Arrhythmia of the heart is a change in its rhythm, characterized by acceleration. Such a disease is observed in 15% of all patients suffering from pathologies of this organ. This condition is considered normal if it occurs after exercise. If cardiac arrhythmia, which will be discussed later, often occurs at rest and is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, an urgent need to see a doctor.
General Description

If the indicated organ is he althy, then its work in the body is not felt. Any emotional change or physical activity can speed up the heartbeat. The pulse with arrhythmia of the heart can exceed 160 beats per minute. In this case, the patient can hear the beating of the organ. Often a person complains of a sinking heart, interruptions in his work.
This disease contributes to insufficient blood circulation, poor supply of nutrients to the brain. All body systems suffer from this. Pathology leads to a violation of not only the rhythm, but also electrical conduction. Cardiac arrhythmia, which is already understood, is often fatal (if left untreated).
Causes of occurrence
Attacks of arrhythmia of the heart appear due to nervous strain or constant stressful situations. The following reasons can also provoke them:
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Eating errors.
- Smoking and alcohol abuse.
- The presence of scars in the tissues of the heart that disrupt its conduction.
- Keeping a passive lifestyle.
- Poor circulation, which changes the cellular ability to produce and conduct electrical impulses.
- Defect of the heart or other diseases of the organ.
- Climax.
- Problems with metabolic processes.
- Injury to the heart muscle or its death (in this case, the path of propagation of impulses changes).
- Changes in electrolytes.
- Infectious and fungal diseases.
- Gastrointestinal lesions.
- Disorders of the brain.
- Overeating.
- Age.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Using strong drugs or stimulants.
- Severe intoxication of the body with chemicals, alcohol.
- Surgical intervention (as a complication).
Arrhythmia of the heart, what it was told earlier, provokes a sharp change in body temperature, constant fatigue, any infectious focus in the body. If timely measures to treat the disease are not taken, then it will become chronicform.
Varieties of pathology

What is it - cardiac arrhythmia - in general, it was discussed earlier. However, there are different types:
Variety | Characteristic |
Tachycardia |
This type of pathology is characterized by an acceleration of the heartbeat up to 130-210 beats per minute. There are several types of tachycardia:
Bradycardia | This type of pathology is characterized by a slow heart rate. The pulse with arrhythmia of the heart of this type drops to 50 or less beats per minute. In this case, the general blood circulation slows down, the nutrition of the internal organs worsens. Bradycardia is often caused by a "weak" sinus node syndrome, in which it cannot produce enough impulses. This type of pathology includesheart block. It is characterized by the destruction of the conducting paths of the organ |
Extrasystole | Such a pathology is a premature contraction of the heart as a whole or its individual parts |
Atrial fibrillation | She is characterized by chaotic atrial contraction. This pathology is the most dangerous, as it disrupts the general blood circulation |
Before choosing a cure for cardiac arrhythmia, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination. Wrong therapy can only aggravate the situation.
Arrhythmia symptoms

Symptoms and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias need to be known to those people who have a genetic predisposition or other pathologies of this organ. The disease has the following general manifestations:
- Feeling of heaviness in the chest area, extensive pain syndrome that can radiate to other parts of the body.
- Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath (even at rest).
- Pulsation of neck veins.
- Increasing anxiety, fear for the patient's life.
- Frequent fainting.
- Poor reaction to physical activity, fatigue.
- Pale or blue skin.
- Sudden jumps in blood pressure, and indicators can both fall and rise.
- Ripple in ears.
- Numbness of the limbs, feeling cold in them.
Depending on the type of pathology, a person may experience convulsions, increasesalivation and sweating. If the arrhythmia recurs frequently and is accompanied by sudden cardiac arrest, you should immediately consult a doctor.
First aid for an attack

In the presence of such a disease, the patient may need to call an ambulance. However, until the arrival of doctors, you can not leave the victim himself. First aid for cardiac arrhythmias includes the following actions:
- Organization for the patient of such conditions under which he will feel better. The person needs to sit in a chair or lie down.
- Inducing a gag reflex, which often normalizes the functioning of the organ.
- Providing access to fresh air in the room. In addition, a person must be removed from all clothing that restricts his movement.
- Constantly monitor your heart rate.
- Give a person a sedative: valerian, motherwort.
If these methods of eliminating the attack did not give the desired effect, and the person's condition continues to deteriorate, then he needs to do an indirect heart massage and perform artificial respiration. Other measures to save the life of the patient are carried out by doctors.
Diagnostic features

Treatment of atrial fibrillation or other varieties of the disease is carried out only after a comprehensive examination. Diagnostics includes the following methods:
- General and biochemical blood test. It will help determine the cause of the arrhythmia.
- Electrocardiogram. She isdetects abnormalities in the work of the heart at the time of the study. If a person has cardiac arrhythmia, an ECG is mandatory.
- Echocardiography. This study identifies structural changes in an organ that affect its functionality.
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and heart.
- Holter daily monitoring. It is performed using a miniature heart monitor. The device captures changes in the work of the heart throughout the day. So, you can accurately determine which factors contribute to the appearance of arrhythmia.
- Stress test. It is carried out to determine the maximum allowable load on the heart.
- Exercise test. It uses a treadmill or exercise bike.
- Tilt test. It is carried out if the patient loses consciousness for no reason. For this, a special table with clamps is used, which can rotate in different directions.
- Intracardiac electrophysiological diagnostics. Thanks to it, the functionality of the conduction system of the heart is determined.
Thanks to such an examination, it is possible to establish not only the type of pathology, but also the cause of its development.
Traditional treatment

Therapy should be combined. Medicines for cardiac arrhythmias are selected depending on the type of pathology and the results of the diagnosis. The following remedies are usually prescribed to the patient:
- Sedatives: "Novo-Passit", "Persen", tinctures of valerian or motherwort. They relieve nervous tension, promote normalizationsleep.
- Sodium channel blockers: Novocainamide, Lidocaine. They stabilize the cell membranes of the heart muscle. The excitability of heart cells decreases.
- Beta-blockers: Metoprolol. These medicines decrease the strength and frequency of the heart's contractions.
- Calcium channel blockers: "Verapamil". These drugs control the transport of ions necessary for the normal contraction of the body.
- Tranquilizers: Diazepam, Seduxen. They are prescribed in difficult cases and are prescription drugs.
- Drugs to improve metabolic processes and conduction of the heart: "Pulsnorma", "Quinidine".
- Cardiac glycosides: Digoxin.
Also, patients may need funds to normalize blood pressure, combined and vitamin preparations. You can take only those medicines that are indicated in the therapeutic regimen on your own. In this case, it is imperative to comply with the prescribed dosage. Antiarrhythmic drugs should be taken continuously.
Gymnastics with cardiac arrhythmia also gives a positive result. It improves blood circulation, increases the stamina of the body. The patient is usually advised to simply walk, swim, and jog. Physical activity should be dosed. In the early stages of treatment, it should be gentle. Gradually, the load can be increased, but in gentle doses. While exercising, it is important to monitor blood pressure, pulse and general well-being.
Arrhythmiaheart disease in a child is difficult to treat, since a small patient can only use a limited number of drugs.
What to take for heart arrhythmia is already clear, but drugs can not always help. If conservative therapy does not give a positive effect, then the person is prescribed surgical intervention. There are such types of operations:
- Installation of an electric pacemaker. It is necessary for a person with pronounced bradycardia, if the pulse is weakly audible, and the heart rhythm is very weak. As soon as the organ ceases to perform its functions normally, the device turns on and sends additional electrical impulses. If the heart is working normally, then the device turns off. Over time, the device requires battery replacement.
- Implantation of a miniature defibrillator. This type of device can prevent death due to ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia. Install it under the skin and muscle tissue. The battery will need to be replaced in the future.
- Catheter radiofrequency ablation. By means of catheters with electrodes introduced into the pathological area, its tissues are destroyed.
Surgical intervention is prescribed only if the drugs have no effect, and the muscle itself has degraded.
Therapy with folk remedies

What to take with heart arrhythmia is already clear, but pathology can be treated not only with drugs. For this, non-traditional methods are used. They areused in conjunction with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. Such folk remedies for heart arrhythmia will be useful:
- Hawthorn. For therapy, not only fruits, but also flowers are used. For preparation, 50 g of crushed raw materials (or 1 tablespoon of inflorescences) are taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. It is better to steam the mixture in a thermos. After infusion, the liquid is consumed up to 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals.
- Mixture of lemon and honey. Both products are taken in the same proportions - 500 g each. Lemon is pre-crushed with a meat grinder. Additionally, 20 crushed apricot pits (nucleoli) are placed in the mixture. All components are thoroughly mixed. Take this medicine twice a day before meals.
- Bow. The presented remedy is used only in the case of a mild form of arrhythmia. To prepare the product, you need 1 onion and 1 medium apple. The vegetable should be finely chopped, and the apple should be grated. Both components are thoroughly mixed and consumed twice a day between meals. Mix each time you need to do a new one. The course of therapy lasts 1 month. If necessary, it can be repeated.
- Adonis herb. The decoction is prepared from 4 g of dry crushed raw materials and 1/4 cup of water. Boil the mixture for only 3-4 minutes. Next, the liquid is poured into a container, tightly covered with a lid and placed in a dark place for 20 minutes. The mixture is filtered before use. After that, it is ready for use. The instruction is as follows: 1 tbsp. three times a day.
- Love roots. It takes 40 g of raw materials and a liter of boiling water. To infuse the remedyit will take 8-10 hours. After straining, the entire volume of liquid should be drunk per day. The next day, fresh medicine is being prepared.
- Repa. A decoction is made from it. For its preparation, 2 tablespoons are required. pre-finely chopped vegetable and a glass of water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Take half a glass of medicine up to 4 times a day.
- Rowan bark. The crushed raw materials are poured into an enamel bowl and 0.5 liters of water are poured. After the product boils, the intensity of the fire must be reduced. Boil the mixture for 2 hours, and it should be covered with a lid. Ready-made broth is consumed before meals, 50 ml for 3-4 doses.
- Lily of the valley flowers. TR it is important to consider that this recipe is not suitable for everyone, as it can further exacerbate the symptoms of arrhythmia. Before using it, a consultation with a cardiologist is required. It takes 10 flowers to pour boiling water (1 glass) and insist for 1.5 hours. You need to drink the medicine in small sips up to 5 times a day.
- Motherwort herb. For a decoction, it is necessary to pour 15 g of raw materials into glasses of freshly boiled water. The liquid is infused for 10 minutes. You need to drink it in 1 tbsp. three times a day.
- Sour. You need 1 tbsp. inflorescences brew a glass of boiling water. You can take the decoction after it has cooled down.
- Tricolor violet. Requires 2 tsp. herbs (previously chopped) and 1 cup boiling water. The remedy is infused for at least 2 hours. It should be consumed 3-4 times for 1 tbsp.
- Yarrow. Grass should be filled to half a liter jar. Next, alcohol is poured into it (to the top). The tincture is prepared for 2 weeks. All this time it must be stored in a dark place and shaken periodically. The liquid is filtered before drinking. You need to drink it daily for 1 tsp. in the morning before meals.
- Valerian and mint. Both components have a calming effect. For a decoction, you need to take the plants in the same amount (1 tbsp each). A mixture of 200 ml of boiling water is poured. The resulting volume of medicine should be drunk for 2 times. The course of therapy lasts 1 month.
- Asparagus. For the manufacture of the drug, young shoots or rhizomes are useful. Pre-dried and crushed raw materials are poured 1.5 stack. water and infused for 3 hours. The resulting amount should be drunk per day in small portions. In this way, the patient will have to be treated for 2-3 months. At the same time, every 30 days you need to take a break for 10 days.
- Collecting herbs. Requires 1 tsp. mint leaves, 4 baskets of marigolds (calendula) and a glass of boiling water. Ready raw materials should be drunk in 3-4 doses. To make the medicine tastier, 1 tsp is added to it. honey. Fresh medicine should be prepared every day.
Folk remedies for heart arrhythmia will not be able to fully cope with the disease, especially if it is based on a physiological malformation. They must be used in conjunction with medications. Unconventional recipes will increase their effectiveness and also reduce the negative impact.
Nutrition for arrhythmias
Nutrition for cardiac arrhythmias should be rational, contain sufficient amounts of potassium and magnesium, B vitamins. These components improveconduction of electrical impulses, strengthen the heart muscle, protect it from infections or viruses.
The patient needs to limit the intake of animal fats (replace them with vegetable oils), sugar, and foods high in cholesterol. Spicy and smoked dishes, canned food are excluded from the menu. You need to completely give up alcohol and smoking. The consumption of stimulants is limited: coffee, strong tea.
The diet should include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. Magnesium is present in buckwheat, seeds, bran. Calcium is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. It is present in hard cheese, beets, seafood, fish.
If the patient is obese, then he will have to lose weight. But this should be done gradually, under the supervision of doctors.
Possible complications and prevention
The consequences of cardiac arrhythmias, if left untreated, can be life-threatening. Complications of the pathology are as follows:
- Congestive heart failure.
- Pulmonary edema.
- Thrombosis or thromboembolism.
- A sudden drop in blood pressure that can be fatal.
- Cerebral ischemia.
- Cardiac asthma.
- Cardiogenic shock.
- Stroke (the heart cannot pump enough blood, its flow slows down, blood clots form, which can cause hemorrhage).
The most dangerous complication requiring emergency medical attention is cardiac arrest.
To avoid this pathology, it is necessary to observe such measuresPrecautions:
- Timely pay attention and treat any diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- Get rid of any inflammatory foci.
- Eat right, eliminating from the diet all foods that are harmful to the body.
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Don't exclude dosed physical activity from your life.
- Control body weight.
- Do not use medicines unsupervised.
- Avoid excessive emotional outbursts, stressful situations.
- Observe the daily routine, rest as much as the body needs.
Arrhythmia is a complex and life-threatening disease that often causes death. The treatment of pathology must be approached comprehensively. With sinus arrhythmia of the heart, the army is not contraindicated for most patients. But he is given a reprieve if the condition threatens life or he alth, there are prohibitions regarding physical activity.