The topic of today's article deserves special attention. We will talk about the fear of women in men. To meet a soul mate, create a family and have children is the main purpose in the life of every person. Why does fear arise, what is provoked? Why do some men have a relationship phobia with the opposite sex? Let's explore this and more.
What is a phobia?
To understand the main topic, let's start with this question. It means "fear" in Greek. As a rule, it is unreasonable, imaginary. This is a fear, reinforced by a sense of anxiety, accompanied by panic attacks that occurs in certain situations. A person may have several phobias. In general, there are over 300 species.
Many people know such fears as:
- Claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces.
- Acrophobia - heights.
- Aquaphobia - drowning or choking and others.
May have varying degrees of severity. For example, someone does not even suspect about its presence until its appearancenothing provokes. With a mild form of phobias, a person manages to concentrate and take control of the mind.

How does it manifest?
Pathological fear of something affects the personality. The man is captured. His constant companions are panic attacks, depression, a feeling of hopelessness, despair, weakness, insecurity, confusion. He is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Forgets about peace and quiet.
What is he like with a phobia?
If an individual suffers from any phobic disorder, he will consciously avoid the situation that can lead to stress. Fear gets in the way of a normal life. Constant anxiety and irritability contribute to a decrease in efficiency, deterioration of memory and attentiveness.
The tendency to avoid stressful frightening situations in general reduces the quality of life. A person is not able to self-actualize. To avoid a panic attack and fear, a person will avoid communicating with people, making new acquaintances, depriving himself of entertainment. It is from the object of the phobia that its quality level of certain aspects of life decreases.
How does a phobia manifest itself?
As noted above, the panic state of fear is accompanied by anxiety. Moreover, it does not disappear even when the surrounding people do not see a threat in the current situation. Symptoms are as follows:
- Pathological fear is unjustified.
- The object of fear has clear contours.
- The disease progresses with intensification, constantly progressing.
And the individual at the same time does not recognize its presence, denies, hides or is ashamed. Next, we will find out what the fear of women is called and much more.

Symptoms of disease
The following physiological and psychological changes can be observed:
- Heartbeat increases.
- There is arrhythmia of the heart, rapid, intermittent breathing, dry mouth.
- Feeling sleepy.
- Sweating increases.
- Impaired blood pressure, perception.
- You may experience dizziness, shortness of breath, numbness of the limbs, tinnitus, trembling in the knees, headache and chest pain, everything seems to shrink. As well as frequent urge to urinate, sexual dysfunction and others.
The individual's behavior changes: sleeps poorly, is restless, does not know what to do with his hands. Occur when a person comes into direct contact with the object of the phobia. In extreme cases, stress can cause premature death, lead to a stroke. We will not now consider the types of phobias, there are a lot of them, we will focus on one - fear of women. What is it called?
This is a disease with a sign of panic fear towards women. The condition may also be called gynecophobia. Rarely, but there is this fear of relationships in women. At the same time, men are aware of this, but they are not able to do and change the situation.
Don't confuse this phobia with misogyny, they have differentnature. Although the constant fear of women can lead to hatred. It manifests itself in different ways, it will depend on the degree of the disease. For example, it may be a fear of meeting a girl, intimacy due to a previously unsuccessful sexual experience.
A gynophobe may, in principle, be afraid of communicating with the fair sex. He will avoid women in every possible way. The feeling of defenselessness before them makes him weak and confused. In most cases, men begin to speak rudely to women, thus showing their superiority and strength.

Causes of gynophobia
This phobia of fear of women is the result of psychological trauma, which, as a rule, stretches from childhood. Due to bad relationship with mother. This is not only despotic belittling of dignity and suppression of the child as a person, his ambitions. This fear of women in men can also be provoked by excessive guardianship, when the mother does not allow her son to make independent decisions, doing everything for him.
Both in tandem with this cause, and separately, a phobia can develop due to the lack of paternal authority in the family. That is, when a child is raised by one mother or the father does not take any part in the life of his son, does not show strictness, pretending that everything is fine.
Wives in this case begin to play their role, assume male functions. Children are punished, moralizing is read to spouses in front of them, which, in principle, contradicts their nature. This model of life cuts into the subconscious of the child, which hethe future will shift to all the women around him. Thus, developing rejection and hostility towards them.
The fear of pregnant women is especially pronounced. Intimacy with them seems immoral and unnatural to gynophobes. He has a feeling of disgust and disgust, behind which he subconsciously tries to hide his fear. So, we learned what the phobia of fear of women is called, considered the main causes of occurrence. But it is not always worth looking for them in childhood, there may be other sources of acquiring fear.

Let's talk about them
The causes of fear of women may be different, but the result is the same. A man is afraid to get acquainted and contact with her, which destroys his life. This ailment can be formed due to:
- as mentioned above, a negative sexual experience with a woman;
- unsuccessful first intimate contact;
- acquired complexes about appearance;
- staying in purely male teams;
- labeled a loser as a child;
- Separate education from females, etc.
Often, the characteristic signs of gynophobia, expressed in the fear of meeting girls, disappear in adolescents in the future. And if an adult is faced with this problem, it is worth sounding the alarm. One of the reasons may be the financial component. A man who doubts his stability and independence is afraid that he will not be able to provide for a woman, therefore he refuses to take responsibilityserious relationship, and then communication minimizes.
Let's talk about fear of beautiful women
Specialists see a gynophobe as shy, blushing, timid, fainting when a woman appears. They are usually smart, educated, intellectually developed, non-conflict, and do not have a clear position in life. It is difficult for them to defend their own point of view. Often they are single, have no family, live with their mother. We will find out what the fear of beautiful women leads to, and what the phobia is called.

This is a fear of beautiful women, which is characterized not only by fear, but can also lead to outbursts of anger, aggressive actions on the part of men if he has other deep psychological diseases. According to a psychiatric study, information was obtained that gynophobes were 50% of maniacs. It was also found that even when the victim was killed, they continued to be afraid of women.
In society, gynophobes are presented as silent, thin, inconspicuous men who cannot even stand up for themselves. As a rule, they are not at all popular with the fair sex, and the latter often aggravate the situation with ridicule and obscene jokes about a man with an emphasis on the sexual sphere of life.

Consider the causes of a phobia
Fear of having a relationship with a beautiful woman can be caused by fear:
- Rejection. As a rule, such a man immediately sets himself up forfailure, and when a beautiful girl appears, he simply ignores her.
- Too much attention. It scares them off. The reluctance is in plain sight. And a tandem with a bright woman suggests that unnecessary attention will be thrown at him.
- Loss of individuality. Fear of being in the shadow of her spectacular appearance, success.
- Sexual incompatibility. Often gynophobes are convinced that beauties are good in bed because of the large number of lovers. And he, in turn, against their background, will have worthless sexual experience and will not be able to amaze and surprise the chosen one.
- Inconsistencies. Many gynophobes believe that only we althy, self-confident men are worthy of such women.
- To be ridiculed by society. How, in his face, is the average man going out with a queen?
There are other fears. For example, gynophobes are deeply convinced that beautiful women are accustomed to a luxurious life. And this requires a lot of money. And simply, they consider them frivolous, not created for a serious relationship.
How to recover from gynophobia?
Of course, you will not be able to cope with this disease on your own. Here the help of highly qualified specialists is needed. You need to undergo psychotherapy sessions.
The following methods will help to cope with a phobia:
- Hypnosis. It is used to find the cause of a disease. It helps to get negative pictures of the past from the depths of the subconscious, in which, perhaps, it will be possible to find the root of the disease.
- Group therapy. This is when goinga certain number of people with the same problem. Everyone has the right to speak and listen to others. This method allows you to realize that a person is not alone in his grief, there are people like him who are able to provide support, thanks to which the likelihood of falling into depression is reduced and the chances of solving the problem increase.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. By programming to build the right behavior and improve communication with women, a gynophobe can cope with the disease.
- And, of course, medication. This is an extreme measure used in the case of an advanced form of the disease. This is the use of tranquilizers and antidepressants. Here, the main thing is to follow the strict instructions of the attending physician. In no case should you buy and take medicines on your own. This can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause significant damage to he alth, even death.
Phobia of fear of a woman must be treated. The patient's condition will only worsen over time. A person becomes aggressive, insane, unable to control his emotions and actions, detached from the whole world around him, closed in himself. If you notice signs of gynophobia, you should immediately contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. And finally, we will give some useful advice to parents raising a son.

How to raise a real man?
So let's share some tips:
- Need a connection with the child, both mom and dad. It's important to be a friend to your sonhear, understand, help, respect, actively participate in his life.
- Consult with your child and make his decision. This is a small, but a person, with his desires, experiences and ambitions. Do not hold him back, let him do what he likes, go to the hockey, football, boxing, swimming section.
- Don't make fun of the child. He is very vulnerable, he takes everything seriously.
- You can't change clothes in front of your son, it adversely affects his mental development.
- Never humiliate a child. In no case do not discuss it with friends, especially in his presence. After all, he will begin to form a negative attitude towards women. He can hold a grudge against you in his soul, close and never trust again.
- Praise your son. For every little achievement. This is important.
- Don't compare him to more successful kids, just to his personal achievements.
These are some tips, the main thing is that the child grows up in a friendly atmosphere, in love. Only then will he become your friend, trust him, and together you will overcome all difficulties. So, now we know everything about the fear of women, what is the name of the phobia and how to get rid of it.