is wetted, and then applied to the skin affected by lichen.
sheared lichen
sheared lichen


Pityriasis, pink, asbestos and sheared lichen can be cured with folk remedies. However, do not forget about visiting a doctor. After all, self-medication in some cases can aggravate the patient's condition. Therefore, if spots appear on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor to diagnose the disease. After careful research, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy. It is not recommended to run lichen, you can cure it much easier in the early stages.
