Immunostimulating drugs have a special place in the prevention of colds and flu. Despite the fact that some doctors oppose the use of synthetic drugs, many parents decide to use them to protect their children from the upcoming epidemics. An effective immunostimulating drug is the drug "Imunorix".

Composition and release form
The drug is produced in the form of a clear solution for oral administration, which has a red-violet color and the smell of wild berries. The active ingredient is pidotimod. Auxiliary elements include sorbitol, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate, trometamol, disodium edetate, sodium saccharinate, sodium chloride, purified water.
Pharmacological properties
The activity of the product is due to the inclusion of pidotimod, a substance of synthetic origin, in its compositiondipeptide group. As the reviews indicate, "Imunorix" (for children this is of great importance) is prescribed during mass viral diseases to strengthen immunity. The drug is an effective immunomodulator that works at the humoral and cellular level. Thanks to cellular immunity, the body is protected from a variety of bacterial and viral infections. This barrier prevents the formation and spread of cancer cells throughout the body. At the cellular level, immunity is created thanks to leukocytes and phagocytes, which detect and eliminate foreign substances contained in the membranes of viruses and bacteria.
The drug increases the humoral immunity due to the formation of antibodies against the background of the appearance of infections in the body. In this case, the main agents are B-lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. Cytokines play an important role in the formation of leukocytes.

The drug "Imunorix" at the cellular level enhances phagocytosis, increases the activity of leukocytes. His work on enhancing humoral immunity is associated with increased production of cytokines.
Indications for use
The medicine "Imunorix" for children is sometimes simply necessary. It is prescribed in cases of frequent colds, as well as with weakened immunity resulting from the action of frequent ailments of a different nature. For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, it is also recommended to give Imunorix to children. Reviews of doctors say that the effectiveness of the drug for frequently ill children has been provenstudies, while the mechanism of its action is familiar to many pediatricians and is well understood. Therefore, it is more often prescribed to babies than other drugs.
However, the unreasonable use of this medicine, like any other medicine, is prohibited. The active components of the drug are able to change the activity of elements that are responsible for slowing down or accelerating the formation of lymphocytes. In addition, the drug actively affects the body, so it is important to consult a specialist before using it.
There are two directions for the use of the drug:
- strengthening of immunity during infection of the urinary tract with microorganisms of a viral and fungal nature;
- increasing the body's defenses during the period of infection of the lower and upper respiratory tract with bacteria and viruses.

Means "Imunorix": instructions for use
Children during therapy or for prophylaxis should be given the prescribed amount of medication. The drug is usually used within 15 days. However, as the reviews show, "Imunorix" (for children and adults in order to achieve a more sustainable result) during the period of cold weather and epidemics can be prescribed for a longer time - up to 90 days. The treatment regimen is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the age of the patient. For children, the daily amount of the drug is 0.8 g. The drug is required to be taken before or after meals twice a day for 0.4 g. Adult patients are recommended to increasedosage twice.
As the reviews show, "Imunorix" for children is not suitable in all cases. You can not use it with intolerance to the components of the drug. The drug is not prescribed for babies under three years old, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. The drug "Imunorix" is an excellent tool for the treatment of children, but it must be prescribed by a pediatrician. Many parents prefer self-medication, begin to give their child drugs that are not necessary, thus causing damage to the he alth of their children.

Side effects
As evidenced by the reviews, "Imunorix" (for children this moment is very important!) Can provoke allergic reactions, cause swelling. Reviews say that not all parents are happy with the medication. Complaints are mainly associated with an increase in morbidity instead of its expected decrease. In addition, some patients report that after the use of the drug there was an increase in body temperature, swelling and redness were observed in children. If such symptoms occur during treatment, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the drug or replace it with other immunomodulators.
Special Instructions
Due to the lack of clinical studies of the effects of the drug on women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, these categories of patients should refrain from using the immunomodulator. The drug does not affect the attention of a person, which allows, while taking it, to engage in work that requires increasedconcentration. It must be borne in mind that the drug affects the effectiveness of drugs that stimulate or suppress the activity of lymphocytes. There is no information on cases of overdose.

With caution, the solution should be taken by patients with hyperimmunoglobulinemia E syndrome, as well as a history of allergic manifestations. It is necessary to store the product in places where children cannot reach. The drug retains its properties for three years.
Imunorix medicine for children: reviews, price
Patients leave mostly positive feedback about the drug. Some people say that they systematically take the remedy for prevention. At the same time, it was noticed that children began to get sick less often, and the cold proceeds in a mild form, without complications. It is difficult for individual patients to judge the effectiveness of the drug, since it is prescribed as part of complex therapy. However, the diseases pass faster, are not accompanied by complications. At the same time, as the reviews show, "Imunorix" is not always suitable for children.

So, parents say that after taking a flu medicine prescribed by pediatricians for a child to restore low immunity, a small rash appeared on the skin of the baby. As a result, I had to replace the medication with a more gentle analogue. The drug "Imunorix" for children, the price of which is about 725 rubles, can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.
Replace medication during treatment of infectious diseasesinflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory tract can be treated with Zinacef, Bishofit, Vero-Clarithromycin. To stimulate the immune system, there are remedies that, in a certain sense, can be called analogues of "Imunorix" - echinacea extract, "Doctor Theiss", "Ascorbic acid granulate", "Galavit".