Weakness in arms and legs: causes and treatment

Weakness in arms and legs: causes and treatment
Weakness in arms and legs: causes and treatment

Why does weakness occur in arms and legs? The reasons for this condition will be discussed in this article. We will also tell you about how to treat this pathology and which specialist to contact.

weakness in arms and legs causes
weakness in arms and legs causes

General information

Quite a large number of people periodically experience weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs. The reasons for this phenomenon should be identified only by an experienced specialist. After all, an unexpected and growing weakness in the limbs, when the legs are “filled with lead”, and the hands are not able to hold even a cup of coffee, may indicate the development of a serious illness.

Most often the condition in question is transient and disappears very quickly. But can this pathological phenomenon be neglected? Doctors say that with the development of severe and even transient weakness in the limbs, it is imperative to undergo a medical examination.

Weakness in the arms and legs, dizziness: the main causes

What can cause the condition in question? In most cases, this phenomenon is a sign of a neurological disorder thataccompanied by a violation of neuromuscular impulses.

Why else can there be weakness in the arms and legs? The causes of this condition are often associated with electrolyte imbalance or metabolism. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed when following strict diets or violating the drinking regimen (for example, with a lack of fluid in the human body).

In addition, the development of weakness in the limbs can occur due to impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver and other organs of the digestive system.

weakness in the arms and legs dizziness causes
weakness in the arms and legs dizziness causes

Other reasons

Why does weakness develop in arms and legs? The reasons for this condition are associated with the presence of:

  • cervical spondylosis;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory or traumatic lesions of the shoulder, scapular or carpal area;
  • shoulder arthritis.

The most common reasons

Severe weakness in the arms and legs, the causes of which have been described above, causes great discomfort to the patient. After all, such a state can take a person by surprise (for example, on the street, driving a vehicle, at work, and so on). Therefore, it is imperative to identify the cause of this phenomenon.

Above, we told you about why weakness in the arms and legs can occur. The reasons we have listed are far from the only ones. According to experts, this condition can also occur in the presence of such diseases and conditions as:

  • lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • hernialumbar in the spine;
  • lumbago;
  • period, pregnancy:
  • menopause;
  • hormonal changes (for example, during puberty and before menstruation);
  • endocrine diseases (pathologies of the thyroid gland, diabetes);
  • experiences, nervous stress, chronic fatigue syndrome.

It should also be said that there can be many reasons for the development of weakness in the limbs. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose all possible pathologies.

weakness in arms and legs drowsiness causes
weakness in arms and legs drowsiness causes

Muscle weakness

Muscle weakness in the arms and legs, the causes of which should only be identified by a doctor, are treated in many ways. But before starting therapy, you need to make sure whether this symptom is the only one, or whether it is accompanied by some pain, sensitivity disorders, numbness, and so on. For example, arthritis, in which there is obvious weakness in the limbs, is almost always characterized by joint discomfort, but dermatomyositis is often accompanied by skin lesions.

True weakness in the muscles of the legs and arms usually occurs symmetrically. Moreover, it does not depend on physical activity at all. As a rule, this condition is observed first in the lower extremities, and then gradually passes to the hands.

Weakness in the muscles: what is the reason?

What causes muscle weakness in the arms and legs? The causes of this unpleasant phenomenon may be hidden in the development of many diseases. However, most often this condition indicates suchpathologies like:

  • diabetes;
  • protein deficiency in the body;
  • electrolyte metabolism disorder;
  • anemia or hypovitaminosis;
  • inflammatory process occurring in any organ;
  • dehydration;
  • presence of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • penetration of infection into the body;
  • neurological pathology;
  • exposure to toxic substances or poisoning;
  • misuse of certain medications;
  • thyroid disease with metabolic disorders;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • emotional overload and experienced stressful situations.
muscle weakness in arms and legs causes
muscle weakness in arms and legs causes

Weakness in the left arm and leg: causes of development

As a rule, with the development of weakness in the left arm and leg, experts talk about a stroke, that is, an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. Indeed, a clear sign of such a pathology is precisely the numbness of one half of the body (most often the left). Such cases are quite common. However, it should be noted that this is far from the only ailment that is expressed in impotence of the limbs. So why else can there be weakness in the arms and legs, drowsiness? The reasons for this condition are often hidden in:

  • cardiopathologies (that is, in diseases of the coronary vessels and heart);
  • vegetovascular dystonia, endarteritis obliterans;
  • diseases of the left kidney, including the development of a tumor process in this organ;
  • diseases of the spleen;
  • atherosclerosis obliterans, thromboangiitis;
  • diseases of the spine, including spinal curvature, disc protrusion, herniation and neoplastic process.

It is impossible not to say that it is impossible to diagnose all the listed diseases without special research methods. Therefore, if weakness occurs in the limbs, you should contact the doctor, who is obliged to refer the patient for additional examination in order to identify the exact cause of the pathology in question. As for a stroke, if you suspect it, you need to urgently visit a specialist.

weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs causes
weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs causes

Weakness in limbs with trembling

Trembling is the frequent and involuntary contraction of the muscles of the legs or arms. Very often this condition is accompanied by weakness. It is quite difficult to identify the cause of this phenomenon. At the same time, experts say that such a condition can be essential, physiological, cerebellar and parkinsonian.

Essential trembling and muscle weakness is hereditary, and often associated with the age of the patient. This condition is aggravated by physical activity. At the same time, it is not dangerous, but it significantly affects the quality of human life.

Physiological trembling and weakness in the limbs is the most common condition. As a rule, it is associated with anxiety, nervous overexcitation, fear, hypothermia, overwork, some diseases of the National Assembly and the endocrine system, as well as withdrawal symptoms. It cannot be said aboutthat such shivering often occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun or large doses of caffeine.

Weakness and cerebellar trembling develop with damage to the cerebellum. So it could be a sign of congenital cerebellar ataxia, multiple sclerosis, and so on.

Parkinsonian shivering and weakness are indicative of Parkinson's disease.

Weakness in limbs with numbness

A condition in which there is weakness in the limbs, as well as their numbness, may indicate an impending cold or other infectious disease. Also, a similar phenomenon is often observed with poor sleep, malnutrition and overwork.

severe weakness in arms and legs causes
severe weakness in arms and legs causes

If the limbs become numb gradually, and weakness appears in them (for example, over a week, month, or even a year), then we can talk about damage to the spinal cord, brain, or neuromuscular system. In such cases, a medical examination is necessary.

It cannot be said that the symptoms in question very often indicate diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including intervertebral discs, spinal column, bones and joints. Also, a similar condition can occur after a back injury.

Whom to contact and how to treat?

Now you know why there is weakness in the legs and arms. The causes, treatment of this pathology are discussed in this article.

In case of sudden weakness in the limbs, the patient needs to lie down, as well as provide himselfmaximum peace and relaxation. You can also sit quietly for about 20 minutes.

In some cases, you can restore the normal state by taking some kind of sedative (for example, Novopassit, valerian extract, Fitosed, and so on).

If you have weakness in the limbs, you should never drink alcohol or smoke. In this case, it is better to brew a soothing tea or make an infusion with mint, chamomile, honey or linden.

weakness in the legs and arms causes treatment
weakness in the legs and arms causes treatment

If the cause of this condition is a serious illness, then you should consult a doctor. Such narrow specialists as a neurologist, traumatologist, psychologist and endocrinologist will help to understand the situation.
