The drug "Pulsatilla" with a delay in menstruation: is it worth it?

The drug "Pulsatilla" with a delay in menstruation: is it worth it?
The drug "Pulsatilla" with a delay in menstruation: is it worth it?

Women always take care of their he alth, especially the reproductive system. When something goes wrong, they get worried. And so, when menstruation did not come, and pregnancy did not occur, women begin to look for an answer. The drug "Pulsatilla" with a delay in menstruation helps thousands of women who are faced with such a problem.

what to do if your period is late
what to do if your period is late

It should be understood that the delay in menstruation, that is, the violation of the menstrual cycle, can be caused by various reasons. And not all of them can be adjusted with Pulsatilla. Also note that a delay of up to 6 days is normal. Start taking action if your period hasn't come for more than a week.

Reason for delay

So here are a few reasons why you don't get your period and the test is negative. The first reason is, of course, pregnancy. It’s so natural that pregnancy and menstruation are mutually exclusive concepts, but it happens that a test forpregnancy shows a negative result when conception did occur. Therefore, it is not worth completely excluding the possibility of pregnancy. For an accurate result, consult a specialist.

no period and negative test
no period and negative test

If you are sure that the delay is caused by another reason, then it is quite possible that this is a hormonal failure. This phenomenon, in turn, can be caused by stress, excessive physical activity or poor ecology. Fortunately, this is fixable.

The drug "Pulsatilla" with a delay in menstruation is prescribed quite often. However, many women are afraid to take hormonal drugs (which is Pulsatilla), but in vain. The hormones of the latest generations have practically no side effects, in particular, they do not affect weight gain and the appearance of excess hair (the biggest female fears associated with the use of hormones), the drug does not disrupt the nervous system or other body functions.

It is also important to understand that Pulsatilla tablets are prescribed only for adult women with an already established cycle when menstruation is delayed. Adolescents whose cycle has not yet normalized should not use this remedy. Do not abuse this drug and adult women. If menstruation comes only when using Pulsatilla tablets for several months in a row, then most likely the problem is not only a hormonal failure. Remember that a delay in menstruation can also be caused by infectious diseases. It's better anywayconsult a gynecologist.

What else can cause menstruation?

pulsatilla with delayed menstruation
pulsatilla with delayed menstruation

If you know for sure that you are not pregnant, then Pulsatilla tablets for delayed periods are not the only drug that can help you. Sometimes doctors prescribe the drug "Dufaston" - a five-day course of two tablets per day. In this case, menstruation should be expected 2-3 days after the end of the intake. Stronger in its effect in amenorrhea is the drug "Postinor", but remember that the drug simultaneously performs an abortive function. If you do not want to resort to pills, then there are folk methods. Be careful, these drugs are also abortifacient.

Now you know what to do when your period is late, but don't neglect your doctor's visit!
