Throat medicines are often prescribed in the form of lozenges. Such drugs should be slowly absorbed until completely dissolved. The advantage of this correction is the rapid removal of painful sensations and the pleasant taste of the medication. One of these compounds is the drug "Dorithricin". Instructions, reviews of the medicine will be presented to your attention below. You will learn about the features of the use of this medicine and get acquainted with its composition.

What tells the consumer about the drug "Dorithricin" instructions
The abstract says that the composition of the drug includes the following compounds: benzocaine, benzalkonium chloride and tyrothricin. All these substances complement each other in a complex.
The medicine is available in the form of lozenges of 10 pieces per pack. Among the additional components of this medicine, sodium saccharinate, peppermint extract, povidone, talc, sorbitol and many others can be noted.
Scheme of drug action
How does Dorithricin work? Instructions for use says that the actionof this medicine is due to its constituent components. With prolonged resorption, the contents of the tablets come into direct contact with inflamed mucous membranes.
As a result, tyrothricin inhibits the synthesis of bacterial colonies. It is effective against many pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi. The antibiotic blocks the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, gently eliminating inflammation. The anesthetic benzocaine relieves the discomfort in the throat that often accompanies a viral or bacterial infection. The feeling of comfort and easy breathing returns.

Recommendations for use
When is a patient prescribed a drug like Dorithricin? Instructions for use says that the composition is recommended for use in pediatrics, dentistry, otorhinolaryngology and other branches of modern medicine. Indications for use will be the following situations:
- symptomatic treatment of viral and bacterial infections;
- sore throat;
- laryngitis, tonsillitis;
- stomatitis and gingivitis;
- condition after tooth extraction or surgery;
- preparation for surgical treatment in the oral cavity.
Despite the clear indications, you should not prescribe the medicine yourself. Uncontrolled and incorrect use of antibiotics leads to the development of microbial resistance.

Contraindications reported in abstract
Before you start a course of treatment, you should definitely study what the instruction says about the drug "Dorithricin". Every medication has contraindications, and this one was no exception.
The drug should not be prescribed to persons with hypersensitivity to the components. Also, the composition is not prescribed for lactose intolerance. The drug is not recommended for use in diabetes mellitus. If such a correction is carried out, then you should carefully monitor the level of sugar in the blood.
As you know, antibiotics are not used among pregnant and lactating women. The active substance of the described medication can pass into breast milk. If such treatment is necessary, it is worth deciding on the temporary cessation of lactation. During the period of bearing a child (especially in the first trimester), it is not advisable to use the medicine. The active ingredients can adversely affect the development of the embryo. At a later date, the composition is prescribed exclusively by a doctor after comparing the possible risks and benefits.
About the drug "Dorithricin" the instruction says that it is not used to treat babies under 6 years old. Such a restriction was introduced due to the fact that at this age the baby is not yet able to take the medicine correctly. Most kids are eager to chew on a lozenge.
"Dorithricin": instructions for use and dosage
The pattern of using the drug is the same for all ages and does not depend on the patient's body weight. The remedy is prescribed one lozenge every 2 hours. At the same time, up to 6 tablets can be consumed per day.

Duration of treatment is one week, unless otherwise advised by the attending physician.
Pill opinions
You have learned what the instructions for use say about the composition of Dorithricin. Reviews of this medication are mostly good. Consumers report a fast-acting drug, which is due to the presence of an anesthetic in the composition. Patients also talk about the pleasant taste of the drug. After using it, free breathing is restored and irritation in the larynx disappears.

The drug usually does not cause adverse reactions if all the rules of use are followed. However, there are officially confirmed cases when the composition led to the development of allergies. In this case, digestion may worsen, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea may develop. In this case, the composition should be urgently canceled and consult a doctor. Among the non-dangerous side effects, burning and dryness in the oral cavity can be distinguished. This symptom usually resolves on its own and does not require additional therapy.
Drug with prolonged use can cause candidiasis of the oral mucosa. That is why you should not neglect the information from the instructions for use. For more information, please consult your doctor. All the best to you, do not get sick!