Urinary incontinence in women: causes and treatment

Urinary incontinence in women: causes and treatment
Urinary incontinence in women: causes and treatment

Urinary incontinence in women is an extremely unpleasant and very delicate problem that requires treatment. Such a violation can have various causes. If left untreated, the pathology progresses and is much more difficult to treat.

This is why many people today are looking for more information. What is pathology? Why is urinary incontinence so common in older women? What therapies are the most effective? The answers to these questions are important.

Urinary incontinence in older women
Urinary incontinence in older women

What is pathology?

Urinary incontinence is a common problem that is associated with the uncontrolled release of fluid. At the same time, there are no natural urges to empty the bladder, and the person is not able to control the process of urination.

It is worth noting that such a violation is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of other pathological processes. By the way, not only children face this problem. If we talk about patients 40-50 years old, then urinary incontinence is more often recorded in women. Scholars attribute this toanatomical features of the body. But in the age group of patients older than 60-70 years, men predominate (incontinence is often one of the symptoms of prostatitis).


Modern medicine has a classification scheme.

  1. True incontinence is a condition in which urine involuntarily flows out of the bladder, and the patient does not have violations of the anatomical integrity of the urinary tract.
  2. If we are talking about a false form of incontinence, then urine is excreted due to the presence of congenital or acquired anatomical defects of the urinary system (for example, this is observed in the presence of fistulas, urethral epispadias).

Urinary incontinence in women: causes

Unfortunately, many people face similar problems. What to do if there is urinary incontinence in women? The causes and treatment in this case are closely related, so you should read the list.

  • First of all, it is worth talking about anatomical anomalies and local sensitivity disorders. The fact is that obesity, complicated and / or multiple births, previous surgical interventions, as well as certain sports (for example, weightlifting) can reduce the sensitivity of nerve receptors and change the position of organs in the small pelvis. This often leads to the development of incontinence.
  • The list of causes includes changes in hormone levels. For example, urinary incontinence in women over 50 is often associated with menopause, namely with a decrease in estrogen levels. Given the lack of thishormone there is a gradual atrophy of the ligaments and muscles in the pelvic floor, as well as changes in the membranes of the organs of the genitourinary system, which leads to a violation of the outflow of urine.
  • Mechanical injuries of the pelvic organs, spinal cord and brain are also considered potentially dangerous.
  • Some diseases can also be the cause, in particular diabetes, blood circulation disorders, multiple sclerosis.

Stress incontinence and its features

How to treat urinary incontinence in women
How to treat urinary incontinence in women

When people talk about stress urinary incontinence, they mean the inability to control the process of urination against the background of physical exertion. Such a pathology is accompanied by very characteristic symptoms. Urine is excreted during coughing, laughing, intercourse, running, jumping, that is, when the abdominal muscles are tense.

In the initial stages, urination occurs only when the bladder is as full as possible. But as the disease develops, even a slight sneeze is accompanied by the release of urine. It should be noted that there is no imperative urge to urinate in patients.

There are many causes that can lead to stress incontinence, including:

  • difficult childbirth, especially if accompanied by rupture/cutting of the perineum;
  • previously performed operations in the pelvic area;
  • formation of fistulas between the organs of the urinary system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • obesity, especially if associated with diabetes;
  • drastic weight lossbody;
  • intense physical activity;
  • prolapse of the pelvic organs, in particular the uterus;
  • constant lifting of weights;
  • recurrent urethritis, cystitis;
  • neurological pathologies, injuries of the brain and spinal cord;
  • chronic constipation;
  • chronic respiratory diseases accompanied by frequent severe cough.

Caucasians have been shown to be more likely to develop this type of disease. Genetic inheritance also plays a role.

Urgent incontinence

Symptoms of urinary incontinence in women
Symptoms of urinary incontinence in women

Quite common is urge incontinence. This form of the disease is associated with a violation of the transmission of a nerve impulse to the muscles of the bladder detrusor, and this is accompanied by its uncontrolled contraction.

The urge to urinate is imperative. They occur instantly, and it is almost impossible to restrain the process of emptying the bladder. This does not happen at full (this happens during the normal functioning of the body), but when the bladder is partially filled with urine. Urges become more frequent - patients often wake up even at night. If there is a bladder prolapse, then pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen may occur.

Iatrogenic incontinence

Iatrogenic urinary incontinence in women is associated with medication. The fact is that incontinence can be a side effect that develops against the background of the use of a number of drugs,including:

  • agonists, in particular pseudoephedrine, which are used to treat bronchial diseases (first, these drugs lead to urinary retention, and then to its incontinence);
  • hormonal drugs containing estrogen;
  • blockers;
  • some antidepressants;
  • "Colchicine" used in the treatment of gout;
  • some sedatives.

It is worth noting that not in all cases, therapy with these drugs is accompanied by incontinence. Since this is just a side effect, the problem usually goes away on its own after the treatment is over.

Other types of disease

Incontinence in women can look different. There are other types of pathology worth mentioning.

  1. With a mixed form of the disease, the features of stress and imperative incontinence are combined. By the way, women over 50 suffer from this disease more often.
  2. Paradoxical incontinence is associated with too much filling and overdistension of the bladder, resulting in urine leakage. A similar condition is observed against the background of urethral stricture, adenoma or prostate cancer.
  3. Transient incontinence develops against the background of chronic constipation, acute cystitis, severe alcohol intoxication. This is a temporary disturbance that disappears after the causes are removed.

Diagnostic measures

A woman can determine the presence of urinary incontinence on her own. The task of diagnostics in this case is to find the cause of the problems.work of the urinary system.

  • the patient is advised to keep a urinary diary for several days, carefully recording all cases of incontinence and describing the situations in which they occur;
  • obligatory gynecological examination;
  • sometimes a cystoscopy is performed (examination of the inside of the bladder walls with a cystoscope);
  • urodynamic study (special sensors are inserted into the bladder that record and record information about the functioning of the organ);
  • an additional ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

Purification training

Urinary incontinence in women over 50
Urinary incontinence in women over 50

In today's world, unfortunately, urinary incontinence in women is not uncommon. Treatment in this case includes urination training. This is a relatively new but effective technique. Its essence is to adapt the body to empty the bladder according to the schedule. Initially, a minimum interval is allowed between two acts of urination - it is extremely important that the patient tries to restrain the outflow of urine until the right time. The interval is gradually increased.

Non-drug therapies

How to treat urinary incontinence in women? It should be said right away that the process of therapy should be complex, and sometimes it takes a lot of time. Doctors say that therapeutic exercises have a positive effect on the patient's condition. In particular, Kegel exercises help strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the pelvic area, which prevents the development of congestiveprocesses and helps fix the position of organs.

Urinary incontinence in women treatment
Urinary incontinence in women treatment

In addition, patients are sometimes prescribed physiotherapy. Useful are the effects of microcurrents, electromagnetic pulses, as well as heating. Such techniques allow you to make the ligaments and muscles more elastic, normalize the blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system.

Urinary incontinence in women: treatment with medication

Urinary incontinence in women treatment with pills
Urinary incontinence in women treatment with pills

The treatment regimen is determined individually. What measures are required for urinary incontinence in women? Treatment with pills is possible, especially when it comes to imperative urges.

As a rule, patients are prescribed antispasmodics and antidepressants. Drugs such as Driptan and Oxybutin are considered effective. Such drugs block irregular impulses from the central nervous system, while relaxing the bladder detrusor. Therapy usually lasts about three months, dosage and schedule are individual.


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with such a problem as urinary incontinence in women with the help of conservative therapy. The operation at the same time helps to eliminate anatomical defects and normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system. Of course, the technique is chosen depending on the causes of enuresis.

  1. Sling surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that involves fixing a special loop under the bladder neck. This fixturesupports the urethra and prevents leakage of urine.
  2. Sometimes drugs are injected into the urethra that contain special substances to fill the deficit of soft tissues. The urinary canal becomes more elastic and maintains the desired position.
  3. When lowering the pelvic organs, colporrhaphy (partial stitching of the vagina) is performed.

It should be understood that any surgical intervention is risky and has a number of contraindications. Moreover, there is always a risk of relapse. However, in most cases, urinary problems can be eliminated.

Folk treatments

In medical practice, urinary incontinence is often recorded in women after 50. Treatment in this case can be supplemented with folk remedies.

  1. Experienced herbalists recommend introducing plowed clover tea into your daily diet (dry raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy).
  2. Honey water can give a good effect. It is easy to prepare: you just need to dilute a teaspoon in 100 ml of warm water. It is important to drink the medicine daily, preferably at bedtime. Honey retains fluid in the body, which helps with urine leakage.
  3. Dill seeds are also considered useful, which are brewed in boiling water (a small amount of seeds) and drink a glass daily.

Of course, the means offered by traditional medicine can in no way replace drug therapy and surgery. You can only take homemade medicines with the permission of a doctor.

Problems andpredictions

Urinary incontinence in women causes
Urinary incontinence in women causes

Permanent urinary incontinence significantly impairs the patient's quality of life, makes social life impossible and gradually leads to the development of various complexes and psycho-emotional disorders. Causes of incontinence are overweight, anemia, diabetes, strict diets, and physically hard work.

But even so, a very small percentage of women go to the doctor with a similar problem because of false shame or prejudice. For such patients, the prognosis is not very favorable, because incontinence often indicates more serious diseases that need to be treated. Therapy is possible and gives good results - we are talking about both conservative treatment and surgery. That is why you should consult a doctor at the first warning signs.