Our well-being depends not only on how long and on what we sleep, but also in what position. Certain sleeping positions can cause snoring, neck and back pain. And this affects the he alth, performance and mood of a person. Favorite sleeping positions may not be the best.

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended if you have back problems. In addition, breathing difficulties may occur. If you sleep on your back, you risk waking up your loved ones by snoring. Despite this, sleep positions in which a person lies on his back are recommended by doctors as the most harmless to he alth. In this position, the muscles are as relaxed as possible, the load is removed from the neck and spine, the joints also relax and rest. In addition, this pose improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
If your favorite sleeping positions are on your stomach or on your side, then you will inevitably “crumple” your face, which leads to wrinkles. Hollywood beauticians claim that a person's face can always determine which side he likes to sleep on. In this case, we are again saved by the posture on the back, whichkeeps the face youthful.
Perhaps, only in two cases it can be undesirable. One of the downsides, as mentioned, is snoring. If a person is prone to snoring, then it is the sleeping positions on the back that exacerbate this disadvantage. The sleeper himself does not hear this, but those around him cannot sleep.
Secondly, the pose on the back is contraindicated for people with diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, runny nose). In this position, the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream is reduced, which can make you feel worse.
Pose on the side, according to doctors, is the second most beneficial that it brings to the body. The main advantage of this sleeping position is the solution to the problem of snoring. Also, this position is favorable for pregnant women: if you sleep on your left side, then blood circulation improves and, therefore, a constant flow of blood to the embryo is ensured. In addition, the kidneys work well in this position, which is extremely important for pregnant women.

The cons of this pose are:
- load on the neck and shoulders, so you need to choose a pillow that will keep the neck at body level;
- the appearance of wrinkles on the left side of the face.
The position on the stomach is very harmful for the male. Firstly, the body is minimally relaxed, wrinkles may appear earlier, pain in the neck, some in this position begin to grind their teeth.
Secondly, there is a deterioration in blood circulation in the internal organs. According to statistics, about 40% of sexual disorders are caused by the habit of sleeping on the stomach.

It must be said that the positions in which people sleep together are different from the positions of people who are used to sleeping alone. If his significant other is sleeping next to a person, then he takes a pose that can reflect one or another stage of the relationship. To interpret sleeping positions together, you just need to know the body language. So, you can easily find out what the one you like feels for you. Couples who are in the early stages of falling in love usually sleep with each other tightly hugged.
Newlyweds who are very happy together tend to be in the "spoon" position. There are also other positions for couples, each with its own meaning: "Chanel", "back to back", "cradle", "touchy", "waiting", "roof".