Cranial pressure: causes and treatment

Cranial pressure: causes and treatment
Cranial pressure: causes and treatment

What is cranial pressure? As a rule, with such signs as dizziness and headaches, a person is in no hurry to consult a specialist, since they are insignificant. This cannot be done. Because it is they who signal a possible increased cranial pressure. The manifestation of such an ailment in a child may indicate structural damage to brain tissue. For this reason, neurologists pay much attention to this diagnosis. The article will consider the symptoms of cranial pressure in adults and children. In addition, here you can get acquainted with the methods of treatment of this disease.

Cranial pressure - what is it?

This term refers to a quantitative indicator that reflects the strength of the impact of cerebrospinal fluid on brain tissue. Typically, cranial pressure should range from 101 to 150 mm. water. Art. This is considered the norm. This indicator corresponds to 11-16 mm. rt. st.

Intracranial pressure
Intracranial pressure

If the craniocerebral pressure (ICP) does not correspond to the norm, then this indicates a developing pathology. In this case, only a specialistwill be able to prescribe the only correct treatment.

How is ICP diagnosed?

There are several methods that help to find out this indicator. This can be done using magnetic resonance or computed tomography. There is also a method when a catheter is inserted into the lumen of the spinal canal. After that, a manometer is attached to it. It works similarly to a mercury thermometer.

Cranial pressure examination
Cranial pressure examination

Children under one year old undergo an ultrasound of the brain. It is during this period of life that they have the so-called “fontanelle” open, which allows them to conduct this type of examination.

An eye examination by an ophthalmologist is also prescribed. With increased craniocerebral pressure, there is swelling of the optic disc and fuzzy contours.

Usually, a specialist prescribes one or another examination method. Young children are prescribed ultrasound, and adults - the passage of magnetic resonance imaging. Additionally, they are sent to an ophthalmologist. It determines the condition of the fundus.

What causes an increase in ICP?

There are several reasons why the indicator in question may be changed. So, with swelling or inflammation, an increase in the brain occurs. As a result, cranial pressure rises. This also happens with hydrocephalus. With the latter ailment, a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid is produced.

The presence of a tumor or hematoma in the cranial cavity, as well as intoxication, accompanied by an increase in blood content in the dilated vessels of the brain, are the causes of highICP.

A number of diseases also lead to an increase in this indicator:

  • benign intracranial hypertension;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • concussion and brain contusion;
  • hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke;
  • intoxication with vapors of toxic gases;
  • inflammatory changes in meningitis and ventriculitis.

General symptoms of the disease

Signs of increased ICP in children and adults are different. But there are a number of symptoms that are considered common.

These include a headache. It occurs mainly in the morning during awakening. It is localized in the occipital, temporal and frontal regions. Usually it has a pressing character.

Headaches with illness
Headaches with illness

People with this diagnosis complain of sweating and blurred vision. The latter is due to swelling of the papilla of the optic nerve. Patients also have a rare pulse, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, impaired attention and memory.

About signs of increased intracranial pressure in children

Symptoms of this disease in infants may appear in the first hours after birth. They lead to complications.

If you know the main symptoms of cranial pressure in children, then you can start treatment on time and there will be no consequences.

Symptoms in children
Symptoms in children

Signs that allow you to make a correct diagnosis are tremor of the chin, regurgitation when eating, an increase in the size of the head circumference. You should also pay attention tofontanel. Its pulsation and bulging indicate increased cranial pressure.

You still need to pay attention to the behavior of the child. Irritability or lethargy may indicate this diagnosis. But in order to confirm or refute your assumptions, you should contact a specialist. It is strictly forbidden to start self-treatment.

Repeated vomiting that does not bring any relief indicates increased intracranial pressure.

In addition, this diagnosis is indicated by oculomotor disorders and limitation of eyeball movements, visual impairment.

With increased cranial pressure, symptoms may appear gradually. But there is another type of development of the disease. In this case, the symptoms of the disease appear suddenly. There is a violation of consciousness up to a deep coma. In this case, there is a high probability of death.

About the signs of the development of the disease in adults

As mentioned above, this disease is considered very dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to know its signs. With increased cranial pressure, symptoms develop gradually in adults.

Symptoms in adults
Symptoms in adults

Headaches come first. They usually occur in the morning. By nature, they are pressing and compressive. Unpleasant sensations most often occur when taking a horizontal position, coughing, overextension of the head. Pain may additionally include such symptoms. These include noise in the head and nausea. The main difference between unpleasant sensations inincreased ICP from a simple headache is that they do not disappear when taking analgesics.

The next most common is the autonomic dysfunction syndrome. It is accompanied by increased salivation and asthma attacks. In addition, symptoms of cranial pressure in adults include fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure within 24 hours, impaired intestinal motility, dizziness, fear, and drowsiness. Pain in the abdomen and heart also indicate this diagnosis.

Very rarely, increased cranial pressure is characterized by the development of an insulin-like state. The latter poses a threat to human life. In this case, there are signs such as a disorder of speech function, impaired consciousness up to coma, and instability when walking. They are additionally joined by indomitable vomiting, decreased strength in the limbs, dysfunction of the heart, blood vessels and respiration system.

About the complications of the disease

Adult symptoms of cranial pressure can be fatal if left untreated.

Other complications of this disease are mental disorders, hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, decreased vision. The last consequence can be developed to blindness.

In addition, another complication of cranial pressure is the infringement of the cerebellum in the foramen magnum. In this case, the patient complains of respiratory failure and decreased strength in the limbs. Loss of consciousness may also occur.

For this reason, when symptoms of a cranialpressure, consult a specialist. Only he will be able to prescribe the appropriate course of therapy.

What are the ways to treat this disease?

In order to prescribe the necessary course of therapy, it is necessary to establish what caused the disease to develop.

At the first stage of treatment of cranial pressure, the cause of the disease is eliminated.

Treatment of cranial pressure
Treatment of cranial pressure

If the disease has arisen due to intracerebral formation, then surgical intervention is prescribed promptly. As a rule, with hydrocephalus, there is an excessive secretion of cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, bypass surgery is performed.

At the second stage, there is a medical correction of the level of cranial pressure. For this, drugs such as neuroprotectors, loop diuretics, osmodiuretics and diacarb are prescribed. This stage of treatment also includes taking hormonal drugs.

At the third stage, medical manipulations are carried out. In order to reduce the volume of CSF in the cranial cavity, decompression craniotomy is prescribed.

The fourth step is the diet. The patient's diet should include only those foods in which the s alt content is minimal. As a rule, in this case, diet number 10 is prescribed.

At the fifth stage of treatment, hyperventilation and manual therapy techniques are used.

With enhanced treatment, reduced cranial pressure may occur. Symptoms of this disease are weakness and drowsiness, nausea and dizziness, as well asheadaches. The latter have an increasing character with head movements. The treatment of the disease in question in the article is complex.

About actions in case of detection of symptoms of the disease

If you have signs of increased intracranial pressure, first you need to calm down. You should know that at present there are many ways that allow you to get rid of this ailment.

Contacting a specialist
Contacting a specialist

Then you need to contact a neurologist, the specialist will prescribe a series of examinations that can confirm or refute the diagnosis. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to follow the entire course of therapy and the doctor's recommendations. It should be remembered that increased intracranial pressure is a dangerous disease and, if left untreated, is fatal.
