Intestinal perforation: symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and therapy

Intestinal perforation: symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and therapy
Intestinal perforation: symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and therapy

Intestinal perforation is a through violation of the walls of the large or small intestine. As a result of such deformation, the contents of the organ penetrate into the abdominal cavity. This phenomenon is called perforation. Such a violation refers to surgical diseases.

bowel perforation
bowel perforation

Main causes of occurrence

Intestinal perforation is a disorder that does not occur on its own. There are a number of underlying causes that contribute to the deformation of the small or large intestine. This list includes:

  1. Intestinal obstruction.
  2. Diverculitis of the colon.
  3. Fecal stones.
  4. Necrosis of neoplasms formed on the colon.
  5. Ulcerative colitis.
  6. Gangrenous appendicitis, which provokes the breakdown of the tissues of the appendix.
  7. Some infections, such as tuberculosis or cytomegalovirus infection.
  8. Open and closed injuries.

These are the main factors that result in intestinal perforation. There may be other reasons for damage to the walls of the small or large intestine. Tissue rupture often occurs as a result of entering the gastrointestinal tractsharp homogeneous bodies: pins, needles, toothpicks, fish and meat bones.

Causes of intestinal perforation in newborns

Intestinal perforation in some cases occurs in newborns. Perforation in infants may be due to processes such as:

  1. Intrauterine hypoxia, which is of a prolonged nature.
  2. Delaying the development of certain systems.
  3. Feeding an infant by the enteral method.
  4. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, such as obstruction.
  5. Surgical intervention.

Punctures in newborns are isolated cases. Multiple breaks are extremely rare. According to statistics, intestinal perforation is twice as rare in girls as in boys.

bowel perforation symptoms
bowel perforation symptoms

Intestinal perforation: symptoms

Perforation has specific symptoms. Signs of rupture cannot be absent. The main sign of perforation is severe pain in the abdomen, which is accompanied by muscle tension. On palpation, the feeling of discomfort increases. There are other signs of bowel perforation:

  1. Frequent urge to defecate.
  2. Bloating.
  3. High heart rate.
  4. Nausea and vomiting.
  5. Oligulation.
  6. Increase in body temperature up to 39 °C.
  7. Slow or sluggish breathing. When the diaphragm contracts, severe pain occurs.

Tissue rupture during colonoscopy

When examining the colon witha special probe may cause intestinal perforation. This phenomenon can be explained as follows:

  1. Removal of polyps - polyectomy. If this procedure is carried out inaccurately, severe tissue burns can occur. It is in this place that a breakthrough is formed. In rare cases, damage to the intestinal walls occurs during the operation. The first signs of illness appear only after a few days.
  2. Excessive insufflation - the introduction of a powdered drug when tissue is injured by a colonoscope. Rupture of the walls occurs during the operation. The first signs of intestinal perforation appear immediately. Punctures in this case can be large.
  3. bowel perforation causes
    bowel perforation causes

Diagnosis of intestinal perforation

Localization of an abscess in intestinal perforation is determined by the method of palpation of the abdominal wall. The gap is located in the place where the patient feels severe pain when touched. For diagnosis, not only digital examination is usually used, but also computed tomography and radiography. In some cases, it is not so easy to establish the cause of discomfort in the abdomen. Perforation is difficult to diagnose in patients:

  1. Having undergone organ transplant surgery.
  2. Taking chemotherapy drugs.

Abdominal pain is common in these patients. A CT scan is required to establish an accurate diagnosis. Any intestinal perforation requiresimmediate surgical intervention. The exceptions are those cases when the contents of the small or large intestine penetrate the vagina and bladder. In this case, the patient may experience gas and feces during urination.

signs of bowel perforation
signs of bowel perforation


Intestinal perforation is treated with surgery only. It is not recommended to start the process, as this can lead to serious consequences. A patient with obvious signs of intestinal perforation is immediately hospitalized and operated on as soon as possible.

Doctors must act quickly but carefully. With such deformations of the intestinal tissues, one should not hesitate, as irreversible processes may begin in the patient's body.

Most often, patients undergo laparoscopy. In addition, concomitant therapy for anxiety symptoms, such as heart failure, is carried out. A routine examination is allowed in cases where the contents of the intestine have entered the bladder or vagina.

Experts do not recommend delaying a visit to the doctor. It is impossible to cure intestinal perforation at home. It should be noted that perforation can lead to the death of the patient. Indeed, a few hours after the appearance of a hole in the large or small intestine, gangrene begins - necrosis of organs and tissues.
