A blood test to determine the level of vitamin D is done in order to detect metabolic disorders, as well as to monitor the condition of a patient who has been prescribed medications containing this vitamin. You can conduct such a study in any medical laboratory, where the patient will receive a decoded result. Such a diagnosis is optional, it is prescribed by a doctor according to certain indicators. In this article, we will look at what vitamin D is, its benefits for the body, as well as the method of conducting an analysis to identify this vitamin.
About vitamin
This element performs various functions. Vitamin D regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in humans. Phosphorus deficiency does not threaten almost anyone, but calcium deficiency is dangerous to he alth. Severe vitamin D deficiency in children can cause rickets, but in adults it leads to softening of the bones and an increased risk of fractures. It also causes dental problems. This element normalizes the functions of the nervous system, protein metabolism, promotes the maturation of red blood cells andincreases the body's resistance to infections.
In addition to aiding in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, vitamin D has an impact on the immune and endocrine systems. He is able to "turn off" and "turn on" 100-1250 of the 20,000-30,000 genes that a person has. With the saturation of the body with this vitamin, the risk of cardiovascular, oncological and autoimmune diseases decreases. Today, serious work is underway to study the usefulness of vitamin D for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

You probably know that vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Including it is obtained from certain types of animal products (pork liver, beef and cod, mackerel, fish oil, egg yolk) and vegetable origin (mushrooms such as chanterelles and champignons). By the way, this element is well preserved during cooking. Vegetable and animal fats contribute to its complete absorption by the body.
Then, in the liver, this vitamin is converted into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, or 25-OH. To determine how well the human body is saturated with it, an analysis is made for vitamin D (25-OH). Then 25-hydroxycholecalciferol is converted in the kidneys into the active form that performs the main work. After being synthesized in the skin, vitamin D undergoes transformation in the liver and then in the kidneys. Chronic kidney disease can cause deficiency of this vitamin even if a person has sufficient sun exposure.
Vitamin D benefits for children, men and women
Approximately one thirdwomen, when menopause occurs, suffer from the fact that minerals are washed out of the bones, this process is called osteomalacia. This increases the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
Older men also experience osteoporosis and osteomalacia, although less frequently than women. Therefore, it is necessary to take an analysis for vitamin D 25-OH. Vitamin D may be prescribed as a treatment and prevention. In addition, with age, the body's ability to synthesize this vitamin under the influence of sunlight deteriorates.
Some studies have shown the benefit of taking vitamin D in people who have psoriasis. After all, it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular, autoimmune and oncological diseases.
For children, vitamin D is important in the prevention of rickets and dental problems. However, do not forget that vitamins D2 and D3 are not a panacea for all diseases in the world. But it doesn't hurt to learn more about them.

Vitamin D is normal in the blood of adult women and men of different ages, adolescents, children and infants is about the same. But I must say that its indicators may vary depending on:
- age (older people have a reduced level);
- season;
- character of food taken.
There is also a decrease in vitamin D during pregnancy.
The older a person gets, the more difficult it is for them to achieve a normal level of vitamin D, as the production of vitamin D deteriorates due to the aging processbody under the influence of sunlight of this vitamin. Therefore, we can talk about the advisability of taking vitamin D in old age. For older people, taking such drugs may even be more beneficial than for infants and pregnant women. Black people who are forced to live in a country with a cool and cloudy climate cannot do without taking vitamin D in tablet form. After all, the darker the skin color, the less the production of this vitamin under the influence of UV rays.
Performing a vitamin D test
To determine its concentration, a 25-OH (hydroxy) vitamin D test is done. We already know that this substance is produced by the liver, and then it goes to the kidneys to be converted to its active form.

Where is this analysis? Taking blood for vitamin D should mainly be specialized endocrinology centers, which can be called a plus:
- Analysis for 25-OH (hydroxy) vitamin D is examined quickly - 1-2 days.
- You can get results by email.
- The availability of modern technologies that provide comfortable blood sampling.
- Availability of cozy offices provided with air purification filters and air conditioners, including the possibility of watching TV.
- Convenient working hours.
The centers can also offer consultations with highly qualified endocrinologists.
Indications for the procedure
To get tested for 25-OH vitamin D,enough symptoms of a lack of element D in the body, manifested by increased fatigue, decreased appetite, irritability, tearfulness and poor sleep in a child.
Including analysis is carried out if the concentration of element D is increased, which occurs due to prolonged exposure to sunlight on the body and due to intoxication. Signs of vitamin D intoxication are anorexia, polyuria, bone demineralization, vomiting, hypercalcemia, muscle weakness and pain.

Main indications for testing:
- Hypovitaminosis D.
- Chronic pancreatitis accompanied by secretory insufficiency.
- Vitaminosis D.
- Radiation enteritis.
- Renal osteodystrophy.
- Crohn's disease.
- Hypophosphatemia.
- Hypoparathyroidism and hyperparathyroidism with osteomalacia.
- Whipple's disease.
- Senile osteoporosis due to corticosteroid use.
- Chronic gastritis with achlorhydria.
- Hypocalcemia.
- Lupus erythematosus, which mainly affects the skin.
Why is this analysis needed?
This analysis is necessary to determine the degree of concentration of vitamin D, that is, to detect hyper- or hypovitaminosis D. People suffering from diseases that are associated with impaired bone tissue metabolism (osteoporosis or osteopenia) are tested during the entire course treatment with drugs that contain vitamin D and calcium. The delivery of the analysis is necessary for timelyadjusting doses and assessing the correctness of the therapy.

Preparing for the study
An analysis for 25-OH vitamin D is taken on an empty stomach. In this case, the last meal should be taken 8, and preferably 12 hours before the procedure. Before taking the test, it is also forbidden to drink juice, tea and coffee, especially with sugar, but you can drink plain water.
Blood is taken from a vein using vacuum systems that ensure painless sampling of the material. It is stored in optimal conditions for qualitative research.
Research results
What is the rate of analysis for 25-OH vitamin D? The norm of the analysis should be from 30 to 100 ng / ml, the deficit - 0-10 ng / ml. Insufficient is the content of vitamin D from 10 to 30 ng / ml. If the indicators exceed 100 ng / ml, then intoxication of the body is likely. It should be noted that for the analysis it is better to choose a favorable period, which lasts from January to April. This is when vitamin D levels are at their lowest.
A blood test measurement in other units would look like this:
- normal - 75-250 nmol/l;
- with deficiency - 25-75 nmol/l;
- with deficiency - 0-25 nmol/l;
- with excess - 250 nmol and more.
A pediatric endocrinologist or endocrinologist surgeon evaluates what a 25-OH vitamin D test shows. The blood of patients with hypoparathyroidism may contain high doses because they receive a normal daily dose of vitamin D, but the figure will be in the order of 1250 ng / ml.

Causes of abnormal vitamin D levels
Factors affecting vitamin D deficiency:
- time spent in the open sun;
- kidney failure;
- insufficient dietary intake;
- liver failure;
- lack of element E;
- taking anti-tuberculosis drugs, laxatives and barbiturates.
Increased content of element D:
- use of supplements containing vitamin D in excess;
- sarcoidosis;
- hyperparathyroidism;
- some types of lymphomas;
- low dietary intake of calcium and phosphorus.

The cost of a blood test for vitamin D may vary by region and center. The price is made up of the following components: 140 rubles. - for blood sampling and 1600-3200 r. for conducting a study on vitamin D (the approximate cost of procedures is indicated).
This analysis can also be passed by a person who does not have indications for this, which will prevent the development and identify a number of diseases already in their early stages. It will also protect against the consequences that may well arise due to a protracted illness.