What to do if your throat starts to hurt? That's right, go to the doctor. But sometimes this does not work out for objective reasons. Someone does not have time for this, a long record with a therapist or pediatrician. Self-medication based on guesswork is fraught with complications. After all, many people immediately begin to do inhalations and various rinses. To determine the cause of the disease, you should use Streptatest. Customer reviews of this product will help you make the right decision before buying.
Why use this test?

With a sore throat, it is important to distinguish the pathogen. After all, it is better to prevent the development of serious inflammation in the early stages. Buyers describe on the network a lot of cases when Streptatest helped them. Reviews indicate its high efficiency. Waiting too long in the hospital for test results(a few days). Therefore, test strips to determine the pathogen, and in particular streptococcus, are the best solution.
How does it work?

According to reviews, "Streptatest" is quite easy to use. It helps to identify streptococcus (group A) on the membrane of the tonsils and pharynx. An untimely response to acute sore throat can be fraught for the whole body. After all, this bacterium leads to diseases such as scarlet fever and tonsillitis.
Streptococcus antigens are on the test part of the special membrane. When interacting with him, a reaction occurs and a positive result is manifested. This is a serious reason to urgently call a doctor. Do not go to the pharmacy and buy antibiotics on your own. This can lead to rheumatic damage to the joints, kidneys and heart.
Rules of application

According to reviews, "Streptatest" is so simple that it does not require special skills to carry it out. It is desirable that outside help be present during the test. But if there is none, then you can perform all the manipulations yourself using a mirror. For the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly. Do not gargle in any case, because this can make it difficult to diagnose.
Testing process

It is necessary to use a spatula and a swab to take a swab. They are included in the test strip kit."Streptates". According to reviews, this greatly facilitates the task, especially when you need to act quickly. First you need to prepare the reagent (included in the kit). To do this, measure 4 drops of reagent A and B into a test tube.

Press the tongue with a spatula and take a stick with a swab at the end of the material for research. To do this, carefully hold a cotton swab against the walls of the pharynx, without touching the tongue and cheeks. Then place it in the reagent solution, stir in a circle 10 times, as when mixing tea with sugar, and wait 1 minute. After that, it is necessary to squeeze the swab well, and place Streptatest Express in the test tube for 5 minutes. According to reviews, all manipulations are easy and simple to carry out at home, especially when it comes to children. The test strips are very similar to a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, then two stripes will appear. If it is negative, then one.
According to user reviews, this method helps to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one very well. Do not pay attention to the test result after 10 minutes. In acute forms of the disease, the result can be seen in a minute. The only thing that upsets buyers is the high price and the inability to purchase funds in every pharmacy. The cost of one package of "Streptatest" varies depending on the number of test strips. One test strip costs about 200 rubles.