Somnologist Olga Alexandrova is a certified coach, trainer, doctor who developed a he althy sleep system for a child. She graduated from the Russian State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine, improved her skills in somnology at the PMSMU, studied in clinical residency, as well as at the Sinton training center under such programs as "Training of Trainers" and "The Art of Speech: Rhetoric and Oratory".
The sleep table of somnologist Olga Alexandrova is known to many.

Who will benefit from O. Alexandrova's technique?
O. Alexandrova's technique will be useful for those parents who do not get enough sleep for the following reasons:
- the baby constantly goes to bed with a fight;
- baby falls asleep only with motion sickness or on the chest;
- baby eats at night;
- child gets up too early and wakes up several times a night.
As a result, scandals and quarrels constantly occur in the family,parents are in a state of semi-zombies, the feeling of "Groundhog Day" does not leave them, external attractiveness is lost, a breakdown becomes chronic, a depressive state appears and libido disappears.
Children suffer from lack of sleep even more seriously - from impaired immunity to large-scale developmental delays. How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own?
Wrong actions of parents
In the vast majority of cases, a child's poor sleep is associated with the wrong actions of parents, who often follow the recommendations of "more experienced" relatives and friends, brought up by the Soviet Union system and acting as their mothers and grandmothers taught them. They didn't read psychological studies and smart books and still raised normal kids.
However, at one time they also faced sleep problems. That is why you do not need to torture yourself and your child with sleepless nights, because there are specialists such as somnologists who can help in such a situation.

Training by O. Alexandrova: the path to developing your own methodology
Somnologist Olga Alexandrova began to look for information about children's sleep when she herself faced the same problems in her family. Thanks to a counselor, she was able to get her daughter's sleep back in just a week, without resorting to cruel methods like leaving a crying baby alone. It turned out that there is an opportunity to get out of the vicious circle of lack of sleep. At that moment, Olga realized that her mission was to help families whosuffer from sleep disorders, and she began to deal with this issue from a professional point of view. How to achieve a good sleep?
Oh. Alexandrova was trained as a sleep consultant, studied the system and deduced the main principles of the impact of various factors on children's sleep. However, in practice, the template system did not work in all cases. That is why she began to analyze the problem fundamentally, studied it at a scientific level. Olga studied somnology at PMSMU. I. M. Sechenova, studied the details of people's sleep, time phases and related processes in the brain. Reviews about somnologist Olga Alexandrova abound.
How do somnologists work?
After reading all the books and thoroughly studying them, O. Alexandrova needed to understand how to correctly present the material she had studied in order to be more effective. The fact is that simply talking about a person's problems and how to solve them is not enough, so children's sleep consultants usually work for two months, which is quite a long time.
For effective and efficient work with sleep, not just a consultation was required, but a completely different activity. A person does not have enough informative material - he needs work in a special training group. After that, O. Alexandrova mastered the profession of a trainer, thanks to which she was able to create a unique system that gave parents the opportunity to get the most effective and quick results from working with their child's sleep during trainings.

Currently, in training, a stable and good result is achieved in a maximum of three weeks. At the same time, they do not resort to advice such as leaving the child alone to cry. It turned out that the result can be achieved by comfortable methods for both parents and the baby.
As a result of the work of the children's somnologist Olga Alexandrova and the group trainer, the child gets enough sleep, and the mother is no longer nervous and enjoys her own parenthood. If all family members can fully relax, then there will be harmonious relationships in it.
There are numerous discussions about O. Alexandrova's methodology on forums and blogs. Someone considers it effective, someone, on the contrary, denies it. But it is worth saying that there are still much more positive reviews. Let's take a closer look at what the mothers who participated in Olga's training write about.
Negative reviews
Some mothers claim that keeping them from spending on training was a great success, because the amount is too high, and even all the advantages of the technique do not cover it.
Others say that Olga Alexandrova simply improved T. Hogg's technique, which means that she cannot say anything fundamentally new. In addition, mothers who have achieved success during the training and are not specialists act as coaches.

From the reports of parents in the group of somnologist Olga Alexandrova, it is concluded that after a year, many children, in principle, begin to sleep better, and up to a year this techniquehad virtually no effect on the situation. Thus, a number of mothers have doubts about the feasibility and effectiveness of this project.
A number of women argue that this is an ordinary money scam. Some mothers started having problems with their children after applying this technique: tantrums, night festivities, difficult falling asleep and frequent awakenings. Such people were usually removed because they had a destructive effect on others. Frustrated parents claim that all the positive reviews are written by the same coaches - that is, mothers who managed to achieve success according to the method of O. Alexandrova. They also consider it a trick to separate clients by months, because this way people do not overlap and cannot see the failures or successes of their predecessors. Instead of these activities, many advise reading books by C. Gonzalez, a famous pediatrician. The sleep table of somnologist Olga Alexandrova is shown below.
Mommies also say that each child needs an individual approach, which means that even the most ingenious technique cannot be effective in all cases. In addition, often restless periods in children are associated with jumps in development, emotional oversaturation or overwork. It is better to contact a neurologist, osteopath or psychologist, that is, try other methods.
Are there positive comments about he althy baby sleep?

Positive Feedback
As a result of Olga Alexandrova's work on he althy children's sleep, some mothers managed toenter the mode with the child in just one and a half to two weeks. The baby sleeps as much time as it should, gets enough sleep. Moms manage to teach children to sleep at home, and not on the street. In addition, it is noted that in addition to teaching sleep, users are waiting for the support of the same parents and mentors.
Of course, training may not help everyone. However, in general, significant progress is noted during group sessions. Every mother must decide if she needs this kind of sleep aid for her baby. Of course, it is quite expensive, but those who have been trained and achieved a positive result argue that it is better not to buy a mountain of useless toys or clothes, which are already enough in any family, but to give money for training. They now know how to teach a child to fall asleep on their own.
A wonderful specialist
Parents claim that Olga Alexandrova is a wonderful specialist who is well versed in her field and is ready to help those who need support. For some, such training becomes a real salvation, because mothers have time for themselves: surf the Internet, read a book, quietly leave home, and not endlessly rock the child and calm his tantrums every half hour. In addition, it provides valuable information about an adequate diet, features of positive parenting. All this makes both the child and the parents much calmer. Many babies end up crying only when they hit something or fall, rather than every thirty minutes for no apparent reason.
Accusationssome mothers that in the book the somnologist Olga Alexandrova simply retells the Tracy Hogg technique are refuted. The fact is that the latter is written in a small volume, while Olga describes many nuances.

Of course, every mother must decide for herself which methods work in her case. For some, knowledge may not be very useful, while the support of coaches can become incredibly significant. In addition, observing other parents who have positive changes affects the mood of each participant, allows you to apply knowledge, receive help and look for a key to your child. After all, mothers are often unhappy, looking for a catch everywhere and do not want to take advice and act systematically. As a result, the situation does not change, the child reacts to the negative, and one can not even dream of he althy sleep.
Prices of somnologist Olga Alexandrova
Books can be purchased for 250-300 rubles. It depends where you buy them. The cost of trainings must be specified in advance.
As for the price, mothers who have received positive results say that it is not worth sparing money for the development of the child, because ten thousand is not so much money if thanks to them you can help yourself and your family. He alth costs should be treated as a useful investment that will pay off in the end with mental peace. All parents should learn how to improve their child's sleep.
Many mothers went around all the doctors, resorted to advice like leaving the child to cry, getting out ofrooms during a tantrum, etc., but received only stress. However, it was only through training that they were still able to get their kids on a schedule, even if they were too energetic and agile.
Of course, it was not without difficulties at first, but literally after ten days, with due diligence, everything will return to normal. In addition, there are free materials that can be partially used and tried new methods, which can be an impetus for change and show whether this system is really effective.

Many say that children really learn to fall asleep on their own without motion sickness and breasts, wake up at night only to eat (due to their small age). Before the training, the situation was much worse. In addition, babies are much less naughty during the day. The most valuable for parents turned out to be not only improved sleep, but also knowledge about arranging the time of wakefulness of the child, the conditions for creating good sleep, adjusting the diet, positive parenting systems and interaction with the baby.
Thus, each mother must decide for herself whether she needs this system. If no means help, then it may be worth resorting to this method. Suddenly, in this particular case, it really will be effective.