Dry Ear: Causes and Treatments

Dry Ear: Causes and Treatments
Dry Ear: Causes and Treatments

When people have dry ears, they usually go to an otolaryngologist. This symptom may indicate a serious illness. Moreover, the problem may not be directly related to the auricle. The causes and treatment of dry ears are described in the article.

Local allergies

This is a common cause of dry ears. Problems with the skin of the ears appear after changing hygiene products, for example, shampoo. They occur when:

  • wearing earrings made of inexpensive materials;
  • changing gold jewelry for silver;
  • constant use of headphones;
  • wearing glasses with metal temples.
dry ears causes
dry ears causes

In these cases, the problem is related to a local allergy, which goes away after the irritant is removed. In advanced situations, drug treatment is performed. Specialist diet and application of emollient ointments is needed.

In addition to dry skin in the ears, allergies manifest as:

  • slight redness of the epidermis;
  • burning;
  • itching.

To determine if there is an allergy, it is necessary to replace the cosmetic product for the shower. A few daysdo not walk in earrings, do not use headphones, glasses with metal temples. In the absence of timely treatment, there is a risk of complications - dermatitis of the outer ear or eczema.

Ear skin fungus

Because the organs are interconnected, there may be painful symptoms in the mouth. Dryness and noise in the ears come from the fungus. Usually this phenomenon is detected in those who strongly clean their ears with a special stick or rinse the ear canals with water, use other people's headphones.

dryness in the ear
dryness in the ear

Another fungus appears as:

  • recurrent headache;
  • tinnitus;
  • increasing itching;
  • sulfur plug;
  • liquid discharge from ear canal.

Often the fungus manifests itself as an infection that affects the general condition of the patient. This affects the increase in body temperature, performance and extreme fatigue.

Skin ailments

Dry ears and itching do not occur on their own. This is just one of the many symptoms that appear with skin ailments. Ear diseases include:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff and white patches appear in the ear and outside. There is itching, a feeling of discomfort, dryness occurs more with redness, itching, rash, slight changes in skin structure.
  2. Eczema. Redness, itching, rash, slight changes in skin structure appear.
  3. Ear psoriasis. Its main symptoms include heterogeneity, peeling and dryness. There is also redness near the ear canal and irritation.
  4. Folliculitis. This is an infection that manifests itself in the form of a rash on the ears, itching, blisters.
  5. Furuncle. With such an ailment, acne with pus appears in the ear. There is also pain, hearing loss, redness, congestion and swelling.

Inflammation of the external ear or skin

Dry ear is very easy to recognize, because with such ailments the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Discomfort and pain in the outer ear.
  2. Swollen lymph nodes occur.
  3. Tragus sensitive and painful.

If these symptoms persist for more than two days and gradually increase, experts advise seeking medical attention. Complete examination required.

Systemic ailments

Dry ears and nose have been linked to systemic diseases. Of the ear diseases, otitis media is often detected, which manifests itself in the form:

  • aching pain;
  • nasty ripple;
  • high temperature;
  • ear swelling and general weakness.

In advanced situations, there are purulent discharge, shooting pain, fever, hearing loss. If there is no treatment, otitis media will adversely affect the parotid cartilage and bones, the vestibular apparatus, and brain activity.

Skin problems, even in the ears, appear with diabetes. It appears as:

  • light smell of acetone;
  • strong thirst;
  • irritation of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • quick onset of fatigue;
  • requirements for frequent use of the restroom;
  • Itching and tingling sensations in the fingertips.

There is another systemic ailment - liver pathology. In this case, in addition to peeling, itching and dryness in the ear, there is pain, fever, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and bloating.

Other reasons

Noise and dryness in the ears still appear from exposure to external factors. This often happens when:

  • frequent stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • violation of day and night modes;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • genetic predispositions or congenital ailments.

Whatever the reason, dry ears are a nuisance. A timely visit to the doctor can eliminate many different problems.

Dandruff in ear

In the auricles, as well as on the scalp, dandruff may appear. You can identify this problem by:

  1. Excessive flaking of the upper layers of the skin behind the ears near the ear canal, after cleansing the ears, white lumps remain on a cotton swab.
  2. Redden skin.
  3. Hearing impaired or congestion.
  4. Feeling of a foreign body in the auricle.
  5. Burning and fever.

Dry ear should not be ignored. Folk remedies and traditional treatment will help to fix the problem. The therapy should be carried out while observing daily hygiene, proper nutrition and taking vitamins: Complivit, MultiTabs, Vitrum.


When the first symptoms appear, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. Doctorexamines the affected area and studies the patient's medical history. Based on the data obtained, a referral for analysis is issued. If the peeling is very visible, a swab is taken from the ear to determine the presence of the fungus.

To rule out other pathologies, a complete blood count will be required. If this is not enough, additional diagnostics are performed. Before prescribing therapy, it is required to determine the cause of ear seborrhea. An experienced specialist studies all the information received and makes the final diagnosis.


Treatment for dry ears depends on the type of problem. The type of medication is prescribed based on the type of fungus. Usually, in this case, drugs such as Nitrofugin, Econazole, Pimafucin are prescribed.

dry ear treatment
dry ear treatment

For the treatment of otitis media, antibacterial drugs are needed - Levomekol, Triderm. And if an allergy occurs, Diazolin or other tablets with a calming effect are prescribed.

Ointments and creams

The doctor may prescribe a pharmacy cream designed to treat ear ailments. The following funds are in demand:

  1. Triderm.
  2. Sinaflan.
  3. Akriderm.
  4. Conison Plus.
dry ears causes and treatment
dry ears causes and treatment

Detailed instructions are attached to each medication. Before using the drug, you should familiarize yourself with the dosage, duration of treatment.

Folk remedies

From folk methods to help eliminate dryness in the ear, they distinguish:

  1. Baby cream. It is applied softgentle movements on problem areas as needed.
  2. dry ears and itching
    dry ears and itching
  3. Motherwort tincture. She treats the skin behind the ears twice a day. To cook, you need a glass of alcohol, which is poured into the crushed rhizomes of the plant (10 g). Then everything is mixed, covered with a lid and left in a warm place for 10 days. Then carefully strain.
  4. Decoction based on chamomile. To prepare, dried flowers (2 tablespoons) are mixed with boiling water (1 cup). The broth is stirred and cooled. Then they treat problem areas of the skin with a sponge and apply a compress.
  5. Onion juice is instilled into the ear - 5 drops a day, no more than 5 times in a row.
  6. In a dry frying pan, dry the s alt, put it in gauze and apply to the ear for a few minutes. The tool relieves peeling and severe pain.

Before using any folk remedy, it is advisable to consult a specialist. This will eliminate harm to the body.


To prevent the disease from reappearing, you need to follow the recommendations of dermatologists:

  1. It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, do not use other people's supplies.
  2. Don't use cotton buds to clean your ears.
  3. More time should be in the fresh air and follow the generally accepted daily routine.
  4. It is forbidden to overcool the ears in cold weather.
  5. Ears should be protected from chlorinated water.
  6. If a hearing aid is used, the device must be cleaned regularlyand apply special ear drops.
  7. You can not start the treatment of otitis media and boils.
  8. Need to drink more mineral water without gas.
  9. Stress should be avoided.
  10. Requiring a balanced diet.
dry mouth tinnitus
dry mouth tinnitus

If dandruff in the ears is not treated, then acute mycosis is likely to appear. The fungus acts locally, and is also able to penetrate deep into the tissues. An integrated approach is used in the treatment of dandruff. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate the cosmetic problem with ointments, lotions and tablets.

Care and Prevention

To save ears and skin, experts advise:

  1. Rinse your ears in the morning and evening, but not too deep. It is enough to treat the outer part of the organ with warm water.
  2. While cleaning your ears, don't go overboard and clean out all the wax that is required to protect against bacteria and damage.
  3. When swimming or going to the pool, you need to cover the ear holes with cotton wool or special plugs to prevent excess moisture from entering.
  4. In winter, you need to use baby cream, and with a lack of vitamins, you need to monitor nutrition.
  5. You should eliminate stress, adjust your diet. Rest is needed when the body needs it.
noise and dryness in the ears
noise and dryness in the ears

These recommendations will help eliminate dry skin in the ears. The main thing is not to ignore any symptoms and negative manifestations, and also listen to the recommendations of your doctor.
