With such a problem as dry heels, many face. Not only does this phenomenon cause a lot of uncomfortable sensations, but also the appearance of the legs becomes unattractive. If you want to show off soft and pink heels, then you need to provide them with gentle care.
Dry Heels: Cause
Girls love showing off their pretty legs. On the street, on the beach, in the office, at home - anywhere. Nevertheless, dry heels can significantly spoil the mood and force the beauties to wear closed shoes. The following factors can serve as the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon:
- wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes;
- lack of vitamins A and E, which affect the condition of the skin;
- fungal infections (in this case, in addition to dryness and cracking, there may be a change in skin color);
- improper foot care and neglect of personal hygiene;
- disturbances in the endocrine system.
Should I see a doctor
Dry heels are a fairly common problem. What to do if the problem persists for a long period of time? Of course, see a doctor. The fact is that if the problem of rough skin cannot be solved with the help ofcosmetic procedures, then, most likely, the reason lies in he alth problems:
- lack of vitamins in the body (both seasonal and chronic);
- fungal diseases;
- thyroid problems;
- fungus or herpes;
- eczema;
- diabetes mellitus of any type.
If you have any of the above problems, then no cosmetic procedures can cure dry heels and cracks. You will have to undergo complex medical treatment.
Facilitation procedures
Dry heels are a serious problem, but completely solvable. Constant and careful skin care is important. The main thing is that at the first signs of dryness, you need to start intensive therapy, which may include the following procedures:
- Regularly pamper your feet with herbal baths. A combination of chamomile, calendula, string and sage helps to cope with dryness and cracks. It is worth noting that such a procedure has not only a softening, but also an anti-inflammatory effect, which will be an additional prevention of the fungus.
- Sea or common table s alt is an effective remedy for cracked and flaky skin on the heels. It is necessary to lower the legs in a warm concentrated solution for a quarter of an hour. If dryness has reached a critical level or there are deep cracks, then add milk to the bath.
- Red wine has a beneficial effect on skin condition. It will not only soften your heels, but also relieve fatigue. For two liters of water you need to take 2 glasses of wine (you cansubstitute grape juice). You won't recognize your heels in 20 minutes.
In order for the effect to be noticeable and sustainable, you need to complete the procedures correctly. Feet should be wiped dry and lubricated with moisturizing creams or nourishing oils. Also wear cotton socks.

Compresses for dry heels
Due to the fact that the load on the feet and heels is large enough, they quickly lose moisture. As a result, the skin cracks and becomes rough. To reanimate dry heels, you need to regularly do nourishing compresses. The following recipes work best:
- onions will help you remove the top coarsened layer of skin. It must be grated on a fine grater, then mixed with a small amount of honey and milk. Apply the resulting slurry to a bandage or gauze, attach to the heel and wrap with polyethylene. Put on thick socks on top and leave the compress overnight. To eliminate the unpleasant onion smell in the morning, wash your feet well with laundry soap and be sure to apply cream.
- Honey is a real salvation for dry skin. They need to lubricate problem areas, cover with polyethylene and put on warm socks. It is better if the honey compress stays all night. Be sure to apply cream after washing your feet in the morning.
- If the skin is not too rough, then a green apple will help you solve the problem. Rub it in mashed potatoes, wrap it in a piece of bandage or gauze and apply it to the heels. You need to fix the compress with plastic bags and socks. It's better to leave it onnight.
- Perhaps the simplest and most effective can be considered a cabbage compress. You just need to knead in your hands or beat off a clean sheet with a rolling pin and attach it to the heel. Fix the compress with a bandage, and in the morning remove and lubricate the feet with cream.
- Celandine is a healing plant that helps to cope with many problems. If you have dry heels, you can make a healing compress at home. Grind a fresh sheet (you can beat it off with a rolling pin) and attach to the problem area. As in previous cases, you need to wrap your legs with polyethylene, put on socks and leave the product overnight.
Pumice treatment
Many people face such a problem as cracked or dry heels. What to do? Of course, treat them with pumice. Despite the fact that this is the most popular method, many people make mistakes. So, for example, it is wrong to treat the heels while taking a shower, or immediately after, while they are very steamed. It is better to do this about half an hour before swimming. The effect will be more pronounced if you lubricate the heels with a nourishing cream before pumice treatment.
Dry heels - treatment with pharmaceuticals
In the pharmacy you can find many products that are aimed at solving not only medical, but also cosmetic problems. so, if the heel is dry and cracking, then try the following remedies:
- "Five Days" is a nourishing cream with a rich composition, thanks to which your legs will simply be transformed. It has not only nutritional, but also disinfectant properties.properties. Thus, in addition to healing cracks, fungal diseases will also be prevented.
- "Sea Wolf" is an effective budget tool that fights a lot of problems (from the aggressive effects of water, sun or cold to a lack of vitamins and nutrients). The components of the cream contribute to the speedy regeneration, and therefore your heels will be transformed in the shortest possible time.
- "Bepanthen" is a popular remedy that helps to cope with skin problems. Thanks to such a component as lanolin, the epidermis softens, and the cracks heal quickly.
Proven "Grandma's" remedy
Dry fives and cracked legs are a perennial problem. At the moment, in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, you can find a lot of tools and devices that help to cope with it. And what did women do in those days when only ineffective pumice stone was available? There is one effective recipe.
Buy a vial of glycerin and vinegar essence. This is all you need to prepare the remedy. The glycerin container will be incomplete. You need to add vinegar essence to the neck, close tightly, then shake vigorously.
Wash your feet well with laundry soap, steam them in a bath (you can use herbal or s alt) and rub thoroughly with a pedicure brush to remove the top layer of rough skin. Now you need to dry the skin with a towel.
Shake the bottle of glycerin and vinegar essence well,soak a cotton swab in the liquid and treat all the roughness that is on the feet, paying special attention to the heels. Next, you need to put on your feet cellophane bags and tight socks. It is best to do the procedure at night. But if you decide to spend it during the day, then be sure that the composition will be absorbed into the skin in about 40 minutes. After the procedure, you can lightly rub your heels with a pumice stone, but this is not necessary. Wash your feet with soap and cream.
If your heels are in a state of neglect, then at first the procedure will have to be carried out daily until the skin returns to normal. After that, once a week will be enough to maintain the effect.
Preventive measures
Dry heels and cracks can give ladies not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort. Naturally, it is much easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. Preventive measures include the following:
- try to wear comfortable shoes and use special gel insoles;
- do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene - wash your feet daily with antibacterial products;
- Use a pumice stone regularly, as well as scrubs (store or homemade);
- lubricate clean feet with moisturizing creams or nourishing oils before going to bed;
- take a course of vitamins A and E periodically, and also include foods containing them in your diet (carrots, apples, grapes, etc.).
Dry skin on the heels, cracks - all this does not add beauty to yourlegs. Unfortunately, many women do not pay enough attention to this problem, which can lead to quite serious consequences. If you want to be at your best in any situation, if you like to wear open shoes, and if you want to become the queen of the beach, then your feet need regular and high-quality care. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene, take care of your he alth and nutrition, and regularly pamper your feet with herbal baths and natural peels.