Noncommunicable diseases are not transmitted from person to person. As a rule, they have a chronic form and slowly progress, while for a long time they negatively affect human he alth. During treatment, the goal is first to stop the destructive action of harmful factors, and then, if possible, to completely "cleanse" the body.
Non-communicable diseases are, for example, cardiovascular, oncological diseases. Psoriasis also belongs to this group, it is not transmitted from person to person. This is a chronic disease that affects the skin.

It most often occurs at a young age, but it can also appear in the elderly and in children. Both women and men are equally affected.
Features of guttate psoriasis
Psoriasis has several types. This is not such a rare skin disease. One of its varieties is guttate psoriasis.

It appears suddenly and can be confused with manifestations of allergic reactions. Small papules form on the skinthe shape of which resembles a drop. The size of the speck does not exceed 1 centimeter in diameter, however, over time, they can grow and merge into plaques, covering large areas of skin on the human body. The papules are red, possibly even purple. At the same time, there is also a flaky crust around the edges. Most often, papules cover the thighs, but they can also appear on any other area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The least likely to show psoriasis - on the feet, face and palms.
Causes of psoriasis
One of the main reasons is hereditary predisposition to the disease. However, there are other prerequisites:
- Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
- Psychological breakdowns.
- Presence of infectious diseases: streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Viral infections.
- Immune weakening.
- Cold intolerance.
Any of the above causes guttate psoriasis.
Symptoms of disease
In most cases, guttate psoriasis occurs in adolescents. The disease can be provoked by a transferred infectious disease, for example, it can be otitis, tonsillitis. The first symptoms appear 3-5 days after recovery from an infectious disease.
Guttate psoriasis begins with the appearance of several spots on the skin, they can appear on any part of the human body, while causing severe itching.

Psoriasis itself is notpasses, most often it becomes chronic. It happens that papules disappear in one place on their own, but they can just as easily appear in another.
Guttate psoriasis may go away on its own as the child grows up, but this is a small possibility.
A qualified dermatologist can easily diagnose such an ailment. However, in order to rule out the possibility of another disease, such as pink lichen, a culture is taken from the pharynx for group A streptococcus. Its presence means that the existing malaise in a person is guttate psoriasis.
Psoriasis treatment
The course of healing the body will be long and laborious. To begin with, the doctor finds out the cause of the rash. Only when it is established, you can get high-quality treatment.
First of all, the cause that provoked the onset of the disease is eliminated, and then a course of wellness procedures is prescribed to help clear the skin of the "rash" and restore the body.
Guttate psoriasis requires an integrated approach to treatment. The patient is prescribed a strict diet to normalize the body's metabolism.
The main areas of treatment are PUVA therapy and plasmapheresis.
PUVA therapy is a procedure in which the affected areas of the body are exposed to ultraviolet radiation in conjunction with the use of topical medications. Irradiation is carried out only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Plasmapheresis - cleansing the blood of harmful substances. The passage of such a procedure helps to reduce relapses and well relieves the exacerbation of the disease. This method is based on the use of immunomodulating drugs. They do not allow the cell to divide, and therefore the affected areas of the skin are reduced.
The following psoriasis treatments are also used:
- Physiotherapy treatment.
- Supporting the body by taking vitamin complexes.
- Prescribing drugs to support the immune system.
- Use of drugs with monoclonal antibodies.
There are many topical ointments and gels that are prescribed when a person has guttate psoriasis. The treatment is carried out in combination with a diet, further adherence to proper nutrition is necessary.
Psychological state of the patient
Psoriasis affects not only the physical condition, but also the psychological one. A person with such a disease becomes more withdrawn, begins to worry more about his appearance, loses social ties in society. Therefore, it is necessary to provide friendly support to such people. For better social adaptation, it is desirable for the patient to get rid of the external signs of the disease; preparations containing monoclonal antibodies can help with this. Such drugs block certain cells of the immune system that affect the development of the disease.
Monoclonal antibodies for psoriasis
Such bodies have one precursor cell, they come from a cell clone. These are antibodies that recognize specific antigens andare attached to them. Thus, they draw the attention of the immune system to the “enemy” located. The body gets rid of antigens on its own. At the same time, monoclonal antibodies affect only "sick" cells, without touching he althy ones.
The use of such drugs can help to completely cleanse the skin and lead the body to a long-term remission.
Ointment for the treatment of psoriasis
Recently, the Chinese ointment "King of the Skin" has become widespread in the application. It is actively advertised and discussed by both patients and doctors.
The ointment contains clobetasol propionate and ketoconazole, sandalwood oil, neem leaves, tulsi (holy basil), kapoor kachari, turmeric, licorice, talc.
King of Skin ointment comes in small jars and is designed to treat psoriasis of any kind.

The drug works like this:
- Reduces itching.
- Reduces dry skin.
- Combats inflammation and prevents recurrence of inflammation.
- Eliminates peeling, smoothes the skin.
However, it must be remembered that any treatment should be started after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor.
Guttate psoriasis - disease prevention
Prevention is a general strengthening of the body. This is hardening, proper nutrition, physical activity, raising immunity. All this minimizes the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases. And ifthe likelihood of contracting an infectious disease is reduced, and the likelihood of psoriasis rashes is also reduced.

When guttate psoriasis appears, the prognosis for recovery is favorable, especially if you managed to see a doctor at the very beginning of the disease. If you do not contact a specialist in time, the disease can turn into a severe form and its treatment will be difficult.