The treatment of breast cancer in Israel is carried out by progressive methods using modern technologies and medicines. In this country, medicine has always been at a high level. The best oncologists in the world work here in clinics.
Patients from all over the world come to receive qualified treatment for breast cancer in Israeli clinics.
Why here?
The last few years in this country, scientists and oncologists have made a real breakthrough regarding the diagnosis and treatment of this type of disease. Huge amounts of money are allocated in the country for clinical trials of new drugs and technologies.
After successful trials, innovative drugs are immediately put into action. Cancer treatment regimens are regularly improved here due to the vast experience of doctors and the large influx of patients.
The clinics use the most modern and sensitive equipment for diagnostics. Here, the disease is detected in the early stages and timely treatment is carried out. In this case, the success rate goes up to 85.
Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in Israel begins on the day the patient arrives here. All kinds of blood tests are immediately taken from the patient, including those for tumor markers.
In the following days, deeper examinations are carried out with the help of:
- MRI;
- CT;
- X-rays;
- endoscopy;
- mammography;
- ultrasound;
- laparoscopy.
Results are processed in a short time by qualified doctors. Within a few days of the patient's arrival, they can make the correct diagnosis with 99% certainty.

At this time, women can be in clinics only at the time of examinations. At other times, they live in rented apartments, which help to find medical intermediaries through which the trip is made.
How Chemo is Treated
In Israeli clinics, doctors are trying to cope with the disease without removing the patient's breast. Thus, her outer beauty and inner peace are preserved.
Initially, the treatment of breast cancer in Israel is aimed at conducting modern and sparing chemotherapy courses. Here, courses are selected for a specific patient, doses are calculated individually.
Treatment with chemotherapy is calculated for 4-6 months. It avoids further relapses. During this period, the patient is under special medical supervision. She takes various tests twice a week for control.functions in the body.

If a woman feels satisfactory after an infusion of chemotherapy drugs, then she is allowed to go home. Here she can go about her business, relax and walk. She comes to the clinic only for blood control.
In case the patient feels rather bad, she is admitted to the hospital and undergoes medical support under the supervision of the staff. Here, in any critical situation, resuscitation assistance can be provided to her.
After a certain number of chemotherapy courses, the woman is re-examined and the dynamics are monitored. In case of a positive reaction, therapy continues, in the opposite case, it is adjusted.
Depending on the symptoms, breast cancer treatment in Israel can be started in different ways. If the patient has an initial stage, then surgery is immediately performed to excise the neoplasm.
Here they use a new technology that makes it possible to excise the tumor completely, capturing he althy tissues, in order to be 100% sure that "bad" cells do not remain in the body.
During the operation, surgeons remove the sentinel lymph node. With the help of its study, it is possible to determine the degree of tissue damage and the percentage of involvement of all lymph nodes in this process.

If, during an instant check on a special machine, oncocellsare not found in it, then in others they will not be either. Therefore, the remaining lymph nodes are not affected, and in the future the likelihood of lymphostasis is minimal.
During the operation, tissues are taken for histology. Therefore, additional incisions are not needed later. Reviews about the treatment of breast cancer in Israel indicate the use of minimally invasive methods in surgery there.
Total breast removal
Unfortunately, patients often come in who are diagnosed with the last stage of the disease. In this case, the treatment of breast cancer in Israel will not do without breast removal.
Progressive surgeons in clinics use modern technology for this process, which allows you to leave tissue and the nipple. Thus, in the future, a woman can perform plastic surgery without unnecessary difficulties for herself and doctors.
After such an operation, the woman undergoes a complete rehabilitation, and she is helped to regain her former shape with the help of plastic surgeons.
During surgery, the latest drugs are used to put the patient under anesthesia. Therefore, women easily come to their senses after and do not experience side effects. After 3-5 days the patient is discharged home and comes only for control.
Targeted immunotherapy
This is the latest treatment for HER-2 positive cancer. It is carried out with a drug called Herceptin. At the same time, hormone therapy is carried out, which helps the body cope with all the side effects of the treatment.
This therapy lasts quite a long time and can be combined with other methods. During this time, patients can also stay at home and come to the clinic only for infusion of drugs and diagnostics.
All drugs are administered to women through a special broviak system, which is installed immediately before the start of the course. Thus, the patient does not experience discomfort after each injection of the drug through punctures in the veins.
Prevention stage
In this period, all necessary actions are taken to avoid relapses in the future. This can be achieved by irradiation or radiotherapy. This course consists of 25 sessions that last 5 weeks.
Before this process, an accurate determination of the location and points of exposure is carried out. Thus, radiation only hits pathogenic zones, and in general the body does not suffer much.
But there may still be drops in blood counts. In this case, the necessary components are transfused. The cost of treatment includes such procedures, and, unlike treatment in the CIS countries, no one is looking for donors on their own.
Radiation treatment of breast cancer in Israel is carried out clearly on the gland and axilla.

At the end of all stages, the woman undergoes a full examination and receives further recommendations based on the results. She can be in touch with her doctor all the time via Skype oremail.
In the first 2-3 years, patients should come to the clinic where they were treated for control in order to detect the possible occurrence of relapses in time.
Feedback from patients about chemotherapy
You can find many questions on the forums about who treated breast cancer in Israel. Women who experience this disease for the first time or have completed unsuccessful courses at home want to collect as much information on this issue.
Many patients leave positive feedback about the treatment. They indicate that already at the airport they were met by medical agents and helped to settle in apartments near the clinics.
Then, they are accompanied by an initial consultation with specialists. After that, diagnosis and treatment are prescribed. Mostly in clinics, a large number of staff speak a little Russian. All medical negotiations, including the use of terms, are conducted in the presence of interpreters.
Women note that the installation of an eyebrow makes life much easier for the patient. It is injected into the body under general anesthesia, so patients do not feel pain. They are allowed to go home the same day.
Courses of chemotherapy are given at the appointed time and day. The woman comes to the designated office, where she is given the necessary measurements and tests. Then, if the results are positive, they begin to administer chemotherapy drugs.
The patient is in a comfortable environment, can relax on a comfortable bed and watch TV. She is fed a variety of foods here and all vital signs are constantly monitored.bodily functions.
At the end of the session, the patient is released to home mode for recovery. According to the women, the doctors treated them with special kindness and are always ready to answer all questions.
Surgical reviews
Who treated breast cancer in Israel with surgery? Such questions can be found in various women's forums. Patients are used to the fact that in our country, surgery is associated with huge risks and worries.
In Israel, this manipulation is treated completely differently. Doctors also warn about possible consequences, but focus more on the positive outcome.
Women claim that when they feel normal, they go to the clinic only the day before the planned surgical intervention. Therefore, the time for experiences is significantly reduced.
After the operation, the patients are transported to the intensive care unit. Here they are monitored around the clock by medical personnel. If the patient came for treatment with relatives, then they are allowed to see her on the same day and even to the intensive care unit.
Then, the patients are in regular rooms for several days. Women note that here they are fully provided with good nutrition and care. All these items are included in the cost of breast cancer treatment in Israel (photo in the article).
After discharge, patients continue therapy with other methods or go home for further rehabilitation.
Breast cancer treatment in Israel: clinic reviews
Many women who experience this problem look for comments from patients who have completed all courses at certain clinics.
Reviews about the Asuta clinic are very common. The new treatment of breast cancer in Israel is carried out here by the famous oncologists Neumann, Professor Gressau, Dr. Goldinerg.

The rumor about these doctors has already spread all over the world. They have helped thousands of grateful patients. The clinic has all the necessary equipment for diagnostics. It has comfortable rooms. All costs for the treatment of patients are calculated in a special department.
A woman at any time can receive a printout with the indicated procedures carried out for her and their prices. This information is issued by the medical tourism department.
And also write reviews of women who were treated at the clinic "Top Ichilov". This is a private center that fights various types of cancer.

In the Israeli clinic, breast cancer treatment is carried out using all available modern approaches. Chemotherapy with a new drug, which practically does not cause side effects, has been widely used here.
The clinic has a device "Synergo", which contributes to the killing of cancer cells. Brachytherapy is also used here - this is the irradiation of a neoplasm with special radioactive grains, which are introduced in close proximity to the tumor.
The clinic is widelyelectrochemotherapy is applied. The drugs are administered with simultaneous exposure to pulsed current. In this case, the drugs can better penetrate into the right cells.
In "Top Ichilov" education is also affected by high frequency ultrasound. This method also gives good results. After treatment in this Israeli clinic for breast cancer, 95% of patients achieve complete recovery or long-term remission.
Medical Center. Rabina also specializes in the treatment of various types of cancer. Famous professors in this field work here. The clinic has the latest diagnostic equipment, which allows you to identify the disease at different stages.
In the center, operations are often performed by laparoscopy, if the location and size of the tumor allows. Thus, the very next day, patients can move freely and lead a more or less familiar lifestyle.
Chemotherapy here for women is carried out in day hospital wards. This means that patients are sent home immediately after the procedure. Some women live in Israel for the entire duration of the treatment, while others fly home after each course.
Hadassah is the oldest clinic in Israel. For many years, the most effective methods of combating oncological diseases have been developed here. Reviews of treatment at the breast cancer clinic in Israel are mostly positive.

Patients are satisfied with the level of qualificationspecialists and conditions of stay. Here, the cost of treatment includes all necessary medicines, diagnostics, nutrition, rehabilitation, emergency services in the intensive care unit.
Negative comments most often relate only to the cost of courses. Patients note that the average citizen of the country cannot afford such treatment. But people are trying in every possible way to find this money in order to have a huge chance for recovery and a prosperous future life.