Sex glands are paired organs of the reproductive system. One of the common pathologies that affects them is a cyst. Such an ailment occurs in forty percent of the fairer sex. The disease is not accompanied by severe symptoms. It is usually diagnosed during an ultrasound, during a routine examination. What is the danger of a cyst on the ovary in a woman?
What is pathology?
The disease is a benign tumor. A cyst is a fluid-filled neoplasm that looks like a pedunculated vesicle. It may consist of one or more chambers. Many tumors of this kind are considered functional, that is, they appear and disappear without disturbing the functions of the body. However, some neoplasms can lead to threatening consequences. What is the danger of a cyst on the ovary in a woman?

Tumors that reach large sizes can causeimpact on neighboring organs. Does the neoplasm pose a threat to life and he alth? The answer to this question depends on the type of cyst.
Reason for development
This tumor occurs as a result of the accumulation of secretions in the tissues of the gonad. The wall of the ovary is covered with a layer of cells that secrete this fluid. As a rule, cysts are found in women of childbearing age, which are not dangerous. They appear as a result of an imbalance in hormones and disappear after a few months. Typically, such neoplasms are diagnosed in women from 16 to 45 years old. During menopause, the likelihood of developing an ailment decreases.
Pathology occurs as a result of many causes, for example:
- Early onset of critical days, disruption of the process of egg maturation.
- Diseases of the urinary organs.

- Inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.
- Disorders of the endocrine glands.
- Induced abortion.
- Emotional overload.
Each patient who has been diagnosed with this is interested in the question of whether an ovarian cyst is dangerous in women. There is no single answer to it. Features of the course of the pathology depend on the type of disease and the size of the tumor.
Main types of neoplasms
Cyst is a broad concept. There are many types of such tumors. Neoplasms differ in structure, have characteristic featuresand require different therapies. The main types of cysts are:
- Follicular.
- Endometrial.
- Cysts of the corpus luteum.
- Dermoid.
- Steam variant.
In addition, tumors are divided into functional and organic. The first category does not pose a serious danger. Such cysts can be cured in a few months with the help of hormonal medications. They do not require surgery. Organic tumors do not disappear for a long time. An operation is needed to eliminate such a pathology.
Features of functional neoplasms
A follicular type cyst appears in one of the gonads. The tumor forms in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Its occurrence is explained by the fact that the follicle, instead of bursting, continues to grow. As a rule, after two to three months, the neoplasm disappears. It is not diagnosed for a long time. Why is a follicular ovarian cyst dangerous in women? If the size of the neoplasm reaches 5-8 centimeters, it blocks the exit of other germ cells, and polycystic disease occurs - a disease that requires long-term therapy. In addition, large volumes of the tumor can provoke torsion of the cyst stem, and even its rupture. Timely treatment of functional pathology helps to avoid complications.
Dermoid tumor
This condition requires surgery.

It is a neoplasm of a benignnature, consisting of embryonic cells. A dermoid-type cyst contains fragments of hair, bone, and cartilage tissues. Tumors of this kind are rare. They grow slowly, but are able to reach large volumes and exert pressure on closely located organs. Enlargement of the cyst can provoke tissue necrosis. In addition, sometimes dermoid tumors become malignant. Therefore, if this pathology is detected, it is necessary to remove the neoplasm.
Endometrial type cyst
Such a tumor appears as a result of uterine tissue entering the gonad. Neoplasm is considered the most serious of all diseases of this kind. It is a bubble filled with a brownish liquid. What is the danger of a cyst on the ovary in a woman if it is an endometrial tumor? With an increase in volume (up to 10 centimeters), it is able to exert pressure on closely spaced organs. In addition, a rupture of the neoplasm is possible, which provokes inflammation of the abdominal cavity. A patient with an endometrial cyst is more likely to develop an oncological pathology of the gonad.
This tumor is a bubble filled with serous contents. The size of the neoplasm can be both small and very large (from 0.5 to 32 centimeters). Small cysts do not manifest themselves in any way. An increase in tumor volume is accompanied by discomfort. Even a small neoplasm can give complications such as torsion of the leg, sepsis, necrosis, transformation into a cancerous pathology. Therefore, whendetecting a cystadenoma, the doctor usually refers the patient for surgery.
Cyst of the corpus luteum
This type of neoplasm is considered the rarest. It is a fold on the inner surface of the gonad, formed from its tissues. Inside the tumor is a yellowish fluid mixed with blood. Neoplasm, as a rule, is diagnosed in women aged 16 to 50 years. Why do cysts appear on the ovaries in women? The causes of a tumor of the corpus luteum are hormonal changes, an inflammatory process in the area of \u200b\u200bthe appendages. Sometimes the pathology develops during the period of bearing a child.

Parovarian cyst
Such a tumor is located close to the gonad, in the area of the epididymis. Pathology, as a rule, occurs in patients from 20 to 40 years old. The volume of neoplasm can be both small and very large. Increasing in size, the tumor puts pressure on nearby organs, causing discomfort. The reasons for the development of pathology are unknown. As a method of therapy, surgical intervention is used without removal of the gonad.
Signs of pathology
At the initial stage of development, the tumor does not manifest itself in any way. You can detect a neoplasm at a preventive examination, which any representative of the weaker sex should regularly undergo.

However, sometimes an illness immediately leads to a deterioration in well-being. To the first signs of a cystovaries in women include the following:
- Discomfort in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, which has a pulling character.
- Irregularities in the cycle of menstruation (delay of critical days, bleeding between periods).
- Discomfort during intimate contact.
- Difficulty urinating.
- A set of extra pounds.
Signs indicating the development of complications
What is the danger of a cyst on the ovary in a woman? The consequence of this pathology may be the torsion of the tumor stem, the formation of pus in the tissues of the gonad and their necrosis, the rupture of the neoplasm, and the ingress of fluid into the abdominal cavity. What signs indicate the development of complications? Danger symptoms include the following:
- Sudden cutting discomfort that occurs during intimate contact or physical exertion.
- The temperature rises to 39-40 degrees Celsius.
- Tension of the anterior wall of the peritoneum.
- Frequent urination.
- Nausea, bouts of vomiting.
- Speed up heart rate.
- Pale skin tone.
- Low blood pressure.
- Faint.
Not everyone knows the dangerous size of an ovarian cyst in women. Usually the volume of the neoplasm reaches 8-10 centimeters. Larger tumors pose a threat to he alth and life. However, we should not forget that torsion of the legs is possible even if the cyst is small. This complication requires immediate medical attention.

When it occurssigns you need to call an ambulance.
Diagnostic Methods
Cyst of the right gonad is quite common, and its symptoms resemble those of other diseases. This pathology is often confused with an inflammatory process in the liver, gallbladder, with acute appendicitis. After all, these ailments are also accompanied by a feeling of nausea, fever, vomiting, weakness, and the appearance of pain in the peritoneum. What is dangerous cyst of the right ovary in women? At the initial stage, such a pathology is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms. However, an increase in tumor volume can lead to its spontaneous rupture. If you suspect the presence of an ailment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis, which includes:
- Examination, palpation of the abdominal cavity.
- Analysis of biological material (urine, blood).
- Ultrasound.

Methods of therapy
Speaking about the danger of a cyst on the ovary in a woman, it should be noted that this pathology often causes infertility. Therefore, the treatment of this disease should be carried out as soon as possible. As methods of therapy, doctors recommend vitamins B, A, K, E, ascorbic acid. Often the cause of a cyst in the right ovary in women or a tumor in the left gonad is an imbalance of hormones. In such cases, oral contraceptives are prescribed.
If there are indications for surgery, minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy) is possible.