"Acyclovir Belupo" is an effective remedy for combating herpes viruses. The tool was developed and manufactured in Croatia in the city of Koprivnica. It is fully licensed, has a guarantee of the highest quality, as evidenced by the positive feedback from consumers. For ointment and tablets "Acyclovir Belupo" instructions for use are presented below.
Issue form
This product is in the form of tablets, coated on the outside in the form of a film. Tablets are in cardboard packaging in plates, their weight is 400 milligrams. You can buy the drug in pharmacies only with a prescription issued by a doctor. The shelf life of "Acyclovir Belupo" is quite long, it is as much as 36 months from the date of release.
How it works
The drug has an effect in this way: first, the active substances penetrate into cells that are already infected with viruses, then they react with viruses, where they are suppressed, and finally removedvirus completely.
"Acyclovir Belupo" in its own way serves as a kind of analogue of the thymidine nucleoside. When cells are damaged by viral thymidinases, the result is phosphorylation and transformation of acyclovir monophosphate. Once under the action of acyclovir, guanyl cyclases change into diphosphate and, under the influence of some cellular enzymes, turn into triphosphate. High selectivity of movements and low toxicity to humans lead to a lack of an enzyme necessary for the production of triphosphate in intact microbial cells.
Triphosphate enters the system with the help of a DNA virus, where it stops the reproduction of the virus. The specificity, together with the high selectivity of movement, is also provoked by the accumulation of triphosphate in cells infected with herpes.

Based on this, we can safely say that the drug does an excellent job with:
- Herpes types 1 and 2.
- Viruses, including shingles and smallpox.
- Epstein-Barr disease.
- Medium active in CMV.
During herpes, the remedy prevents the formation of new particles of the rash, reduces the risk of dissemination and complications, accelerates the appearance of crusts, eliminates pain.
Full squad
The main component of the ointment and tablets 400 "Aciclovir Belupo" is the active ingredient with the same name. Namely acyclovir. It is worth saying that this drug contains a lot of auxiliary agents, these include:
- Povidone.
- Carboxymethyl starch sodium.
- Microcrystalline cellulose.
- Silicon dioxide colloidal.
- Magnesium stearate.
The shell of the tablets itself consists of hypromelose, titanium dioxide, macrogol, oxide dyes red and yellow.
It is allowed to take pills only after meals, they should be washed down with plain water without gas and other additives.
To quickly and effectively eliminate an unpleasant problem, you need to start treatment immediately after the first symptoms appear. Do not forget that the sooner you start eliminating the disease, the faster it will pass. In no case should you postpone treatment, and even more so let the disease take its course. It is very important to seek help from a specialist, he will determine the severity of the disease and prescribe treatment. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually for each.
During the treatment of skin infections and mucous membranes provoked by the herpes virus of the 1st and 2nd type, children over three years old and also adults are prescribed Acyclovir. It is taken five times a day for 200 milligrams. If there are any complications during treatment, the course can be changed by a specialist.
With immunodeficiency, as well as with HIV diseases (early stages of AIDS), after bone marrow transplantation, they are prescribed to take five times a day at a dose of 400 milligrams.
During the prevention of the onset of infections provoked by Herpes simplex types 1 and 2, a person with a normal immune status is credited with 200 milligrams of the drug fourtimes a day, every six hours.

For infectious prophylaxis of viruses caused by Herpes simplex, children over 3 years of age and adults with immunodeficiency are prescribed the recommended dose of 200 milligrams four times a day every 6 hours, the maximum allowed dose is 400 milligrams five times a day, in case of severe infections.
For the treatment of infections caused by Varicella zoster, the adult dose is 800 milligrams five times a day every four hours during the day and every eight hours at night. The course of treatment consists of 7 to 10 days. Children from 3 years of age are prescribed 20 milligrams per kilogram four times a day. A course of treatment for 5 days for children weighing more than 40 kilograms is prescribed the same dosage as for adults.
In the treatment of infections caused by herpes zoster, adults are prescribed 800 milligrams four times a day every six hours. The course of admission is 5 days.
When there is impaired renal function for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by herpes Simplex, in patients with creatinine clearance less than 10 ml / min, Acyclovir should be reduced to 200 milligrams a couple of times a day every 12 hours.
For the treatment of Varicella zoster infections in patients with creatinine CI less than 10 ml/min, it is advised to reduce the dosage to 800 milligrams twice a day at 12 hour intervals. For creatinine CI up to 25 ml/min, 800 milligrams three times a day every 8 hours is recommended.
When combinedsolutions should pay attention to the alkaline reaction of acyclovir for administration. A sufficiently large effect is noted with the combined appointment of immunostimulants. Blockers of tubular secretion sharply reduce the level of tubular secretion of administered acyclovir, which leads to an increase in the concentration of acyclovir in the blood serum and CSF, slowing down the excretion of acyclovir from the blood and CSF, and increasing the toxic effect.

The drug "Acyclovir Belupo" is intended for the treatment and prevention of such diseases:
- infections of the skin and mucous membranes, provoked by herpes Simplex viruses of the 1st and 2nd type, both primary and secondary, including genital herpes;
- prevention of exacerbated recurrent infections caused by herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2 in people with normal status;
- prevention of primary and repeated infections caused by herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2 in immunocompromised patients;
- the main method for combating pronounced immunodeficiency in HIV information (early stage of AIDS, clinical manifestations and general picture) and in people who have undergone bone marrow transplantation;
- for the treatment of primary and recurrent infections caused by herpes zoster (shingles and smallpox).

Treatment with "Acyclovir" is prohibited in case of:
- hypersensitivity to acyclovir orauxiliary components that were included;
- during breastfeeding;
- Children under 3.
You also need to take into account personal illnesses that may cause this product to be banned.
Ointments and tablets "Acyclovir Belupo": reviews
People who have tried the effect of the drug note the following: when blisters of herpes appear on the lips, you need to start taking acyclovir. When taken quickly, herpes is mild, with fewer rashes, and in a maximum of five days. Also, the drug is effective for the prevention of herpes with frequent relapses.
"Aciclovir Belupo" is a very effective remedy that helps with herpes of any complexity.
Many people know and successfully use the drug "Acyclovir" in the treatment of "colds" - herpes sores on the lips and not only. But not everyone probably knows that many doctors often recommend this drug as a cheap and effective antiviral agent for other diseases.
In the season of colds and flu, rotavirus and other mass diseases, the drug "Acyclovir" may be indispensable. It quickly and reliably eliminates diseases, literally in a few days there is no trace of a cold.
Many are attracted by the availability of the product, it is easy to find it in every pharmacy or on the official website on the Internet. "Acyclovir" has a pleasant cost, which makes it more in demand.

What you need to know
If you take a course of treatment for a very long time or are again treated with "Acyclovir", then for people with reduced immunity, this threatens the formation of strains of viruses that have developed immunity to the components of the drug. Many strains that are not affected by acyclovir have been found to be deficient in thymidine kinase. There were selected strains with altered DNA polymerase and thymidine kinase. Thanks to the work of Acyclovir Belupo, all these problems were eliminated, as a result of the action of the drug, the strains became less anaphylactic.

As for the use of "Acyclovir" during pregnancy, there were no in-depth studies on this matter. It is allowed to take the drug only after agreeing it with the doctor, if he decides that the reception will not harm the development of the fetus and will benefit the mother.
When taking pills (especially in large doses), you need to drink plenty of water.
If a nursing woman has diseases that can be cured only by using Acyclovir, then breastfeeding should be stopped immediately.
The remedy is not able to protect against infection with herpes during intimacy, so you need to refrain from sexual contact for a while until the patient is completely cured.

In addition to tablets, there is an ointment "Acyclovir Belupo", it is no less effective in use. Completely removes the herpes virus in just a few days,struggling with his reappearance. The ointment has a pleasant texture, is easy to apply, does not cause redness or other adverse reactions.
The ointment easily copes with herpes of the skin and mucous membranes, also fights with genital herpes, both in its initial form and in its repeated form. May serve as an additional remedy for shingles.
The cream has a shelf life of 24 months, it can also be used by children, but only from the age of 12. The course of treatment will depend on the degree of the problem, it basically consists of several days, the maximum treatment time is almost two weeks. The cream is applied to problem areas every four hours. This tool can be purchased independently, without a doctor's prescription.
Ointment "Acyclovir Belupo" consists of acyclovir and additional components, it is applied superficially to areas affected by herpes. Also, this remedy can be used with other drugs, no adverse reactions were found during use.