Theoretically, the problem of the appearance of age spots on the skin can excite a woman at any age. However, if this symptom appears in young girls, then there must certainly be a certain reason for this. As a rule, this is a sign of the onset of hormonal changes in the body. This may be due to prolonged use of certain contraceptives, low-quality cosmetics, or medications. Another common cause is pregnancy. Age spots on the face are directly related to age-related changes. In women over 45, a small scattering of spots is often observed on the skin.

So why is this happening? Mainly because as we age, the body's cells slowly lose the ability to stop pigment production. And during menopause, there is a hormonal imbalance in women, which only worsens the situation. So from whatDo age spots appear on the skin of the face and body? Here are just some of the medically known causes:
- diseases of the female reproductive system;
- liver disease;
- use of hormonal contraceptives;
- inflammatory processes in the urinary system;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- neurological diseases, decreased activity of the immune system;
- vitamin C deficiency;
- use of cosmetics of dubious quality;
- a consequence of injuries, for example, when squeezing a rash or neoplasms on the skin.

Sunlight plays a significant role in the formation of age spots on the face. That is why these spots, like freckles, become more noticeable with the advent of spring. Therefore, in order to prevent their appearance in spring and summer, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and carefully protect the skin of the hands and face.
It happens that an abundant southern tan is to blame for the formation of age spots. And at the same time, even the fact that a person used a special tool does not save. This largely depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. But do not exclude the reaction to the use of milk or sunscreen. In these cases, it is best to get rid of age spots using high-quality cosmetics with a whitening effect. In this case, it is better not to sunbathe anymore.

In general, if a woman has skin problems, she does not toleratevarious kinds of cosmetics or tend to burn quickly in the sun, she needs to take care of herself, not stay outdoors for a long time and protect her skin with light and breathable clothing.
As mentioned above, cosmetics can cause pigmentation, but as practice shows, cosmetic procedures aimed at facial care are not so harmless either. Every woman must know that improper cleaning of the skin of the face (especially if the season is not taken into account), the frequent use of peeling creams and scrubs, the application of various colognes and perfumes to open areas of the body can play a very insidious and cruel joke. Over time, this sensitizes the skin, making it prone to allergies and sun damage.