Bandage on the brush: overlay technique

Bandage on the brush: overlay technique
Bandage on the brush: overlay technique

Desmurgy is the doctrine of bandaging. The basics of desmurgy should be known not only by medical personnel, but also by the layman. This knowledge will help to provide effective first aid to the wounded with bleeding, after burns, injuries, victims with fractures. This article will talk in detail about the rules for applying bandages to the brush and their features.

Types of bandage fixation

Before proceeding with the description of the technique of applying bandages on the hands, you should figure out what types of fixing the bandage are in general. After all, an effective bandage is one that is securely fastened. This is especially true for bandaging the brush. After all, this is the most mobile part of the human body, which consists of many small bones. Therefore, it is quite difficult to ensure its complete immobility.

The main types of fixing bandages on the hand are presented in the table below.

A type of bandage fixation Features

This type of dressing is used for minor wounds.size, fractures of the ribs, superimposed on the edges of the granulating wound to approximate its edges. It is also used in the postoperative period when reducing hernias. The patch is applied directly to the edges of the wound with a sticky side. The wound is pre-treated with alcohol or iodine

Zinc gelatin Applied with varicose veins of the lower limb to provide permanent pressure. For its imposition, a special mass is prepared from gelatin, glycerin and zinc oxide. A paste is formed, which is abundantly lubricated with the skin of the lower extremities, and a bandage is applied on top in several rounds
Cleol Shown in the same pathological conditions as the patch. Gauze folded in several layers is placed on the wound, and the skin around is smeared with cleol. After it dries, another layer of gauze is placed on top and pressed tightly against the skin. Due to the presence of cleol, the bandage adheres more firmly to the skin
Collodion By the principle of imposition, it is similar to a cleol bandage. Only collodion is used instead of cleol
With rubber glue Rubber glue is smeared on top of an already applied bandage to protect it from exposure to liquids. It is especially advisable to use rubber glue in infants to prevent urine from entering the dressing and wound
Kerchiefs A kerchief is a triangular piece of fabric that is folded diagonally. The two corners on the sides are called the ends, the long side is the base, and the corner opposite it is the top. Theseit is important to know the terms when studying the technique of applying bandages to the hand like a scarf. Most often, this type of bandage is used specifically for hanging hands

Types of bandages

The application of bandage dressings in case of injury of the hand can be carried out according to the following types of bandaging:

  • circular, or circular;
  • spiral;
  • creeping;
  • crossed;
  • spike;
  • turtle;
  • returning.
skeins of bandages
skeins of bandages

The circular principle is the simplest. It is used for bandaging both upper and lower extremities. When applying a circular bandage, each subsequent round should completely overlap the previous one. When bandaging the hand, this type of bandage is used to secure the bandage around the wrist. It is also used after applying pressure bandages to stop bleeding.

Spiral bandage is somewhat more complicated than circular. In this case, the new round of the bandage overlaps the previous half, forming a spiral. It is this type of bandage that is used for serious injuries to any part of the body (legs, arms, abdomen), as it can cover a large surface area.

The creeping bandage, like the spiral bandage, is a kind of circular bandaging. When applying a bandage to the hand in this way, the new tour of the bandage does not overlap the previous one, but, on the contrary, lags behind the width of half the bandage. It is not advisable to use such a bandage in isolation for serious injuries, since it is very fragile. It is usually used tohold the dressing when a large area of the limb is damaged. That is, it is applied over an existing bandage.

Crossing, or cruciform, bandage begins with a fixing circular tour. Subsequently, the tours of the bandage are repeated many times, forming a crossover over the affected part of the body. In shape, such a bandage resembles the number 8. At the same time, each new turn of the bandage should overlap the previous one by two-thirds. It is used to bandage moving structures (joints, foot, hand) or parts of the body that are irregular in shape (back of the head, chest, back of the neck).

arm bandage
arm bandage

Spike bandage begins with a fixing tour, then the bandage can gradually go down, then the bandage will be descending, or up - ascending. At the same time, the bandage is crossed, and each new round closes the one that was in front of it by two-thirds. The bandage got its name because it is shaped like an ear.

Turtle bandage can be converging or diverging. This bandage is used for joint damage. It begins with a tour that fixes the bandage to the bandaged surface. Subsequent coils overlap each other on the flexion side of the joint, and fan out on the opposite side. If the bandage is divergent, then it starts over the joint, and then the tours diverge from each other. If it converges, then the first round is applied outside the joint, and then the bandage is gradually brought closer to the center.

The return bandage got its name because the bandage constantly returns tostarting point for bandaging. When such a bandage is applied to the fingers of the hand, there is a constant alternation of circular and longitudinal tours, which go sequentially until the bandaged surface is completely covered.

Headband "mitten"

Before applying any bandage, calm the victim and explain to him the course of subsequent manipulations. To apply a "mitten" bandage to the hand, it is necessary to prepare scissors and a narrow bandage. For a good fixation of the bandage, you must follow these steps:

  1. Make the first fixing move around the wrist, which is called the circular.
  2. Next, hold the bandage from the wrist to the tips of the phalanxes of the fingers in a diagonal direction.
  3. Throw it over your fingertips and swipe it backwards obliquely to your wrist.
  4. Make 2-3 strokes in a circular direction, gradually overlapping the brush.
  5. Again, direct the bandage to the final phalanges in a diagonal direction, but this time change the direction of the bandage, making several circular moves in the transverse direction from the wrist to the hand and back.
  6. Bandage the first (thumb) finger of the hand.
  7. Fix the bandage with a few circular strokes around the wrist.
  8. Cut off the bandage from the roll, cut the end and tie a knot.
bandaging mittens
bandaging mittens

When applying a "mitten" bandage to the hand, the patient or victim should sit opposite the person who is providing assistance. The forearm of the injured arm should rest on a table or other hard surface, andtassel hang freely.

One finger bandage

A bandage on the hand with bandaging of one finger is used in case of injury or burn of the phalanx. To apply it, you will need a bandage 5 cm wide and more than 2.5 cm long and scissors. The position of the victim should be the same as in the previous case: facing the one who provides assistance, with the hand hanging freely. The beginning of the bandage is taken in the left hand, and the end in the right.

Applying a bandage on the finger of the hand is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The first two fixing rounds are made circularly around the wrist joint similarly to the "mitten" bandage.
  2. Next, you need to draw a bandage towards the injured finger.
  3. Bandaging the finger begins from the more proximal to the more distal, that is, from the base to the tip of the finger. And this is done with spiral moves around the finger.
  4. After the finger is completely bandaged, the bandage is led along the back of the hand in a diagonal direction to the wrist joint. Thus, at the base of the finger, the bandage should cross with the previous round.
  5. Fix the bandage with 2-3 circular rounds on the wrist joint.
  6. At the end, the bandage is cut off, its end is cut in two and tied into a tight knot.

Also, for bandaging one finger, you can use the returning type of bandage or spike-shaped.

finger bandage
finger bandage

Returning finger bandage

Returnable hand bandage is applied when the patient is turned to face, the forearm is fixedon a hard surface, and the brush hangs freely from it. The bandage is applied as follows:

  1. Similar to other types of armbands, the first few rounds of fixation have a circular direction and are applied around the wrist joint.
  2. Next, the bandage is led along the back of the hand to the injured finger.
  3. The bandage is brought to the tip of the finger.
  4. They bend around the finger with a bandage, transferring it to the palmar surface. Bring to the base of the finger, then, holding, again lead the bandage to the tip of the finger, throwing it to the back of the hand. With the other hand, hold the bandage on the palmar surface so that it does not come off.
  5. Bandage with a creeping type to the fingertip, and then in the opposite direction, like a spiral.
  6. On the back of the hand, the bandage is led in a diagonal direction to the wrist joint.
  7. Fix the bandage on the joint with circular tours.
  8. Cut off the end of the bandage, cut it in two and tie it into a knot.

Spica Thumb Bandage

The beginning of applying a spica bandage to the hand is similar to all other types: turn the patient towards you, ensure free hanging of the hand, start applying with circular tours around the wrist joint. Differences begin after these fixing rounds. Next, you need to bandage the brush as follows:

  1. Pass the bandage along the back of the hand to the base of the first finger.
  2. Bring the bandage to your fingertip.
  3. Go around the thumb from the surface of the palm and the back of the hand.
  4. To spend againbandage to the wrist.
  5. Do another tour around the wrist joint.
  6. Repeat rounds in the same way, each time moving to the back of the hand and securing the bandage around the wrist.
  7. The previous round on the finger must be covered halfway each time until the finger is completely bandaged.
  8. This hand bandage, like the previous ones, ends with fixation tours around the wrist joint.
thumb bandage
thumb bandage

Cravat headband

The kerchief bandage is widely used in first aid due to its simplicity and availability of dressings. It is most advisable to use a kerchief bandage on the hand for fractures of the bones of the wrist or phalanges of the fingers. This bandage will provide rest to the arm until the ambulance arrives, when paramedics can provide more qualified assistance using special materials.

For a headscarf, you can use any material: a scarf, a large scarf. The main thing is that when it is folded, it should be triangular in shape. The long side is called the base, the two corners next to it are the ends, and the corner opposite the base is called the apex.

To apply a kerchief bandage for fractures of the hand, the base is directed towards the forearm. The top is wrapped with fingers from the palmar to the back of the hand to the forearm. The ends are tied around the wrist. Be careful not to tighten too tight, as this will overtighten the hand and dislodge broken bone fragments.

You can also apply a bandagetie. To do this, it is folded like a tie. The middle is laid on the palm, the ends are crossed on the back surface and transferred back to the palmar part of the brush. Here it is fixed.

Glove bandage

When applying a bandage to the hand, the "glove" of the patient is laid facing him. The forearm is fixed on a hard surface, the hand hangs freely from the table. The beginning of the bandage is taken in the left hand, the end of the bandage in the right. Bandaging is carried out clockwise. For a good fixation of the bandage and its effectiveness, it is necessary to apply a bandage as follows:

  1. Do 2-3 circular tours around the wrist joint. They will fix the bandage around the bandaged surface.
  2. Pass the bandage to the base of the fingers along the back of the hand. Important! When fixing the right hand, start bandaging with the thumb, the left hand with the little finger.
  3. Get a bandage under the first or fifth finger, respectively, of the bandaged hand.
  4. With a spiral type of bandaging, hold the bandage from the base to the tip of the finger, and then back. Make sure that each subsequent round overlaps the previous one by two-thirds. So the bandage will sit securely on the finger.
  5. Return to the base of the finger with the same spiral tours.
  6. Pass the bandage from the base of the finger along the back of the hand to the wrist, making a cruciform tour.
  7. On the wrist, hold the bandage circularly and again go along the back of the hand to the base of the next finger.
  8. Bandage the next finger with spiral moves similarly to the previous one.
  9. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 until all fingers are bandaged.
  10. Similar to other bandages on the hand, this one is fixed with circular tours on the wrist joint.
bandage glove
bandage glove

Cruciform bandage

The cruciform bandage on the brush is also called the eight-shaped bandage because of its shape. Like other dressings, it begins with a circular round, and then forms a figure eight. Thanks to the imposition of such a bandage, the distal arm becomes completely immobilized. And it is superimposed as follows:

  1. The skin around the joint is treated with an antiseptic solution to prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. The arm is fixed, and the hand is left hanging freely, as with other dressings.
  3. The first two fixing turns are made with a bandage around the wrist.
  4. Further, the bandage is led diagonally along the rear, passing to the wrist.
  5. They make a circular tour and return back along the back of the hand to the wrist joint.
  6. Each subsequent turn of the bandage should overlap the previous one halfway.
  7. Thus, several repeated bandages are performed.
  8. The bandage ends with locking coils slightly above the wrist joint.
wrist bandage
wrist bandage

The cruciform bandage is used in these situations:

  • for fractures of the bones of the wrist;
  • dislocation of the wrist joint;
  • pain syndrome when stretching muscles;
  • sports injury;
  • pain in the joint due tothe development of an inflammatory process or the accumulation of blood in it, which is called hemarthrosis.

First aid for hand burns

Proper application of a bandage for a hand burn is a very important step in first aid. After all, a burn is a risk factor for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the development of infection is possible, which will further aggravate the already serious condition of the patient. This is especially true for burns more difficult than the second degree, which are accompanied by severe damage to the skin.

Bandaging such an injury isolates the surface of the skin from the environment, thereby preventing contamination by microorganisms. For the bandage to be effective, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Before applying a bandage, stop exposure to the etiological factor (hot water, fire, etc.).
  2. If mittens, gloves are worn on the hand, or the burn surface is covered by other items of clothing, it must be completely released. The bandage is applied only to the skin!
  3. If a piece of clothing is stuck to the wound, do not tear it off. It is necessary to cut the fabric around as much as possible and bandage over it.
  4. To anesthetize the damaged area and relieve swelling, it should be cooled. To do this, the brush is substituted under cold running water for 15-20 minutes. This technique will not only reduce pain, but also provide better fixation of the dressing, since swelling will not interfere with application.
  5. The bandage must completely cover the burn surface, but so that it does not go beyond the edges of the wound by more than 2 cm.

Information aboutThe main types of bandages on the hand, which are used for burns, are presented in the table below.

Type of bandage Features
Aseptic Used for emergency care. For dressing, you can use a sterile bandage, a clean cotton cloth, a diaper, and even a clean bag. They can be dry or soaked in an antiseptic solution. As an antiseptic, you can use ethyl alcohol, tincture of calendula or hawthorn, strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, cognac), potassium permanganate solution. The purpose of applying this dressing is to isolate the wound from the environment
Mazeva To make an ointment bandage on your own, take a medicine, cover the wound with it, and put a bandage on top. It is best to use Panthenol or Levomekol for this. You can buy a ready-made ointment bandage at a pharmacy. In this case, the medicine is already applied to the dressing. The most common types are "Vascopran", "Branolind"
Wet This type of dressing is used to cover second, third or fourth degree burns. If the burn is complicated by a purulent process, solutions of furacilin, chlorhexidine or boric acid are used. These substances have antiseptic properties. If the victim has a third-degree burn on which a scab has formed, use a wet-drying type of dressing with an antiseptic solution. This provides protection against bacteria and promotes fasterdrying up the wound

This type of bandage is the most modern in the treatment of burns. Ready-made dressings are sold in a pharmacy. There are three types of hydrogel dressings:

  • amorphous hydrogel - sold in syringe, tube, foil sachet, aerosol;
  • gel plate, which is applied to the mesh base;
  • impregnated hydrogel - has the appearance of a gel that is smeared on a fabric base or patch.

Bandages of this type have a complex effect: they reduce the severity of pain, protect against microbes, cool the burnt area, cleanse it of pieces of necrotic tissue

The choice of the necessary bandage should be carried out strictly individually, depending on the type of damage and its severity. But in any case, applying a bandage is an effective way to immobilize an injured limb and prevent infection from entering the wound.
