Ovulation with a 28-day cycle: methods for determining, timing

Ovulation with a 28-day cycle: methods for determining, timing
Ovulation with a 28-day cycle: methods for determining, timing

Ovulation is the moment when the egg leaves the follicle. This is the most favorable time for conceiving a child. Doctors for calculating the duration of pregnancy are guided by ovulation at a 28-day cycle. A woman needs to be able to calculate her own ovulation in preparation for pregnancy.

Female Cycle

A woman's cycle lasts an average of 28 days. The norm is from 21 to 35 days. When menstrual bleeding occurs, the cycle is not established immediately, but after a few months.

first day of the cycle
first day of the cycle

During the cycle, the body goes through several phases:

  1. Menstruation is the beginning of the cycle. Days are counted from the very first day of bleeding. This period lasts from 3 to 7 days. The most intense secretions occur on the 2nd-3rd day of the cycle. During these days, the endometrium, which was formed over the past month, is rejected.
  2. The follicular phase begins after the end of menstruation. During this period, the dominant follicle is determined in which the egg will mature. The number of eggs in the bodycan reach 70 thousand, but 1 egg matures monthly. Two or more eggs rarely mature.
  3. When the egg leaves the ovary, the ovulation phase begins. The life span of an egg is 24 hours. During this time, when meeting with a spermatozoon, pregnancy occurs. The day of ovulation with a 28-day cycle occurs in the middle of the cycle, but can be shifted.
  4. If a fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, then a uterine pregnancy has occurred.
  5. In the absence of fertilization, the body prepares for endometrial rejection and a new cycle.

Normal menstrual cycle

A normal menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days. If there is a deviation from the norm for more than 7 days, you should consult a gynecologist. Ovulation in a 28-day cycle occurs on the 14th day. The shorter the cycle, the faster ovulation occurs.

In young girls, during the first year from the onset of menstruation, the duration of the cycle may vary. In women who start bleeding every time after a certain number of days, the cycle goes astray for several reasons:

  • change of residence;
  • climate change;
  • diseases;
  • stress;
  • excessive exercise;
  • taking hormonal or other medications.
menstruation in women
menstruation in women

How to calculate ovulation

Gynecologists use a formula to calculate ovulation. Subtract 14 days from the length of the cycle. This method indicates the approximate day of the release of the egg and helpsdetermine the days on which additional methods should be used to determine the favorable day of conception.

If a girl does not know when ovulation occurs with a 28-day cycle, then the formula should be applied: 28-14=14. Therefore, ovulation will occur on the 14th day of the cycle. The error of this method is 2 days. Therefore, ovulation occurs from the 12th to the 16th day of the cycle. In women with a short cycle, favorable days for conception may come immediately after the end of menstruation.

If the cycle is unstable and the period varies slightly, then the average for the last six months is taken as the length of the cycle. This will help to find out the approximate days of ovulation and use additional methods.

special ovum
special ovum

Feeling Ovulation

You can determine the onset of ovulation if you listen to your feelings. Ovulation with a 28-day cycle occurs on the 12-16th day. Signs that indicate you are ovulating:

  1. Profuse vaginal discharge. The secret becomes viscous and resembles the white of a raw egg.
  2. Drawing pains appear in the stomach. Mucus appears due to the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg.
  3. Bleeding. They are insignificant, sometimes the mucus becomes pink. This symptom occurs in 20% of women.
  4. Chest pain, nipple tenderness.
  5. Increased sex drive. Nature has foreseen the desire of a woman to have sexual intercourse for procreation. Another reason may be the desire of a woman not toskip fertile days.
  6. Change in taste and smell.
signs of ovulation
signs of ovulation

Basal body temperature

To determine the timing of ovulation with a 28-day cycle, you should measure your basal body temperature. To find out the temperature norm for the body, it is necessary to take measurements a few days before ovulation. For the reliability of the result, manipulations should be carried out in the morning, after waking up, at the same time, without getting out of bed. The thermometer is inserted to a depth of 4-5 cm.

When plotting a graph, it will become clear that before ovulation there is a drop in temperature, and then a rise. Ovulation will occur between a decrease and an increase in temperature. This way you can find out the exact day for conception.

The data should be plotted on a graph and the points connected with lines. The benefits of the drawing will appear after a few months, when it will be possible to determine the day of ovulation. The graph is a clear example of temperature change and shows that on certain days of the cycle there is a sharp jump. This method is time consuming but accurate.

female cycle
female cycle

Tests and ultrasound during ovulation

To determine favorable days for conception, ovulation tests are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. There are 5 pieces in one package, the quantity is sufficient for a cycle. In application, they are similar to pregnancy tests and respond to the appearance of the LH hormone in the urine. To determine the timing of ovulation with a 28-day cycle, you should start using the test from the 10th day of the cycle. Zoom inthe amount of the hormone is indicated by the darkening of the second strip of the test. Thus, at home, you can calculate the most favorable days for conception.

Another way to determine when ovulation occurs in a 28-day cycle is by ultrasound. The survey begins on the 10th day of the cycle. On the 12th day, the growth of the corpus luteum is determined. On the 14th day, they find out whether ovulation has occurred or not. An additional study is scheduled on the 17th day to confirm the release of the egg. The doctor determines the condition of the ovaries in three ways:

  1. Transvaginally. What happens to the follicles, the doctor determines through the vagina. Special preparation for this procedure is not required, but it is better to clean the intestines first.
  2. Transabdominally. External ultrasound, which shows the degree of maturation of the follicle. Before the procedure, you should drink liquid, because the study is performed on a full bladder. In terms of the reliability of the result, this method is inferior compared to the first one.
  3. Transrectally. Research is rarely used. Causes discomfort.
ovulation test
ovulation test

Causes of failure in ovulation

Ovulation with a 28-day cycle occurs on the 14th day, but sometimes the process occurs earlier or later. If the failure occurred once, then the cause may be a cold, stress, heavy physical exertion, the consequences of an abortion. Permanent displacement of ovulation cause:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • functional failure of target cells;
  • endocrine disruption;
  • ovarian exhaustion;
  • lack of sensitivity of ovarian receptors to hormonal molecules;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • surgery of the uterus or ovaries;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • endometriosis;
  • brain tumor;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • decrease in sex hormones;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking hormonal and steroid drugs.
ovulation in a woman
ovulation in a woman

Signs of late ovulation

The main sign of late ovulation in a 28-day cycle is the absence of symptoms from the 12th to the 16th day. If during this period there was no change in basal temperature, no discomfort in the lower abdomen, no increased breast sensitivity, then you should do an ovulation test to understand the changes in the body.

You can find out what caused late ovulation together with a gynecologist. This may be a variant of the norm or a malfunction in the body. To find out, you should visit a gynecologist, take blood and urine tests and undergo an ultrasound.

If the cause of late ovulation is a recent abortion or pregnancy, then after a short period of time the cycle will be restored. The decision to take drugs to restore the cycle should be made by the doctor.