Nut Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment

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Nut Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment
Nut Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment

Video: Nut Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment

Video: Nut Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment
Video: Hypersensitivity, Overview of the 4 Types, Animation. 2024, July

Nuts are a valuable product, rich in vitamins, useful fatty acids and trace elements essential for the body. However, ingesting treats can cause severe immune responses in some people. An allergy to nuts develops, the symptoms of which cause severe discomfort from various organs and systems.

What are the reasons for the negative response of the body? What does a nut allergy look like? What is the treatment in case of a problem? All this is detailed in the publication.

Mechanism of an allergic reaction

child nut allergy
child nut allergy

Can I be allergic to nuts? Such reactions are often observed among individuals whose body is prone to misperception of certain components in the composition of food products. In the case of eating nuts, such people have an active production of class E immunoglobulins. Antibodies of a specific nature linger on the membrane structures of mast cells. During the next eating of nuts, histamines are released from these cells,serotonin, prostaglandins. A high concentration of these compounds in the blood structure provokes the development of a strong allergic reaction.

Pathological phenomenon hides a considerable danger. Since the allergic person probably does not know what negative consequences will arise when eating certain types of nuts. Sometimes acute reactions occur even as a result of being in the vicinity of the product and inhaling the aroma. Next time, the negative effects may be almost invisible.

About the reasons

can i be allergic to nuts
can i be allergic to nuts

Allergic nuts contain specific proteins that the body reacts to incorrectly in the presence of immune failures. Such substances are often perceived as foreign agents. The phenomenon is observed among children, both of whose parents are allergic. It is bad heredity that is the most common cause of the problem.

Often the unpleasant symptoms of a nut allergy develop in babies if the mother follows an unbalanced, disordered diet during pregnancy. And also when breastfeeding. According to the observations of researchers, the likelihood of developing incorrect reactions of the body to such food occurs if a pregnant woman consumed an abundance of nuts.


allergy causing nuts
allergy causing nuts

Among the characteristic symptoms of a nut allergy, the following reactions are worth noting:

  • skin cover - the formation of foci of rash, the appearancepuffiness, covering certain areas of the epidermis with painful red spots;
  • respiratory organs - congestion of the upper tract, frequent sneezing, bouts of dry cough;
  • digestion system - swelling and numbness of the tongue, a feeling of bloating, fullness of the abdominal cavity, bouts of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
  • cardiovascular system - a rapid drop in blood pressure to critical levels.

In the most severe cases, loss of consciousness is added to the above symptoms of nut allergy. If the aggressive reaction of the immune system to the action of the irritant is not stopped in time, the problem is likely to worsen, up to cardiac arrest. The condition when a combination of the above symptoms manifests itself is known in clinical practice as anaphylactic shock.


nut allergy photo
nut allergy photo

To identify a nut allergy, a photo of the symptoms of which can be seen in the article, the doctor collects an anamnesis. The diagnostician is interested in the nature of the reactions of the patient's body to the use of the product, the duration of negative phenomena, the presence of family members suffering from similar manifestations.

Skin tests are performed to confirm that a child or adult has a nut allergy. It is about creating a series of scratches on the surface of the skin, where the alleged irritant is applied. If a rash develops here soon, the reaction confirms the presence of an allergy.

Additionally, a blood test is carried out. The study reveals whether theimmune system specific antibodies as a response to the intake of protein elements of nuts.

The most effective solution for confirming the diagnosis is considered to be a provocative test. The technique makes it possible to detect an allergy to nuts with 100 percent certainty. Initially, a person is offered a small dose of the alleged irritant by lubricating the lips. In the absence of negative consequences after a while, the rate is increased. Waiting between exposures allows signs of allergic irritation to be noted.


nut allergy in adults
nut allergy in adults

As medical reviews show, if you are allergic to nuts, you should always have the drug "Epipen" on hand. The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is epinephrine. The introduction of a substance into the body is considered a prerequisite if there are prerequisites for the development of anaphylactic shock. Allergic people suffering from the development of abnormal immune system reactions to the use of nuts should ask the doctor to issue a prescription for the purchase of this drug. The physician is obliged to instruct the patient regarding the specifics of self-injection using the tool.


The drug acts as a highly effective medicine for suppressing allergic reactions of various nature. The action of the drug lies in the ability to block the production of histamines, which trigger negative reactions from the body to the action of certain agents. The use of the product provides a quick relief of discomfort afterdevelopment of allergies to nuts, other foods. In addition to the main action, the drug has a calming effect on the body, relieves the consequences of the development of allergies in the form of urticaria and skin itching.

After taking the medication, it is almost instantly absorbed in the intestine. Removal of symptoms of an allergic reaction is observed within half an hour. The effect lasts for 3 to 6 hours. Suprastin tablets are taken orally with plenty of water.

The medicine is also available in injectable form. In the case of the development of acute allergic reactions, the drug is administered into the body by drip. The procedure should only be performed under the supervision of a qualified physician.


nut allergy reviews
nut allergy reviews

"Loratadine" is a powerful long-acting antiallergic drug. The biologically active substance of the same name blocks the synthesis of histamines responsible for the occurrence of characteristic allergy symptoms. Taking the medication provides a decrease in capillary permeability. The result is the elimination of skin rashes, swelling, muscle spasms.

The use of the product greatly facilitates the course of food allergies. A positive effect is observed within 30-40 minutes after taking the tablets. The action of the drug is maintained throughout the day. Taking "Loratadine" does not affect the inhibition of the functions of the nervous system and is not addictive.


The drug has proven to be highly effective in eliminating food allergic reactions. The drug is often used during secondary therapy after an injection of adrenaline to prevent anaphylactic shock. Taking the medicine ensures the stabilization of general well-being, eliminates negative skin reactions that have arisen as a result of the use of nuts and other products.

Tavegil solution is administered intramuscularly if there are signs of an acute allergic reaction. Adults are prescribed injections in a volume of not more than 2 ml of medication per day. For the treatment of children, the rate is calculated based on the ratio of 0.025 ml of the drug per kilogram of body weight.


what does a nut allergy look like
what does a nut allergy look like

Using antihistamines to treat a nut allergy may not be a very effective solution if the causative agents remain in the gut. To eliminate the trouble, doctors advise using a strong Enterosgel sorbent. The agent binds allergens and toxins that linger in the structure of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This is followed by a rapid elimination of the marked elements from the body.

Biologically active components of the drug act like a sponge, absorbing harmful substances, waste products of pathogenic bacteria. Cleansing the intestines from agents that can cause food allergies is observed in about 6-7 hours. As a result, a person who is subject to an incorrect reaction of the body to the use of such food feels noticeable relief.

"Enterosgel" is not forbidden to use along withantihistamines, which looks like an obvious advantage of the drug. As a result of therapy using the remedy, the intestines are not only freed from allergens and toxic toxins, but the peristalsis of the walls of the digestive organs is also stabilized.

Helpful tips

So we figured out how a nut allergy manifests itself, and what therapy is used to eliminate the problem. Finally, let's talk about the rules, the observance of which will avoid the occurrence of a negative reaction of the body to the stimulus:

  1. Before eating food in public catering establishments, you should ask about the nature of the ingredients of the dishes. Chefs can cook with nuts and peanut butter.
  2. It is important to inform loved ones about the presence of allergies. People around should know what symptoms accompany the reaction. In the event of anaphylactic shock, relatives should offer the patient medicine in time.
  3. If an adult is allergic to nuts, the latter should always have Epipen in stock for injection.
  4. In the medicine cabinet of a person prone to a specific reaction to an irritant, there should be potent antihistamines. Such remedies can be used along with epinephrine, which will avoid serious troubles.
  5. Don't let your reaction take its course. If necessary, you should immediately take the help of doctors by calling an ambulance. If there is a critical dropblood pressure, respiratory depression, heart rhythm disturbance, for some time after the development of symptoms should be under the supervision of a doctor.

In closing

It is simply impossible to cure a nut allergy in a child and an adult. The problem remains with the person for the rest of his life. However, it is quite realistic to prevent the development of acute reactions of the body to an irritant, which will avoid a number of negative consequences. For these purposes, it is important to exclude nuts from the diet, be interested in the composition of dishes before eating, and carry antihistamines with you. If there are the slightest hints of a return of allergies, you should seek medical help.
