Obsessive states, the symptoms of which will be described in our article, are absurd or inadequate thoughts, urges or subjective fears that appear against the will of the patient and regardless of the fact that most of the people affected by this syndrome clearly understand their painful nature and tries to get rid of them in every possible way.

Obsessional neurosis
Such a pathology manifests itself in completely absurd, but indestructible reflections: why, for example, a cat has stripes, or how old a passerby is. These thoughts are perceived by the patient as unnecessary, but he cannot get rid of them.
Obsessive account
This obsessive state is manifested by an irresistible desire to count everything that catches your eye: poles by the road, pebbles under your feet, letters on a billboard, etc. And sometimes the actions become more complicated: there is a need to add the numbers in the phone number, the oncoming car, or find out at the time of reading the total numberletters in a word, etc.
Obsessive condition
As a rule, this phenomenon is accompanied by constant anxiety about whether this or that thing has been done. For example, a completely exhausting doubt whether the door is locked or whether the iron is turned off does not give rest, forcing a person to return home again and again. And although the patient will repeatedly check all the appliances and the door, leaving the apartment, but after a couple of minutes it will again be painful to think and doubt.
The obsessive state is also manifested in various logically inexplicable fears. This is the fear of spiders, heights, open spaces, enclosed spaces, etc. Often, the fear of doing something criminal, unlawful (killing a spouse, screaming loudly where silence is observed, or taking someone else's thing) is often added to them.
Compulsory Neurosis

These are particularly pronounced pathological desires. The patient can hardly restrain himself from jumping out of a moving car, pinching a person in front, or pulling a girl's hair, etc.
True, usually these desires are never actuated, but they bring a lot of torment to a person who has such an obsessive state.
Contrasting obsessions
These deviations appear, as a rule, in relation to someone whom the patient loves especially much: for example, a son who adores his mother will persistently think about how unclean she is, although he knows for sure that this is not so. A husband who loves his wife will think about how he will pierce herknife.
Like obsessive drives, this state does not go into action, but exhausts the patient, who is aware of the absurdity of such thoughts.
To alleviate the state of anxiety and a kind of "protection" from constant tension, a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome creates a series of "rituals" that are supposed to help him in this. For example, to get rid of thoughts about the TV not being turned off, such a person will touch the wall next to the socket ten times or, in case of fear of some kind of illness, will wash their hands, accompanying this with a loud bill, and if they fail, they will start all over again.
Obsessive compulsive disorder: treatment

The syndrome in question is quite difficult to treat. It includes both drug therapy and psychological impact on the patient's consciousness. The main thing at the same time is to create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation with the patient, to assist him in social adaptation.