In recent years, dermatologists have noted a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from fungal diseases. According to doctors, fungal infections of the feet rank first in the world among other diseases. Pathology, of course, is not the most dangerous, but it can greatly ruin life, bringing additional troubles into it in the form of an unsightly appearance, smell, etc. The causes of this disease lie in reduced immunity, lack of vitamins, wearing low-quality shoes, and poor hygiene when visiting a pool, sauna or beach.
In this article, consider the Nomidol cream. Divorce or not? Let's figure it out.

No one has insurance against the fungus, the disease is transmitted from person to person through contact or the use of common things. That is why it is necessary to observe the rules of elementary personal hygiene when visiting public places. In addition, it is important to respond quickly to the symptoms that appear andsee a doctor for help, as treating an infection at an early stage is much easier and more effective. Medicines of the latest generation instantly relieve unseemly symptoms and give the skin a normal he althy look. Among the variety of drugs in this group, the new drug "Nomidol" stands out.
This antifungal drug was created as a result of the research work of a group of Russian scientists headed by Yu. V. This medicine and its unique properties will be discussed below.
Composition of the drug "Nomidol"
Scam or truth? There is a rumor that the drug is ineffective. Many are wondering if it is worth using it.
The instructions for this drug states that it contains 8 oils of natural origin, which have a pronounced antibacterial and antimycotic effect. In addition, oils have soothing and healing properties. The list of components that Nomidol contains from the fungus certainly inspires respect:
- Celandine oil. It has a pronounced antiseptic and wound-healing effect, prevents further spread of infection. The manufacturer claims that it is thanks to the celandine that the infection disappears forever after the end of the course of treatment, without recurrence.
- coltsfoot oil. It has emollient properties, reduces itching and flaking, promotes the healing of microcracks and wounds.
- St. John's wort oil. Responsible for the removal of inflammation and the destruction of bacteria of various kinds, restores skin damage.
- Melissa oil. Has an antifungal, antibacterial and soothing effect.
- Oil series. It has disinfecting and healing properties, helps relieve irritation.
- Valerian oil. Helps improve blood flow in the affected areas, eliminate skin irritation.
- Horseradish oil. An antifungal agent that disinfects and improves blood circulation.
- Kombucha oil. Eliminates perspiration and works well against odor.

In addition, the composition of the ointment includes other components:
- Beaver musk. This substance is intended to soften the nail plate, as well as to ensure high-quality delivery of antimycotic components to the site of infection.
- Sap. From time immemorial it was considered the best antibacterial agent.
- Tea tree essential oil. It has an antimycotic and antiseptic effect.
- Colloidal silver. Provides a microenvironment that prevents pathogens from multiplying.
But there is an opinion that the drug "Nomidol" is a divorce of the population. Why? This is probably due to a violation of the application rules.
Indications for use
In what cases is Nomidol prescribed for a fungus? This drug is used in the following conditions:

- Fungal infections affecting the nail plates andcausing them to thicken.
- Fungal infections of the skin of the feet.
- Unpleasant smell that does not depend on the frequency of hygiene procedures.
- Corning of the skin and severe itching.
- Burning, irritation of the skin of the feet.
- Tingling sensation in affected areas.
- Redness and peeling of the skin.
Drug "Nomidol" - divorce or not? More on this later. Does medicine work if used correctly?

The effect of the use of "Nomidol"
The drug eliminates itching, skin irritation, eliminates excessive sweating and unpleasant odor. In addition, the drug stops the process of destruction of the nail plate, smoothes the surface of the nail, heals microcracks and other damage to the skin. The use of the ointment allows you to stop the focus of the disease and prevent the infection from spreading further, eliminating its pathogen.
According to the testimony of patients who used this ointment as directed by a doctor, we can say that it works after the first application. It helps to immediately relieve itching, burning, irritation and removes an unpleasant odor. With use, the drug helps to restore damaged tissue completely. After the course of treatment, the infection does not return. It is also important that "Nomidol" (divorce or truth, we'll find out) consists only of natural ingredients, that is, it is positioned as absolutely safe for he alth.
Method of application and dosage
Before applying the medicine affected by mycosisThe area should be thoroughly washed with soap and water and dried with a towel. After that, gently rub a small portion of the ointment (about a pea) onto the affected skin and wait until it is completely absorbed. The drug works within twelve hours after application. That is, it is enough to apply the ointment twice a day to achieve a healing effect. The course of treatment is usually one month.
It should be noted that advanced cases of mycosis are very difficult to cure by any means, and sometimes you can get rid of a fungal infection only by applying surgical intervention.
If necessary, the course of treatment with Nomidol can be extended for another 15 days as a preventive measure after the visible symptoms of the fungus disappear.
After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. The effect of use occurs due to a specific combination of ointment components. The drug covers the affected skin with a thin film, preventing oxygen from penetrating to the pathogen, as if clogging it. At the same time, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components actively destroy the focus. Although people think it's a scam.

The price of "Nomidol" will be indicated below.
Contraindications and side effects
According to the manufacturer's conclusion and reviews of patients and dermatologists, the drug has no pronounced side effects and is quite suitable for use by a very wide range of people suffering from fungal diseases. But the manufacturer still stipulates that in some patientsthere may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. You should also use the ointment with caution in pregnant and lactating women, since clinical trials of the drug's effect on pediatric patients have not been conducted.
The drug "Nomidol" - a divorce or a panacea?
The fear that the action of Nomidol will turn out to be a fiction is quite understandable, since the manufacturer offers, obviously, a simple and affordable solution to the problem. At the same time, the consumer's attention is focused on natural and diverse components that enhance each other's action and, thanks to such a combined work, provide such an impressive effect. Confirmation that the drug helps to cope with a fungal infection is the numerous reviews of patients who used the ointment.
"Nomidol" is certified, and its quality complies with the international GMP standard. It is impossible not to recall that many fakes enter the market that do not have such an effective effect (this is mainly the reason for negative reviews). The manufacturer vouches that buying a medicine through the official website will save you from frustration and wasting money. So, when purchasing "Nomidol" from a fungus, whether it is a divorce or not, you will have to find out from your own experience.

Dermatologist Reviews
The advantage of this drug, according to experts, is that it not only eliminates inflammation, but also removes the focus of mycosis itself. Dermatologists note the high efficiency of this drug, which is provided by a complexexposure to various components of natural origin. In addition, doctors recommend using the remedy as a preventive measure, especially if someone in the family has a fungal disease.
In addition, such an important fact as the absence of an allergic reaction to the drug was noted.
Nomidol has no analogues due to its unique composition. You can pick up a similar medication, for example, Stop Active, but studies have shown that it will be inferior to an antifungal drug.
The cost of "Nomidol" is about 2000 rubles. You cannot buy "Nomidol" in pharmacies, you can only buy it through the official website. Be careful, there are many fakes on the Internet.

Where to buy?
Summarizing all of the above, we can say that there are many positive reviews from patients. In addition, according to experts, the drug is effective at various stages of the disease. The ointment is very effective in the fight against dermatoses and mycoses, quickly stops the inflammatory process and excludes the further development of a fungal infection. All these facts allow us to conclude that it is advisable to use the remedy for fungal infections.
We reviewed the drug "Nomidol", real reviews, instructions and price.