Ekaterinburg neurologists will help to get rid of constant headaches, osteochondrosis, sciatica, neuralgia, neurosis and other diseases associated with changes in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Who is it? Where can you find such a savior doctor?
Who is a neurologist
A neurologist or neuropathologist is a doctor or medical professional with a higher education in the speci alties of pediatrics or general medicine. Many neurologists usually complete additional courses or internships in neurology. In other words, this is a specialist who is able to diagnose and cure various diseases and changes in a person regarding the nervous system. Here is a list of the most common diseases treated by neurologists:
- neuroses;
- facial and headaches;
- neuralgia;
- malignant and benign tumors of the spinal cord or brain;
- strokes;
- spinal and brain injuries;
epileptic seizures, etc

It is worth noting that most of the presented diseases in one orto some extent connected with the psychological characteristics and behavior of a person, therefore, a neurologist is also a psychiatrist. He must certainly choose a treatment plan that suits a particular person. In other words, neurologists do not work according to a certain standard technique, they practice an individual approach to each patient.
Pediatric neurologist
A child's body has its own characteristics, which differ sharply from an adult's, therefore, a separate specialist, a pediatric neurologist, is engaged in diagnosing and treating diseases that develop in the child's nervous system, and Yekaterinburg is the center of the best specialists in the entire Sverdlovsk region.

It is important to understand that it is in childhood that the main indicators of a person's he alth are laid, which will remain with him for life. For this reason, you need to take care of the child, because constant screams, ora can cause such harm to a growing body that in the future it can cause the development of epilepsy or other serious diseases.
Manifestations requiring immediate neurological attention
The choice of a doctor and the time of his visit to improve a person's condition is an individual matter, but we all know: the sooner an ailment is detected, the easier, safer and cheaper it is eliminated. Therefore, you should not postpone visiting a neurologist in cases where:
- you suffer from migraines and frequent headaches;
- significantly worsened vision and memory;
- long time "noise in the ears";
- fainting often occurs;
- sleepless;
- back pain;
- speech disorders observed;
- limbs go numb.
To speed up the appointment of effective therapy, it is desirable to draw up a complete picture of the manifestation of alarming symptoms and appear with a specialist with it. Then the neurologists of Yekaterinburg will be able to more thoroughly analyze the available materials in order to make an accurate diagnosis.
Important: if you doubt the need to consult a neurologist, then visit a therapist (he will help you make an accurate plan for further action).

How is the appointment with a specialist
Neurologists in Yekaterinburg at the initial appointment collect an anamnesis (they interview the patient, review the medical history, identify the causes that contributed to the development of changes in the state of the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system), palpate and visually examine the patient.
After the doctor managed to get a clear picture of what is happening, he makes an approximate diagnosis and refers to additional procedures (for example, an MRI of the brain) to confirm his assumptions.
At a secondary appointment, a neurologist in Yekaterinburg, known as a center with the best specialists in their field (that's why many people come here,) confirms the diagnosis and begins treatment of the patient. Therefore, those who wish to get rid of the disease need to visit the doctor at least twice.
Bestadult medical centers and clinics
When you decide to visit a neurologist, you should carefully choose a clinic, because the patient should first of all be comfortable at the appointment (this allows you to get a complete picture of the ongoing changes and eliminates the risk of developing acute attacks). A rating of the best medical centers providing services for the study of the human nervous system has been compiled especially for you:
- Institute of Neurology (Ekaterinburg, Moscow, 12).
- City Hospital No. 41 (Nachdiva Vasilyeva, 25).
- MC "Neurology" (Amundsen, 53).
- Clinic of Dr. Panikov (Mendeleeva, 18).
- MC "Valenta" (Kuibysheva, 32).
- MC "Team of the spine" (Sheinkman, 134 a).
- Clinic "He althy Family" (Fuchika, 3).
- Clinic "VitaMedica" (Mamina-Sibiryaka, 193).
- MC "SMT clinic" (Serova, 45).
- ММЦ "Zemskaya hospital" (Velectors, 110).
- Ural Research Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy (Repina, 1).

Probably one of the best centers. The rating is based on the reviews of visitors to institutions posted on the Internet.
Neurological clinics for children
Examination of children is best done in specially equipped centers that allow the baby to relax as much as possible, and the doctor to get reliable information. And these exist:
- Research Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy (Repina, 1).
- MC "He althy Childhood" (Onega, 2a).
- MC "He althy Childhood" (Gagarina, 33).
- MC "He althy Childhood" (Kirovgradskaya, 62).
- MC "SMT clinic" (Serova, 45).
- Institute of Neurology (Ekaterinburg, Moscow, 12).
- Clinic "VitaMedica" (Mamina-Sibiryaka, 193).
- City Hospital No. 41 (Nachdiva Vasilyeva, 25).

Child's he alth is something that needs to be taken care of from birth. A pediatric neurologist in Yekaterinburg, like a magician, is able to give a second life to a child. Parents are only required to contact a specialist in a timely manner.
Best neurologists
The title of "The Best Neurologist in Yekaterinburg" was awarded to the following specialists:
- Vasily Afanasyevich Shirokov - Head of the NGO Clinic of Neurology, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
- Kosareva Ekaterina Pavlovna - doctor of the highest category with additional knowledge in the field of electropuncture diagnostics.
- Fominykh Andrey Gennadievich - doctor of the highest category, masters the techniques of reflexology, acupuncture.
- Syunikova Albina Amirovna - a doctor of the highest category, has theoretical and practical knowledge, the basics of oriental reflexology.
- Kaurkin Alexander Borisovich - doctor of the first category, pediatric neurologist.
- Plantich AllaNikolaevna - pediatric neurologist.
- Mazheiko Lyudmila Ivanovna - doctor of the highest category, author of educational literature for the Department of Pediatrics, Ural State Medical University.

When choosing a specialist, pay attention not only to his experience, merits, but also to his attitude towards patients. Listen to the recommendations of your friends about a pediatric neurologist in Yekaterinburg. Reviews can also be found on the Internet, on thematic forums. Remember, you and your child should be comfortable in the doctor's office.
Cost of an initial appointment with a neurologist
The cost of an initial appointment with a neurologist ranges from 900 to 1700 rubles, depending on the experience of the specialist, his capabilities and knowledge. However, don't be in a hurry to go for an expensive doctor, because sometimes less visible graduates of the medical academy are able to give a more detailed answer (and do not forget that now is the time for "new technologies").
Advice: when choosing a clinic and a specialist, do not be lazy to read reviews, call the reception and visit the institution in advance. Only in this way you will be able to choose the best clinic and a specialist whom you can trust as yourself.