Disorders of the emotional sphere of a person: concept, types, causes and features

Disorders of the emotional sphere of a person: concept, types, causes and features
Disorders of the emotional sphere of a person: concept, types, causes and features

Any situation or event in a person's life is accompanied by emotions. Everyone at least once in their life felt a state of euphoria, inexplicable joy, sadness, complete emptiness. The emergence of an unlimited range of emotions depends on the mental state of a person and his environment, which often dictates specific behavioral frameworks.

Personal limitations and stereotypes accumulate inside a huge number of sensations, whether it be sadness or unexpected joy. Emotional stress grows more and more every day, plunging a person into a state of mental disorder. Over time, even with a strong desire, he cannot throw out what has accumulated inside him, because he has been holding it back for a long time. Thus, all kinds of violations of the emotional sphere are formed, which entail a discord of the psychophysical system as a whole. Consider the causes that cause such pathologies, as well as ways to correct them.

Violation of the emotional sphere
Violation of the emotional sphere

What are emotions

This term is usually called the subjective reactions of a person to the impact of external and internal stimuli, which manifest themselves in the form of displeasure, pleasure, fear, joy, etc. Accompanying any sphere of life, emotions serve as one of the main mechanisms of external and internal regulation of behavior and mental activity aimed at satisfying needs.

There are several varieties of emotional disorders. Let's take a closer look at them.

Pathological affect

This is a manifestation of rage or anger that occurs in response to minor stimuli and is accompanied by aggressive influences on the source of negative emotions. The pathological affect is characterized by a rapid course against the background of a clouded consciousness, upon exiting from which there is a complete amnesia of what happened. A similar condition can appear with organic brain damage, psychogenies, psychopathy and some other mental pathologies.


Inadequate, pathologically elevated joyful mood, when a person's life seems like a continuous chain of carefree pleasures and carefree pastime, and all problems (even very serious ones) are completely solvable. He sees his surroundings in iridescent colors. At the same time, impenetrable optimism is observed, negative, and sometimes tragic moments of life are perceived positively, joyfully. Due to hyperoptimism, a person inadequately assesses his condition. For example, euphoria may occur at the terminal stage of certainmalignant diseases. The state of infinite happiness is also observed in many somatic and mental pathologies. Many people do not know anything about some violations of the emotional sphere of the personality. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Emotional disorders in children
Emotional disorders in children


Unmotivated good mood with foolishness, vulgar, flat jokes, disinhibition of drives. The behavior of such people resembles hebephrenic excitement, although it differs from it in the absence of echolalia, paramimia, echopraxia. Moria is often accompanied by a slight stupor - obnubilation. Such an emotional phenomenon is most often observed in neurological practice in patients with organic lesions of the frontal lobes.


Depressed, pathologically bad mood that occurs for no reason. At the same time, a person perceives the surroundings as gloomy, hopelessly pessimistic, unpromising. Nothing pleases him, life seems devoid of meaning. Often this disorder is the main cause of suicidal thoughts, intent and suicide attempts.


This is a longing that is projected into the future, expressed mental anxiety, excitement due to the unreasonable expectation of a catastrophe, a major trouble that will happen to the patient or his loved ones. Anxiety can be caused by a specific event associated with a certain, often exaggerated situation in life, or diffuse, not associated with any events or facts. This disorder is usually accompaniedintense vegetative reactions and motor excitation. It is closely associated with depressive states and acts as part of a single anxiety-depressive syndrome in various somatic and mental disorders, especially often occurring at an involutionary age.

emotional sphere of children with hearing impairment
emotional sphere of children with hearing impairment

Inadequacy of emotions

Mismatch between the nature of emotions and the reason that caused them. This pathology is also characteristic of schizophrenia.


Dreary-evil unmotivated mood with dissatisfaction with others or with oneself, which is expressed by extrapunitive behavior. A person at this time has an affect of anger and extremely high irritability, which explain the causeless sudden outbursts of aggression towards others and destructive actions. If for some reason a person cannot realize aggression, he directs it at himself. This is often expressed in suicidal acts or self-mutilation. Dysphoria can occur with organic pathologies of the brain, epilepsy, certain types of psychopathy, atrophic and vascular processes in the brain.

Emotional lability, weakness

It's a mood swing. A person on an insignificant occasion easily goes from laughter to crying, from anger to tenderness. He cannot watch a sentimental film without tears, read books. During the day, such a patient's emotions repeatedly change polarity. Weakness is a symptom of vascular diseases of the brain. It is also often found in its organic pathologies and asthenia.different nature of origin.

Emotional dullness (impoverishment)

It is the disappearance of moral, aesthetic, intellectual and ethical feelings. A person loses delicacy, the ability to empathize, shows emotional coldness, rude arrogance, indifference and indifference to the fate of loved ones. Such a violation is typical for people suffering from schizophrenia.


Violation, which is expressed in the absence of all desires and absolute indifference to oneself and others. At the same time, patients not only lose interest in the outside world, but are completely indifferent to their own condition. They often become untidy, slovenly. While retaining the ability to think, they cannot act. This condition is characteristic of schizophrenia and some types of organic brain damage.

Violations of the emotional sphere of the personality
Violations of the emotional sphere of the personality

Causes of violations

According to statistics, in half of the cases, violations of the emotional sphere are expressed in the development of mental illness. This is a very disturbing fact. Psychologists believe that the main reasons for their appearance may be:

  • Severe stress and illness suffered.
  • Features of psycho-emotional and physical development.
  • Microclimate and relationships in the family, features of education (in case of violations in the child).
  • Tragic event.
  • Social and living conditions of life, close environment.

Violations can be triggered by other factors. For example, in childhoodpsychological trauma can be caused by computer games and movies.

Emotional disorders in children

In a child, this kind of pathology most often manifests itself in transitional periods of development. An important factor is the fact that a small child, especially at preschool age, is more receptive than a teenager or an adult. Therefore, the signs of violation of the emotional sphere in him are manifested more intensively. However, parents often do not notice the depression of children, attributing their inappropriate behavior to character traits.

Emotional instability in adults usually manifests itself in unmotivated joy, mood lability, feelings of longing, sadness or tension. Emotional disorders in children are usually hidden. The child may have problems with the digestive tract, appetite disorders, frequent illnesses, decreased immune responses, weight loss, mental retardation, sleep disorders, memory loss, sweating, skin changes.

Emotional sphere of children with speech disorders
Emotional sphere of children with speech disorders

Emotional disorders in preschoolers are often expressed in unmotivated anger, painful fears, aggression, etc. A biological indicator in the form of an organic lesion of the fetal brain during pregnancy, childbirth or in the first years of life creates irreversible disturbances in the personal emotional sphere. A child of this age is most susceptible to psychological attitudes and the process of socialization - actions or words inherent inother children and influencing their development and behaviour. Such a psychological phenomenon is considered normal for children, but you should monitor whether the baby has emotional problems.

Disorders in children with auditory and speech pathologies

The emotional sphere of children with speech disorders often suffers, and in addition, hearing. Among the kids with problems of psychophysical development, a large group are those who have hearing impairments. Such a child does not have the opportunity to learn to speak on his own, since he perceives sound speech, he does not have the opportunity to receive auditory samples. These children have no control over their pronunciation, and as a result, their speech becomes distorted, and in some cases, it does not develop at all.

The emotional sphere of children with hearing impairment negatively affects the mastery of a complex speech system. This not only significantly limits the possibilities in the knowledge of the surrounding world and in learning, but also has a pronounced negative impact on the mental development of the individual, distorting or delaying it.

Profound hearing loss in most cases leads to dumbness and social isolation of the child, since his communication with hearing children is very limited. This often leads to the development of emotional disorders in them in the form of aggression, manifestations of negativism, egocentrism, selfishness. Opposite reactions can also be observed - apathy, lethargy, lack of initiative.

Emotional disordersspheres of a preschooler
Emotional disordersspheres of a preschooler

How to fix things

Correction of violations of the emotional and personal sphere is a special system of psychological influence. Its main directions are the mitigation of discomfort at the level of emotions, increasing independence and activity, eliminating personal reactions of a secondary nature, caused by violations of the psychological sphere. An important stage of work is the correction of the level of self-awareness, self-esteem, the formation of self-regulation in the patient.

Violation of the emotional personal sphere
Violation of the emotional personal sphere

Specific tasks of psychological correction of emotional disorders:

  • Changing stereotypes, attitudes and attitudes.
  • Overcoming family crisis.
  • Elimination of manifestations of disadaptation in behavior.
  • Expanding areas of social interaction.
  • Formation of an adequate relationship with yourself and others.

We examined the features of the development of emotional disorders in children and adults.
