On the body of each person you can find many birthmarks. Some are present since childhood, some appear in the process of life. By themselves, they are not dangerous, but many dermatologists strongly recommend periodically monitoring the condition of moles on the body. A cause for concern may be a change in the color of the birthmark or its increase. However, if it happened that the mole fell off by itself or as a result of mechanical damage, then this is a serious reason to seek the advice of a doctor. Let's see what these precautions might be about.
What are moles?
Birthmarks are usually called some congenital or acquired skin defects, resulting from a certain growth of the epithelium of the skin, containing melanin pigment. Congenital moles can appear in a person several months after birth. Acquired occur at different periods of life, especially intenseappearing during certain hormonal changes. Moles are considered benign formations, not prone, in most cases, to the development of oncological processes. However, dermatologists strongly recommend monitoring their changes.

But don't worry. According to statistics, skin cancer develops from areas of skin that do not contain birthmarks in eighty percent of cases, and only twenty percent develops from them.
Nevertheless, a very serious reason to visit a medical institution for the purpose of counseling is the situation when a mole has fallen off. This is not always evidence of skin diseases. However, it is better to play it safe, undergo appropriate diagnostics and identify the causes of this circumstance.
It is worth remembering that skin cancer diagnosed in time can be successfully cured without leaving any he alth consequences. And advanced cases are difficult to treat and even lead to death.
Reasons for self-dropping
Many people wonder if a mole can fall off on its own. Maybe with certain external or internal factors. So, for example, it happens that a hanging mole, located in an inconvenient place, falls off due to mechanical damage.
Besides, there are many more reasons. So, the consequences that led to the fact that the mole fell off may be as follows:
- Mechanical damage due to scratching, wearing scratchy jewelry, shaving, etc.e.
- Having skin cancer. As a rule, in such cases, the birthmark disappears due to a certain mutational process in this area of the skin
- Problems with blood circulation. Nutrition does not reach the skin and the mole falls off on its own.
Causes for a hanging mole to fall off
A birthmark that rises strongly above the skin is often injured and disappears. However, the mole itself may fall off under the influence of various hormonal disorders in the body or also in connection with the development of an oncological neoplasm. At the same time, it can be just a harmless old papilloma, resembling a birthmark in appearance. Hanging moles are considered the most dangerous, since malignant tumors develop mainly from them. Therefore, doctors examine them most carefully. If you notice any changes occurring with this type of birthmark, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Dangerous symptoms
If you notice that the mole dries up and falls off, then this is a serious reason to see a doctor. As a rule, such a symptom indicates the beginning of the transformation of a birthmark into an oncological neoplasm. Symptoms that accompany the fact that the mole has dried up and fallen off may include itching, burning, and there may also be some unpleasant or even painful sensations.
Also, symptoms that indicate that you need to see a doctor immediately arebleeding of a birthmark, peeling, change in shape and size.
After deletion
If you had a laser removal of a birthmark in a special medical institution, then a crust forms in its place, as a normal process, indicating the healing of the skin. Do not worry if after a certain time the crust falls off after removing the mole on its own.

Don't rip it off yourself. After all, an infection can be brought into an unhealed wound or provoke the formation of a scar. If the crust fell off after removing the mole too early, exposing an unhealed layer of skin, then you should not worry. It is necessary to treat the wound with antiseptic agents and not touch it with dirty hands.
If you begin to notice changes happening to your birthmark, it is better to contact a specialist. There are two areas in medicine that deal with this problem - it is oncology and dermatology. For advice, you can contact the doctors of these areas.
As a rule, the main method for diagnosing a birthmark that has disappeared is histology. A tissue sample of a mole is submitted for analysis, where, through various frauds, it turns out whether it is a malignant formation.
Dermoscopy is another diagnostic method that is often used in practice. With this method of analysis, using a special device, the area of skin with a problematic birthmark is enlarged and carefully examined forpathological changes.

Also, several diagnostic methods are often used to obtain a more reliable result.
A mole has fallen off, what should I do? First of all, you should not panic, but it is also undesirable to let everything take its course. The first thing to do is to make an appointment with an oncologist or dermatologist. After the diagnosis is made, there are two options for the development of events.
In the first case, if the birthmark still turned out to be a malignant formation, an operation is necessary to remove the affected skin layers.
If the mole is safe, then it is worth taking certain measures to heal it. As a rule, the doctor himself prescribes special healing and disinfecting drugs.

The most reliable and best prevention for a birthmark not to bring any unpleasant and serious consequences is the attentiveness of the person himself to his various modifications.
If you notice any strange symptoms in the form of peeling, itching, redness and bleeding, then do not be afraid to consult a doctor. Also, the reason for contacting a specialist is an increase in the size of a birthmark, a change in its color.
The appearance of a large number of moles is a suspicious symptom that requires specialist advice. You should also be wary if the mole fell off by itself or began to fall off in parts. It is important to remember that a timely diagnosed malignanteducation is successfully cured without any consequences in ninety-five percent of cases.
Also of no small importance in the prevention of malignant birthmarks is careful skin care in the summer. The activity of ultraviolet radiation can provoke serious problems. It is recommended not only before sunbathing, but just before leaving the house on a sunny day, apply a special sunscreen to the skin.

It is also recommended to remove birthmarks in places where there is a risk of mechanical damage. As a rule, this is the neck area, where people often wear various kinds of chains, the armpit area, for men it can also be the shaving area on the face.
Risk factors
It is very difficult to determine when a fallen off mole is a malignant formation. However, there are certain risk factors, falling into the category of which a person should be more attentive to the condition of their skin and birthmarks in particular.

So, the following set of factors influences the possibility of developing a malignant tumor from a birthmark:
- Gender of the patient. As a rule, women are less prone to this problem. Most often, this kind of cancer is found in men.
- Location. Birthmarks that are localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands, most likely, will not be hazardous to he alth.
- A type of birthmark. Hanging moles in this regard are more dangerous than ordinary ones. Specialistspay close attention to them.
It is also worth noting that people with white skin, the presence of a large number of birthmarks and apical rashes are prone to this pathology. Also, the development of this kind of disease is influenced by genetic predisposition, that is, the presence of relatives with a similar problem, and old age.
However, do not panic if the mole has fallen off or any other changes have occurred to it. You just need to see a doctor. And even if the diagnosis is disappointing, malignant tumors on the skin are easily treated using modern medical techniques.