The frequency of cardiac diseases, unfortunately, is steadily increasing over time, but some methods of treating these pathologies remain unchanged, since there is no need to improve what has proven itself so well. One of these drugs is a polarizing mixture. The composition and indications for its appointment will be discussed in more detail below. It is likely that many have heard of this medicine, but few have any idea how it works.
What is this?

What is a polarizing mixture? The composition and indications of her, as in other medicines, are directly related to each other. As a rule, it is prescribed for patients with acute disorders of the cardiovascular system, but in addition it has found its application in neurology.
In the classic version, the mixture includes four drugs:
- glucose, to maintain the energy supply of cells;
- potassium to make action potential generation easier;
- magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system;
- insulin,helping all previous substances to penetrate into the cell.
There may be other options that are selected individually, depending on the indications and characteristics of the patient's body.
Operation principle

The polarizing mixture has been used for a long time, but its effectiveness and necessity still causes heated debate in the medical environment. Therapists are divided into two opposing camps: those who are in favor of prescribing this drug, and those who consider it useless.
But while behind-the-scenes disputes are going on, doctors do not stop prescribing a polarizing mixture to patients, confident that even if it does not have a global therapeutic effect, it certainly will not bring harm. The fact is that the components of the solution help to stabilize the rhythm of heart contractions, improve metabolism in the affected cells and reduce the area of the "gray" zone, preventing recurrence of a heart attack.
When oxygenation decreases, potassium is quickly excreted from the body, reducing the electrical potential of the cells, so it is very important to maintain its amount at the proper level. Insulin plays a binding role. It is necessary for the rest of the components to be absorbed by the body and interact as needed.

There is no standard by which a polarizing mixture can be defined. The composition, indications and contraindications vary depending on what the patient needs most at the moment. There are several knownvariations of this mix:
- Two grams of potassium chloride, six units of insulin and three hundred and fifty milliliters of five percent glucose. This is a classic set.
- The second option differs only in the proportions of substances. It takes twice as much potassium, eight units of insulin and one hundred milliliters less glucose, but it should be twice as concentrated.
- Another acceptable composition: Panangin - up to 80 milliliters, eight units of insulin and one hundred and fifty milliliters of glucose.
But these are not the only options for what a polarized mixture might look like. The composition, as a rule, is customized for a specific person, based on his needs. In addition, doctors may have their own verified prescriptions for this drug.

What is the polarizing mixture used for, the composition and indications for therapy of which we consider in our article? Most often it is used in cardiology and neurology. All elements of the mixture are administered to patients intravenously through the system. But this is not an axiom. For example, if necessary, only insulin can be administered through a dropper, and the remaining components can be given orally.
Dosage and multiplicity are also selected individually, it all depends on the severity of the condition and the characteristics of the organism. For example, if the patient has lost a lot of potassium or he was prescribed forced diuresis, which leads to the loss of all electrolytes. In this case, to support the heart muscle, more of this is added to the polarizing mixture.component.
If the blood glucose level has fallen on the control blood test, then the prescriptions are adjusted accordingly. All treatment takes place under constant monitoring of the patient in order to notice changes in his condition in time.

Who shows the polarizing mixture? The composition, indications and dangers of use are measured in each individual case. If the predicted benefit is greater than the possible harm, then the doctor will prescribe this medicine, but will closely monitor the course of the disease.
In addition to cardiac pathology, such as myocardial infarction and arrhythmias, a polarizing mixture is prescribed in a neurological hospital for the relief of myasthenia gravis. It can be both an acute crisis situation and preventive therapy with standard treatment.
The second indication is traumatic brain injury. The mixture helps prevent swelling of the brain and saturate the neurons with glucose. It is especially important to prescribe a polarizing mixture simultaneously with loop diuretics. They quickly lead to hypokalemia, which negatively affects the patient's condition.
Due to the large amount of glucose, these drips are useful for malnourished patients.
Is there any reason not to use a polarizing mixture? The indications for its appointment are quite wide, but the only reason not to use this medicine may be proven diabetes mellitus. And then, only if the glucose level could not be brought under control.
Also,high potassium levels can also cause drug withdrawal, but this happens in rare cases. Naturally, if there are allergic reactions to the components of the drug, it is not prescribed, but these are more casuistic cases than the rule.